Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.

The Coastline and Beaches

Dogs on Beaches Legislation

Photograph of a dog

Failure to pick up and deposit dog foul in a bin could result in a fixed penalty of £120.

The Dogs on Leads (Carnlough, Ballygally and Brown’s Bay) Order 2013, states that dogs are allowed on the three Seaside Award beaches at certain times with certain conditions:

  January to May Summer
1 June - 31 August
(bathing water season)
September to December
Brown's Bay
Any time without a lead

Between 11am and 6pm dogs must be on a lead not more than 6ft long. 

Beyond these times, dogs do not have to be on a lead.

Any time without a lead

Portmuck and Drain’s Bay beaches – there are no limitations for these beaches but owners are asked to please use good judgement and to keep their dog under adequate verbal control if not on a lead.

Please remember to check the weather forecast and sea conditions before visiting beaches.

Dog foul

Under legislation “The Fouling of Land by Dogs (Larne Borough Council) Order 2013, any person who is in charge of a dog or dogs must pick up dog foul immediately and deposit it in the bins provided, either a red bin specifically for dog foul or any ordinary litter bin.

Dog walkers are advised to carry a plastic bag for this purpose at all times and not to leave the plastic bag containing the dog foul behind but put it in the bin. 

Failure to observe the dog fouling or of not having a bag to remove it is not accepted as a reason for not lifting the dog foul.

Failure to pick up and deposit dog foul in a bin could result in a fixed penalty of £120.