Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.

Parks and Open Spaces

Oakfield Glen and Bashfordsland Wood

Bashfordsland Wood and Oakfield Glen, a local nature reserve, sit side-by-side on the western edge of Carrickfergus, approximately 1 ½ miles from the historic town centre.

About Bashfordsland Wood and Oakfield Glen

Bashfordsland Wood is owned and managed by Council.

Oakfield Glen is owned and managed by The Woodland Trust.

Council and The Woodland Trust have been working in partnership on the two sites since 2007 and have created a network of paths and access points between the two sites.

The designations are used fairly interchangeably by locals with whom the area as a whole is very popular for walking and jogging, and many are unaware when they cross from one to the other.

Bashfordsland Wood & Oakfield Glen is now a recognised local nature reserve.

Opening Hours

There is free public access across the entire site at all times.


There are spaces for car parking along Oakfield Drive (Oakfield entrance) and at Red Fort Park (Bashfordsland entrance) and free parking is also available at the Oakfield community centre on Oakfield Drive.

There are toilet facilities in Oakfield Community Centre.

The site contains an outdoor gym, an orienteering course, sculpture trails and three wildlife ponds.


Visitors can access the woodland via Prince Andrew Way, Red Fort Park or via access points off Oakfield Drive.

There is a bus route along the Marshallstown Road and Oakfield Drive.

The woodland is easily accessible from the town centre and is well used by walkers and locals.



Oakfield Glen was once a countryman’s residence built in the early 1800s.

The site is the remnants of where three large estates – Oakfield, Bessfield and Glenfield – joined.

In 2007, Carrickfergus Borough Council purchased the site next to Oakfield Glen to create an adjoining woodland.

The Council and The Woodland Trust planted trees and upgraded the paths to create what is now Bashfordsland Wood.

Bashfordsland Wood was opened to the public in October 2007.