Mid & East Antrim In Bloom

Mid & East Antrim In Bloom

Image for the Mid & East Antrim In Bloom competition

We encourage everyone who lives in the Borough to think about their local environment and how flowers, plants and gardens can enhance it for people and wildlife.

By actively supporting our ‘In Bloom’ campaign and competitions residents will not only make their garden, school or business more attractive but also assist our entry to the Translink Ulster in Bloom Competition and the Britain in Bloom Competition.

The Mid & East Antrim in Bloom Community Competitions, with great prizes to be won, are organised by Council.

The information on this page is also available as a downloadable document.

MEA In Bloom Community Competitions

The community competitions encourage everyone who lives or works in the Borough to think about their local environment and how attractive flowers, plants and gardens can enhance it.

By actively supporting this competition you will not only make your garden or business more appealing but also contribute to Mid & East Antrim’s entry to the Translink Ulster in Bloom Competition and the Britain in Bloom Competition. 

Who Can Enter?

Anyone* who lives in the Borough of Mid & East Antrim can enter.

You can even nominate neighbours’ gardens and other properties that you think are attractive and deserve recognition.

Entry is free. 

How to Enter?

Simply complete the downloadable entry form.

Entry forms can then be emailed to E: inbloom@midandeastantrim.gov.uk, handed in to or posted to the following address:

Mid and East Antrim in Bloom
Carrickfergus Museum and Civic Centre
11 Antrim Street
BT38 7DG
T: 0300 124 5000

*Rules apply. Please check our Competition Rules page for details.

Prizes and Categories


1. Best Kept Front Garden

2. Best Kept Front Container Garden

3. Best Kept Community Planting Scheme

4. Best Kept Allotment Garden

5. Best Kept Commercial Premises

6. Gardening for Wildlife Award

7. Tallest Sunflower Competition

8. Blooming Creative

9. Best School Gardening Project

10. Volunteer of The Year

11. Young Volunteer of The Year

12. Outstanding Contribution to In Bloom


There are prizes for winners and runners up in each category.

Winners and runners up will be invited to an awards ceremony in October.

Why Not Lend a Hand?

By supporting the ‘in Bloom’ campaign and community competitions, you not only brighten our Borough but help our towns and villages continue their great success in awards like the Translink Ulster in Bloom and the RHS Britain in Bloom.

Here are just a few of the ways that you can lend a hand this year:

  • Planting flowers
  • Filling containers
  • Arranging window boxes & hanging baskets
  • Make your area wildlife friendly
  • Keeping gardens tidy
  • Keeping everywhere litter free

Competition judging this summer by mystery shop visits.

You will not be contacted by judges.

Judging Criteria

1-6 General Categories:

  • Design and general effect
  • Plant variety and diversity
  • Cleanliness and neatness (presentation)
  • Quality of plant growth and produce (husbandry)
  • Special features (eg. wildlife area, pool, etc.)
  • Plants in bloom
  • Only front gardens, visible from the street, for all the community to enjoy, will be judged
  • Submissions to be received by 20 July

7 Tallest Sunflower Competition

Entrants aged 16 and under are invited to enter their planted sunflowers, including the height of the sunflower.

The tallest sunflower will win.

Submissions to be received by 30 September. 

8 Blooming Creative

Entrants are invited to submit a poem (less than 250 words), a painting (max A3), a sculpture (please send photo) or any other creative piece of art (please send photo, if not practical to send or bring in the piece of art) on the theme Mid & East Antrim In Bloom.

Please state name, address and age on every piece submitted.

Submissions to be received by 30 September.

9 Best School Gardening Project

Do you have a school gardening project you are proud of?

To enter, please email details of the project to: inbloom@midandeastantrim.gov.uk

Please include school contact details, a description of your project in no more than 200 words and supporting photographs.

Submissions to be received by 30 September.

10 - 12 Volunteer of The Year, Young Volunteer of The Year and Outstanding Contribution to In Bloom

Awarded to the individual, group or business who has shown long term commitment to improving their local community clean ups, green ups, and in bloom activity.

If you would like to nominate a worthy winner for any of the above please send information (no more than 200 words) and accompanying photographs to: inbloom@midandeastantrim.gov.uk

Submissions for categories 10-12 to be received by 30 September.