Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.

Activities and Attractions

Photograph of a path at Carnfunnock Country Park

Carnfunnock Country Park has a host of activities, heritage of attractions and onsite facilities for visitors to avail of - some of which are privately operated on the site.

Attractions at Carnfunnock     Onsite facilities

Activity Centre & Outdoor Adventure Playground
Family Fun Zone
'Facetastic' Face Painting and Glitter Tattoos
Virtual Orienteering
Games Field
Larne Parkrun

Outdoor Adventure Playground

The Carnfunnock adventure playground offers a range of challenging and exciting equipment for toddlers to 12 year olds, many of which are also suitable for children with special needs.

For the under 5s, there is a dedicated play area with dolphin 'turfrider' spring rockers, saddle spinners, see-saw and swings; all alongside a 'toddlertown' multi- activity play unit and sensory play centre, both with fun interactive panels.

Slightly older children have the choice of two magnificent custom built ships, one with a challenging giant 'spacenet' rope climber attached to a huge 5.5 metre mast in the style of a fishing net.

Over 5s can also enjoy the centrepiece of the play area, an impressive tower lighthouse, with its three tunnel slides, standing tall to warn ships of the climbing rocks nearby.

Other modern and adventurous play equipment includes a challenging 20 metre long zip-wire with 'sharks' below, a variety of swings including an aerial swing/surfboard and many other types of fun interactive equipment including talk tubes for children make new friends.

The playground is fully enclosed with a 'wetpour' rubber safety surfacing throughout and CCTV coverage to ensure a safe environment for adventurous play.

All children must however be accompanied by a supervising adult.

Family Fun Zone (Privately operated)

The Family Fun Zone activities are privately operated, running at weekends from St. Patrick's Day to October and daily during July and August (weather permitting). T: 07745 570037 or click here to visit their external website.

'Facetastic' Face Painting and Glitter Tattoos (Privately operated)

Based at the Activity Centre, Facetastic offers opportunities for young and old alike to have their faces painted professionally or a wide range of temporary tattoos applied!

Opening times are weather permitting - click here to visit their external website.

Virtual Orienteering

Virtual Orienteering now available!

Use your phone to complete a course of virtual checkpoints spread across Carnfunnock Country Park.

Download the MapRun app, enter your details, and you’re good to go!

There are 3 courses to choose from easy, medium, and hard...

Why not level up a course every time you visit!

Maps and further information available in the Visitor Centre.

Further support available online through the Go Orienteering website.


Cycling or mountain biking is not permitted in the park except on main pathways and vehicular roads - this includes staying on the main path within Chaine’s Wood. 

Bicycles must be ridden with due care and not within pedestrian areas such as the adventure playground, activity centre or visitor centre.

Cyclists in the park must proceed with caution, give way to pedestrians and respect other users of the Park.

Cyclists must not ride at night and must observe the Parks 5mph speed limit.

We also recommend that appropriate safety gear be worn whilst cycling in the Park.

Cycle parking is available at the Visitor Centre and Activity Centre.

Parents must ensure that children do not leave bicycles lying at the entrance to buildings or activities as this can restrict access for other visitors.

Games Field

This area is perfect for larger groups to play football and other ball games and a range of equipment is also available for hire including tug of war ropes.

There is also a covered BBQ area accommodating up to 150 people.

Please note: The Games Field is a shared facility and cannot be booked (with the exception of the covered BBQ area).

Larne Parkrun

Larne Parkrun is a FREE weekly 5km event for runners of all standards, which takes place every Saturday at 9:30am in Carnfunnock Country Park, starting from Drains Bay.

It is not a race against other runners, but a 5k timed run and it can really be whatever you want it to be, whether that's for fun or as part of a training plan.

It offers an opportunity for all the local community, male or female, young or old, to come together on a regular basis to enjoy this beautiful park and get physically active into the bargain.

We want to encourage people to jog or run together irrespective of their ability - this event is truly open to all and best of all it really is FREE!

Taking part is easy - just register before your first ever parkrun. T

he great thing is that you only ever need to do this once!

Then just set your alarm for Saturday morning and get yourself there!

So whether you are a complete novice looking to get yourself started on your own "running journey" or a seasoned athlete wanting to use this as a part of your training schedule, you're welcome to come along and join in.

For further information go to Parkrun Larne or click here to check for regular updates on Facebook.