The Guard Room

Discover 800 years of history on this site.
The gaol house building, at Carrickfergus Town Hall, dates from c.1900 tells the story of the Antrim Artillery militia who were based here in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
It has been restored and partially recreated to reveal its original purpose – for holding rule breaking soldiers.
The long history of this site, from the building of the Franciscan Friary c1232 to the installation of the Knight Ride in 1992 is explored in one of the gaol cells.
The restoration of the Warrant Officer’s House and Guard Room has been made possible, thanks to Carrickfergus Townscape Heritage Initiative, with the generous support of National Lottery Heritage Fund and Council.
The interpretative fit out of the Guard Room was financially supported by the Heritage Council of Ireland through the Irish Walled Towns Network.
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
10am to 3pm
For more info contact:
T: 028 9335 8241