Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.

Bins and Recycling

Bulky Lift Request

To place a bulky collection enquiry/request please log onto Council Direct:

Request for Service 

  • Select the option relevant to your bulky request
  • Fill in all relevant details ensuring you have provided a contact e-mail address.
  • One of our helpdesk advisors will review your request and follow up with you - contact is normally made via e-mail. 
  • Your request status will change to ‘accepted’ – when it has been picked up on the system by an advisor. 

Please check the portal for status updates and your inbox & junk / clutter folder for a reply / instructions in relation to your request

Criteria for collections

  • Households are entitled to 1 bulky lift of up to 3 eligible items* free of charge per financial year (1 April – 31 March)
  • Collections normally take up to 10 working days but may take longer during busy periods
  • Items must be placed in a safe and accessible area for collection
  • Please note that some items may require an assessment by a supervisor before the collection can be completed.

**Further terms and conditions apply (available on request).

Details on eligible items and the Pricing Structure are available on this website.

If you have used your free allowance for the financial year you can still receive a collection.

An assessment will be made and a quote for collection will be provided.

Quotes can be provided by our helpdesk team/ depot supervisors or online via the Council.Direct platform.

To pay for a bulky collection (as per quote) online you will need to create an account for Council.Direct and follow the simple instructions given on the link below.

Request for service

Residents/ Customers who have previously registered with Council.Direct will be able to use their existing login details.

Further details about creating a council.direct account and online payment process are available in the Council.Direct user guide.

Pay by Phone

Payments for bulky lifts (as per quote) can be made over the phone (by card) on T: 0300 124 5000 and holding for reception.

Reception Operators in each area will direct you to your local Cashdesk.

If you require further information please call us on T: 0300 124 5000 and selection option 0 or email: waste.helpdesk@midandeastantrim.gov.uk.


Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of rubbish or bulky items on land where dumping isn't allowed.

It can be dangerous to human and animal health.

Fly-tipping pollutes land and waterways.

It's expensive to clear away fly-tipped rubbish

Fly-tipping is not only damaging to the environment and a blight on our Borough, it also places extra stress on our staff at this challenging time.

Find out more on the NI Direct website.