Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.

Sport and Leisure

MEAqua Swimming Lessons

Your journey starts here with MEAqua Academy...

Book online at the MEAqua site

MEAqua Academy Learn to Swim

Pre-School – aged 3 only for new bookings.

From Level 1 through to Rookie Lifeguards.

The timetable will be viewable on the booking platform, Pre-school and Level 1 classes will be taking part on all days at MEAqua Academy in all centres. 

Please ensure you select the right class(es) for your swimmer(s).

Booking Instructions

  • Booking will be easier when using a desktop/laptop device (Mobile / Smartphone will also work just not as well).
  • Please select your preferred centre (Sevens Towers, Amphitheatre, Larne Leisure Centre).
  • Select ‘MEAqua Academy’ on the Activity menu.
  • Click show centres.
  • To ease the process please use the filters, on the left of the screen;
  • You will then see all available classes.

Book online at the MEAqua site


We have purchased a swim school management software system which is an administrative tool to allow us to interact with parents and customers in an easier way.

The system provides a ‘Teacher Portal’ for our staff providing them with a poolside instructors’ poolside tablet, to allow them to:

  • Mark Registers
  • Assessments
  • Movements
  • Teaching Plans
  • Medical Alerts

So if you see a Swimming Teacher on the poolside with a tablet they are assessing your children when they are taking part in a lesson.

This system also has a ‘Home Portal’ which provides parents/guardians with their own personal account to allow them to review:

  • Progress
  • Make online payments
  • Complete online bookings and progression movements
  • View course history

MEAqua Academy Programme

Swimmers are assessed using a grading system from 1 to 5.

5 – Consistently performs the skill / task

4 – Performs the skill / task, shows minor errors on occasion

3 – Attempts the skill / task with minors errors in each performance

2 – Attempts the skill / task with major errors and lacks confidence

1 – No attempt made to perform the skill / task

Swimmers must achieve 100% in levels 1 and 2 to progress and 96% in levels 3 to 10 to progress.


Aged 3 only for new bookings

Pre-school 1 Pre-school 2 Pre-school 3


  • Make a supervised safe entry with teacher support.
  • Blow bubbles with mouth underwater.
  • Get wet without submersion.
  • Move along wall without support.
  • Submerge completely.


  • Make a supervised jump to teacher without support.
  • Kick 5m on front with aid(s).
  • Kick 5m on back with aid(s).
  • Float on front and back without teacher support.
  • Demonstrate a torpedo shape, pushing and gliding from teacher to wall, and wall to teacher on front and back.


  • Climb out of the pool without support.
  • Jump in, turn around and travel back to the wall at the point of entry.
  • Submerge completely and blow bubbles underwater.
  • Push and glide for 2m on front and back.
  • Travel 3m using arms and legs on front.

Levels 1 to 4

For age requirements please see our Terms and Conditions below.

Book here

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4


  • Enter the water confidently and unaided.
  • Submerge face in the water and exhale through mouth and nose.
  • Float on front, without support. (Letter X shape)
  • Float on back without support. (Letter X shape)
  • Push and glide on front with arms extended.
  • Push and glide on back with arms by sides.
  • Propel through the water for 5m on front with support.
  • Propel through the water for 5m on back with support.
  • Move through the water being able to hop, skip, jump and crawl.
  • Sit and swivel into water + climb out (min. 0.6m depth).


  • Demonstrate 10 consecutive submersions, exhaling through mouth and nose.
  • Retrieve an object from floor of pool with face fully submerged (0.6-0.9m).
  • Float on front, without support, in streamlined position.
  • Float on back, without support, in streamlined position.
  • Rotate from front to back and back to front with arms held at the sides.
  • Push and glide on front with arms, in streamlined position.
  • Push and glide on back with arms, in streamlined position.
  • Propel (travel) through the water for 5m on front.
  • Propel (travel) through the water for 5m on back.
  • Jump in, push and glide on front, rotate front to back, regain upright position.


  • Demonstrate 5m dolphin kicking action, arms by side.
  • Demonstrate a breaststroke type leg action for 3 consecutive kicks.
  • Demonstrate 5m flutter kick on back in a streamlined position.
  • Demonstrate 5m flutter kick on front in streamlined position.
  • On back, rotate up to 90o on each side, with arms by side for 5m whilst kicking.
  • Perform a surface dive / push and glide on front to retrieve an object at up to 1m depth.
  • Scull 5m on back, head first, utilising a figure-8 action to move backwards, with arms by side.
  • Swim using frontcrawl arm and leg actions for 5m.
  • Travel / Swim using backcrawl arm and leg actions over 5m.
  • Kick 10m using frontcrawl or backcrawl or a combination of both.


  • Demonstrate 10m dolphin kicking action in a streamlined position.
  • Demonstrate a breaststroke leg action for 5 consecutive kicks in a streamlined position.
  • Demonstrate 10m flutter kick on back and front in a streamlined position.
  • Demonstrate a forwards tumble, a mushroom float for 10 seconds and a handstand.
  • Demonstrate 1 butterfly arm action, in a horizontal position.
  • Demonstrate a streamlined push and glide on back, after 5 seconds, rotate in streamline on to front and maintain glide.
  • Demonstrate 5 consecutive breaststroke arm actions in an upright position.
  • Swim frontcrawl for 10m.
  • Swim backcrawl for 10m.
  • Demonstrate a sitting dive (min. 1.2m depth) and standing (pencil) jump entry, swim 10m, recieve a floatation aid, float for a further 60 seconds on back, then swim to the furthest wall.

Levels 5, 6 and 7

Level 5 Level 6 Level 7


  • Demonstrate 15m dolphin kicking action in a streamlined position.
  • Kick breaststroke for 10m with kick board.
  • Demonstrate 15m flutter kick on back and front in a streamlined position.
  • Demonstrate a backwards tumble, an X, Y, I float each for 10 seconds one after the other, and a push glide fully submerged underwater for 5m.
  • Demonstrate 5 consecutive butterfly arm actions, in horizontal position.
  • Swim backcrawl for 15m.
  • Swim breaststroke for 10m.
  • Swim frontcrawl for 15m.
  • Demonstrate a kneeling dive and star jump entry (min. 1.5m depth).
  • Scull 15m on back, feet first, utilising a figure 8 action to move forwards with arms by side, then tread water for 40 seconds.


  • Demonstrate 25m dolphin kicking action in a streamlined position.
  • Kick breaststroke for 25m with kick board.
  • Demonstrate 25m flutter kick on back and front in a streamlined position.
  • Demonstrate a floatation and rotation combination of X, Y, I floats, on back and front, a surface dive to retrieve an object in deep water (min. 1.8m depth) and perform a mushroom float for 20 seconds.
  • Demonstrate butterfly for 15m.
  • Demonstrate breaststroke for 20m.
  • Swim frontcrawl and backcrawl for 20m.
  • Demonstrate a standing dive and a tuck jump entry (min. 1.8m depth).
  • Scull 10m on back, feet first, then rotate and scull 10m on back head first, then tread water for 60 seconds. 


  • Swim 25m butterfly.
  • Swim 25m breaststroke.
  • Swim 25m backstroke.
  • Swim 25m frontcrawl.
  • Swim 50m, continuous swimming using any of the four strokes.
  • Demonstrate a backcrawl and frontcrawl tumble-turn.
  • Kick 4x25 (rest approx. 30 seconds) using any stroke in streamline.
  • Tread water for 90 seconds.
  • Demonstrate a grab start and track start dive, and a straddle jump entry (min. 1.8m depth).
  • Scull 20m on back, feet first, swim to the wall, perform a tumble and then push and glide, and then scull 120m on back head first, then tread
  • water for 60 seconds and finally climb out without using the steps.

Advanced Academy

Level Bronze Level 9 Silver Level 10 Gold


  • Tread water for 90 seconds, keeping head clear of the water, and then swim 15m.
  • Dive and retrieve an object from the pool floor in deep water (min. 1.8m depth).
  • Demonstrate a dive, kick in streamline 5m underwater, and swim out to 20m.
  • Demonstrate a strong push off with streamlining, on front and back from a racing push-off position, kick in streamline for 5m underwater and then swim out to 15m.
  • Scull 50m on back, both feet first and head first, rotating every 10-15m.
  • Swim 4x25m freestyle, rest 20, showing accurate technique and bi-lateral breathing.
  • Swim 4x25m backstroke, rest 20, showing accurate technique and still head position.
  • Using a kickboard, 6x25m using any stroke board fully extended hands held by side, rest 30.
  • Kick 2x25m arms by side using a butterfly style undulating action, rest 30.
  • Swim 4.25m butterfly, breaststroke, or a combination, rest 30.


  • Tread water for 2 minutes, keeping head clear of the water (raising one arm then the other periodically for 10-15 seonds at a time) and then swim rest of the length (15-20m).
  • Dive and retrieve two objects from the pool floor (between 4-6m apart) in deep water (min. 1.8m depth).
  • Demonstrate a dive, kick in streamline 10m underwater and swim out to end of length (stroke of choice).
  • Scull 25m on front, head down, with pull buoy, using arms extended in a window wiper technique.
  • Swim continuously for 75m using efficient technique throughout in a front crawl stroke.
  • Swim continuously for 75m using efficient technique throughout in a back crawl stroke.
  • Swim 4x25m breaststroke, rest 20, showing accurate technique wth gilding.
  • Swim 2x25m butterfly, rest 30, using efficient technique, with strong leg kick.
  • Using a kickboard, kick 4x50m using any stroke board, fully extended hands held by side, rest 30.
  • Scull 20m on back, feet first, swim to the wall, perform a tumble and then push and glide, and then scull 20m on back head first, then tread water for 60 seconds, swim 50m (choice of stroke), then finally climb out without using the steps.


  • Tread water for 2 minutes, keeping head clear of the water (raising both arms then periodically rotating clockwise and anti-clockwise for 10-15 seconds at a time), and then swim the rest of the length (15-20m).
  • Dive and retrieve three objects from the pool floor (between 4-6m apart) in deep water (min. 1.8m depth), covering a distance of 10m underwater.
  • Demonstrate a dive, kick in streamline 10m underwater and swim 50m, executing a tumble turn at 25m (half-way), then kicking 5m underwater and finally swimming to end of length (choice of stroke).
  • Scull 100m, using all sculling techniques, front scull on front, head and feet first on back, each scull to be done for 25m minimum.
  • Swim continously for 100m, rest 30, and then 4x50m, rest 15, maintaining efficient technique throughout on front crawl stroke.
  • Swim continously for 100m, rest 30, and then 4x50m, rest 15, maintaining efficient technique throughout on back crawl stroke.
  • Swim 4x50m breaststroke, rest 20, maintaining efficient technique throughout.
  • Swim 6x25m butterfly, rest 20, maintaining efficient technique throughout.
  • Using a kickboard, kick 8x50m using any stroke board, fully extended hands held by side, rest 20.
  • Swim 200m, using any stroke or combination of strokes without stopping.

RLSS Rookie Lifeguard Academy 

Bronze Rookie Lifeguard Silver Rookie Lifeguard Gold Rookie Lifeguard


  • Enter shallow water safely and confidently and wade.
  • Tread water and signal for help.
  • Swim continuously in clothing for 50m.
  • Swim lifesaving backstroke.
  • Scull head and feet first.
  • Hold the ‘HELP’ position.
  • Demonstrate a non-swimmer, weak swimmer and an unconscious casualty.
  • Demonstrate a ‘Shout and Signal’ rescue.
  • Throw an aid.
  • Demonstrate a reach rescue.
  • Enter deep water safely and confidently.
  • Perform a feet first surface dive and swim underwater.
  • Climb out in deep water without using the steps.


  • Swim continuously in clothing for 200m on your front and back.
  • Demonstrate a reachng rescue.
  • Throw a buoyant aid to a casualty 8m away.
  • Enter shallow water and wade to a casualty.
  • Using a throwing aid, instruct the casualty what to do.
  • Using a rigid aid, instruct the casualty what to do.
  • Demonstrate the support position.
  • Tread water for 3 minutes.
  • Swim, surface dives and object recovery.
  • Shallow turn and rescue an unconscious casualty.
  • Coil and throw a rope to a casualty 10m away and pull to the side in less than 45 seconds.
  • Enter deep water using a straddle jump.
  • Demonstrate a fall-in entry into clear deep water.
  • Swim 20m continuously with your head out of the water on your front.


  • Coil and throw a rope to a casualty and pull to the side.
  • Swim 400m continuously in clothing.
  • Demonstrate lifesaving backstroke, sidestroke, breaststroke or front crawl.
  • Tread water, removing clothing then swim 50m.
  • Climb out of deep water unaided.
  • Demonstrate fall-in, compact jump or shallow dive.
  • Demonstrate a reverse.
  • Demonstrate a standoff.
  • Rescue an unconscious casualty at depth in less than 2 minutes 30 seconds.
  • Demonstrate supported rescue breathing whilst waiting for help.
  • Demonstrate the support position.
  • Demonstrate non-contact rescues.
  • Treat for shock.
  • Hand signal.
  • Using any recognised competitive stroke, swim 400m continuously, in less than 12 minutes.

Completed the MEAqua Academy and want to challenge yourself?

Why not try our Advanced lessons (Bronze, Silver and Gold) and Lifesaving (Levels 1, 2 and 3).

Apply online at the MEAqua site

Terms & Conditions

  • Please assist your child with goggles/swim caps to ensure they are ready for their lesson.
  • We ask that once your child is with the teacher that you leave the changing room area.
    Please use the centre spectating areas, (cafe area in Amphitheatre) please. 
  • Changing and showers will be available for use after the lesson.
    Hairdryers are available.
  • Please enter and exit the building through the main entrance/exit.
  • Appropriate swimwear must be worn. 
  • Nose clips are discouraged, this helps swimmers understand how to control their breathing better. 
  • Please tie long hair back or wear a swim hat.  
  • Jewellery must not be worn.
  • Parents must remain in the building during lessons.

If swimmers have to wear verruca socks the latex verruca sock only is to be worn fabric aqua socks are allowed, sliders/flip flops can be worn to the water’s edge. (aqua socks impede kicking and leg development). 

  • Class Duration, each lesson will last approx. 30 minutes
  • Lessons ratios are a max 1:12 teacher to pupil - levels 1-7. In advanced lessons, the ratios increase as swimmers are more competent.  
  • Parents /Guardians are not allowed on the poolside at any time.

MOBILE PHONES are not permitted on the poolside or changing areas.

Minimum Ages for MEAqua Academy:

  •  Pre-School – Age 3 years (new bookings)
  •  MEAqua Academy – Age 4+ (all levels)  


  • A payment of £63.00 per child for 10 weeks will be asked for at the time of enrolment to secure your child /children’s swim place. 
    This amount can be paid through the home portal. 
    Cash payers can pay via reception or by phone.
  • You will receive an email on week 7 to notify you to top up your portal. 
    Reminder emails will be sent on week 8 and week 9.
  • Failure to top up your account could result in your child/children losing their slot.


In general, Swimming Lessons are non – refundable.

Refunds will only be made in extreme circumstances and at management discretion e.g. Medical Reason.

Request should be made in writing, supporting evidence will be required.

To request a refund please email: MEAqua@midandeastantrim.gov.uk


Will the same teacher be taking my swimmers lessons each week?

We will endeavour to use the same teacher for each class; however, this cannot be guaranteed but there will be a qualified swimming teacher for every class.

How long does the lesson last?

Each lesson will last 30 minutes.

(45 mins for SwimFit, Amphitheatre only, 45 mins for Adult lessons)
What is the cost of the session/block?

Each lesson will cost £6.30 x the number of weeks.

Payment can be made on the home portal for a minimum of 10 weeks.
How many children are in a class?

There will be a maximum of 12 children per class for Levels 1-7, Pre-School is 1 to 6, Levels 8+ and Lifesaving, ratios increase.
Will I be able to get a refund if my child is sick and unable to attend?

See Refunds note above.
Can I put my child down on a waiting list for swimming lessons?

We are not holding waiting lists for swimming lessons.

Please check this page for updates.
Does my child need to bring swimming goggles?

This is down to personal choice but it is advised that your child brings swimming goggles to their lessons.
Will my child be able to get a shower after their lesson?

Your child will be able to have a shower after the lesson.

We will also recommend to shower before their lesson too.
Will I be able to spectate?

Yes, there is ample room in the spectator area / café area (Amphitheatre) in each centre.

How will I find out about my child's progress?

You can access information on your child’s progress through the home portal.
What age are the lessons for?

Pre-School lessons are for children aged 3+.

Levels 1 and above are for children aged 4+.
Are the lessons suitable for an older child?

Yes, the lessons are available to all children aged 4+ classes are based on ability, not age.

Are the lockers available? 

Yes lockers are available in all centres

Help Home Portal

What does "your account is not yet activated" mean?

After registering your account, we will have sent you an email containing a link that you must click in order to verify your identity. 

You must click this link to be able to login.

If you haven't received this email, please check your spam/junk folder.

If it is not there, please contact us at MEAqua@midandeastantrim.gov.uk.

I haven't received an activation email

Some email suppliers may send our email to your spam/junk folder.

Please check for the email in there, and add our email address to your contacts to avoid further email being sent there.

What does "not enough information to register" mean?

In order to register, we must have the registrant's date of birth AND either their email address or postcode on record.

If you see this message, it means we do not have all of the above.

Please contact us at MEAqua@midandeastantrim.gov.uk to allow us to update our records.

What does "no available courses" mean?

The person you have tried to register is either not on a course, or their course is not available on Home Portal.

What does "too young to register" mean?

The course you have tried to sign up to Home Portal for has a minimum registration age.