Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.

Harbours and Marinas

Sailing directions to our harbours & marinas

Carrickfergus Marina

Latitute: 54º 42’. 63N
Longitude: 5º 48’. 70W

Admiralty Charts: 

  • AC 1752-0 Approaches to Belfast
  • AC1753-0 Belfast Lough and Approaches

Carrickfergus Marina HW as Dover, Rise 2.9m (9’6”) SP: 1.8m (6’) NP: is situated on the northern shore of Belfast Lough 330 metres to the west of Carrickfergus Harbour.

It is a purpose built marina basin to accommodate 300 boats in pontoon berths behind rubble stone breakwaters.

The basin is dredged to give depths of up to 2.3 metres at L.W.S.

The entrance to the marina is situated at the eastern end of the basin and is open to the south west.

The ends of the two breakwaters are marked with red and green beacons showing Qk. FI. R 7M 3m and G 8m 3M. Red not showing from 245º to 305º.

Navigation under sail or paddle alone is not permitted within the Marina and Harbour basins without the Harbour Master’s permission or by prior arrangement.

Please observe the 4-knot dead slow speed limit and do not create excessive wash.  

Please observe the byelaws and terms and conditions of Marina and Harbour use.

Marina Entrance Approach Light

The entrance approach light is located approximately 30m to port of the red navigation beacon on the west breakwater. 

The light defines the centre approach line on a bearing to the entrance 321ºT/141ºT.

For daylight/time approach using 2x orange triangles/lead in marks in transit.

All visitors should contact the Carrickfergus Marina Office on VHF Channels 80/P3 or by telephone on T: 028 9336 6666 for berth allocation.

The information provided in relation to the depths at Carrickfergus Marina and Harbour are GUIDELINES only.  

As our facilities are situated on the Carrickfergus sandbank, depths may reduce as a result of siltation.

It is the responsibility of the skipper to satisfy themselves as to the availability of depths for their vessel at any particular time.

Carrickfergus Harbour

Latitute: 54º 42’. 63N
Longitude: 5º 48’. 30W

Carrickfergus Harbour HW as Dover, Rise 2.9m (9’6”) SP: 1.8m (6’) NP: is situated on the northern shore of Belfast Lough to the west of Carrickfergus Castle.

The marine services facilities are located on the southern end of the west pier, and the Harbour offers purpose-built pontoon berthing which can accommodate up to 10 boats. 

This basin is partly dredged to give depths of up to 2.4 metres at L.W.S.

Carrickfergus Harbour also has an inner harbour area accommodating a limited number of boats and a public slipway that is accessible 3 hours either side of high water.

The entrance to the harbour is open to the south and is dredged to 2.3 metres at L.W.S.

The ends of the east and west piers are marked with red and green beacons showing FI. G 7.5s 5m 4M and R 7.5s 5m 4M.

Navigational marks are located within the harbour defining the approach to the harbour basin.

Pass between two navigation perches marking the toe of the internal breakwater and revetment. 

Turn to port to approach pontoons and marine services site leaving the second breakwater perch to port. 

Note presence of isolated tubular piles in central harbour areas.

Leave these piles to port on approach to harbour slipway and inner harbour berths.

It is the responsibility of the skipper to satisfy themselves as to the availability of depths for their vessel at any particular time.

Glenarm Marina

Latitute: 54º 58’. 156N
Longitude: 5º 57’. 068W

Glenarm Marina is situated on the northeast coast, approximately 18 miles south of Fair Head and 2 miles northwest of Park Head.

Vessels approaching the marina will find few local hazards along this coast. 

There is a fish farm 600m to the west of the Marina which is highly visible and lit at night.

The only outlying hazards that need to be circumvented are the well-marked rock clusters of the Maidens and Hunter Rock.  

The Maidens are situated 8 miles to the southeast of Glenarm and Hunter Rock lies between the Maidens and Larne. 

Glenarm may be approached on either side of the Maidens and Hunter Rock.

The marina is dredged to give depths of up to 2.3m at LWS. 

The entrance to the marina is marked with red and green beacons.

You are advised to stay in the centre of the channels.

It is the responsibility of the skipper to satisfy themselves as to the availability of depths for their vessel at any particular time.

Carnlough Harbour

Latitute: 54º 59’. 590N
Longitude: 5o 59’. 260W

Carnlough Harbour is situated on the northeast coast approximately 16 miles south of Fair Head and 3 miles northwest of Park Head.  

The Harbour is small and constrained therefore it is not recommended for vessels longer than 10 metres.

The entrance is clearly marked by two six-metre cylindrical towers coloured white with two black bands, on either side.

Both are lit with the North Pier Head FI G 3s 4m 5M and the South Pier Head FI R 3s 6m 5M, with the entrance between them being 18.5 metres wide.

South Pier Head - FI.R.3s.6m.5M position: 54º 59.601’N, 005º 59.300’W.

Closer in, the harbour’s leading marks will become discernible.

They describe an in line bearing of 310o T and consist of two inverted red triangles with white vertical lines.  

The rear leading mark is lower than the front which can make it difficult to identify, therefore it is essential to come in on transit to avoid rocks on either side of the harbour entrance that cover at high water.

Visitors should report to the Harbour Master at Glenarm Marina and are advised depths in the approach channel can be limited and this harbour is only suitable for shallow draft boats.

It is the responsibility of the skipper to satisfy themselves as to the availability of depths for their vessel at any particular time.

Portglenone Marina

Water depths in The Bann range from 3.5 – 6m.  Waterways information, including a full navigation guide can be found by visiting Waterways Ireland: Lower Bann Navigation webpage (opens in a new tab)

Please take heed to any areas where hazards may be present and respect other users of the water.

Please contact Carrickfergus Marina on T: 028 9336 6666 or email: Marina.Reception@midandeastantrim.gov.uk should you require access to the marina building.