Please note: A number of our Parks will be CLOSED this weekend, Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 December 2024 due to the forecast high winds.

Other facilities may close at short notice for public and/or staff safety if required.

PEACEPLUS programme

Draft Actions for PeacePlus Local Area Plan

This information is provided as a basis for discussion.

The actions proposed are draft only and are subject to further discussion, ratification and the availability of funding.

The inclusion of actions here should not be considered to be a confirmed commitment to their delivery.

The information on this page is also available as a downloadable pdf (285KB).

Theme 1: Local Community Regeneration and Transformation (capital and revenue programme up to c£2m)



What does this involve?

1.1 Community / Social Enterprise Hubs Development of three town centre community / social enterprise hubs (one per legacy council area)

1.2 Community / Sports Facilities

Invest in three strategically significant community / sports facilities (one per legacy council area)

1.3 Community Facility Enhancement

A number of smaller capital investments to improve existing facilities

Derelict buildings ranked highest (63.2%) of the significant challenges to supporting communities to thrive.

71% survey respondents said cleaning/tidying towns and villages was 9 or 10 on a scale of 1- 10 for importance

57.7% survey respondents said increasing access to suitable facilities for community and physical activity was 9 or 10 on a scale of 1-10 for importance

Positive response to pop up shops; cluster action plans highlighting value of information hubs

Focusing on creating or sustaining opportunities for additional activity of a cross community nature.

Providing shared spaces in town centres where a variety of commercial and community activity can be delivered.

Bring derelict or vacant buildings into community use and/or supporting the refurbishment of existing community facilities to enhance community activity


Theme 2: Thriving and Peaceful Communities (revenue programme up to c£2m)



What does this involve?

2.1 Strengthening Communities

A programme of Shared Learning and Peer Support; Social Enterprise Development; and Community led events and celebrations

47.7% survey respondents rated increasing collaboration and partnership working as 9/10 on an importance scale of 1-10 (a further 23.8% rated it as 7) – average rating was 8.2

44.8% survey respondents rated improving connections between rural and urban communities as 9/10 (a further 21% rated it as 7) – average rating was 8

Improve community infrastructure by empowering and enabling groups to work in partnership to deliver positive local change.

Identify and develop opportunities for groups to learn from each other and to share skills and experience. Foster and develop local volunteers and community leaders; co-ordinate and facilitate training and development activities on areas of shared interest which bring groups from different areas together.

Facilitate community festivals and events organised by local community organisations. In order to maximise impact, events could/should be tied to the themes which are emerging through the tourism strategy for the Borough

Provide Social and Micro Enterprise Development support for community based organisations to support their longer term sustainability


Theme 2: Thriving and Peaceful Communities (revenue programme up to c£2m)



What does this involve?

2.2 Plot to Plate

Facilitate an integrated programme of activity relating to food and wellbeing.

At its core this is a wellbeing programme which encourages people to get outdoors, improves knowledge of nutrition and promotes horticulture (which has known mental health benefits).

65.5% survey respondents identified improving health and wellbeing as either 9/10 on a scale of 1-10 for importance (average rating 8.9).

This could include the development of community allotments where the need has been identified, (meanwhile) use of land to give communities ownership and responsibility for their area, education about growing and cooking produce, connecting different areas together to learn from experience and to share produce.

2.3 Women’s Development Programme

Expand the concept of the enterprising women network to include women from a variety of organisations (or individuals).

There are women’s groups in the Borough, and organisations which work with women, but not currently an opportunity to bring women from a variety of backgrounds and groups together to explore different themes.

Facilitate a series of learning and development events or programmes which will bring women from a variety of areas and backgrounds together to share experiences and build confidence and skills.

2.4 Youth Programme

A programme framed around inter cultural awareness and inter cultural activity.

102 young people responded to the survey.

When asked how can we show respect for each other 33% identified the need for changes in behaviour; 16% inclusion and 11.5% empathy.

When asked what could we do to help appreciate and understand everyone’s cultures? 52% identified activities around awareness and 47% activities focused on intercultural activity. For ways to make it easier for people from different backgrounds to live together it was 36% each for awareness raising and intercultural activity.

Facilitate a co-designed youth led programme of activity which engages young people in a range of activities which build cultural awareness and competence, and provide opportunities for intercultural activities (ideally designed and facilitated by young people).


Theme 3: Building Respect For All Cultural Identities (Revenue programme c£1m)



What does this involve?

3.1 Who do we think we are?

Engage people in creative activity to discuss the history of their local community and to explore what the word community means to them.

People no longer define their “community” in the binary of orange and green or protestant and catholic. Between the generations, the stories and histories of local communities are being lost – its difficult to have a sense of belonging to somewhere you don’t understand or appreciate.

By using a range of media – poetry, storytelling, art, song and drama – engage people of all ages and backgrounds in an exploration of what community means to them. The programme could be a celebration of local history and legends through arts and creative activity as well as the chance to capture local stories which risk being lost.

The outputs will be books, artworks, sculpture or films (or other media) which can then be shared between communities in a series of showcase and celebration events.

3.2 Veterans Programme

A programme that will increase social inclusion among individuals and families from services background.

People from a services and police background are amongst the most isolated and marginalised. The social inclusion of individuals and families from a services background is significantly hampered by issue of trust and confidence. This marginalisation can often led to mental and emotional health issues.

Build trust and confidence within the veteran community by facilitating events and programmes which will enable increased social inclusion.

Build relationships with other groups and encourage collaboration.


Theme 3: Building Respect For All Cultural Identities (Revenue programme c£1m)



What does this involve?

3.3 Sports Cluster Programme

Facilitate sports clubs and physical activity groups to come together to develop multi sport programmes which will build physical literacy and fundamentals as well as develop relationships between clubs.

Sport clubs who engaged in the co-design workshops identified a need for cross sports activities to develop fundamental skills in children and young people.

An interest in sport is often a shared interest which transcends community backgrounds.

Facilitate an engagement event / series of events between sports clubs to identify and develop opportunities for partnership working/collaboration.

Clusters of sports clubs develop shared programmes of activity.

3.4 It’s Our MEA

Improving the quality of support available to people who have made mid and east Antrim home

Youth and community workers who understand the structures and hierarchies and traditional roles in other communities will be beter able to engage with young people and families from these communities.

Medical professionals who understand the cultural norms around health, births and deaths can provide a higher and more appropriate standard of care.

Providing a hub of support for people who make Mid and East Antrim home for whatever reason – work, fleeing conflict, etc – to participate in and be part of their local community.

improving the understanding among professionals and community organisations about the norms and traditions of different cultures.

Improving access for people with different abilities and neurodiversity rather than creating separate programmes. Supporting community- based organisations to put in place the support mechanisms to enable wider participation from usually marginalised groups

Supporting new residents (migrant workers, refugees, asylum seekers) directly: Provide ESOL classes; Create volunteering opportunities; Provide playgroup support; Provide befriending; Provide joint leadership and volunteer training (inc immigration training and signposting information); Provide help dealing with trauma; Skilling up the local population to meet the need.