Please note: A number of our Parks will be CLOSED this weekend, Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 December 2024 due to the forecast high winds.

Other facilities may close at short notice for public and/or staff safety if required.

Policing & Community Safety Partnership Small Grants Programme

PCSP Grant Guidance Notes

1. ​Purpose

Mid & East Antrim (MEA) Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) will consider support for any constituted community or voluntary group undergoing activities within its statutory and civic remit where there is a benefit to policing and community safety in the Mid & East Antrim area.

PCSPs aim to create safer and shared communities.

To help achieve this aim, the PCSP Small Grants Scheme will fund projects which address the prevention, reduction or raising awareness of following issues:

  • Anti-Social Behaviour
  • Reducing Crime, Fear of Crime (may include Business Retail Crime)
  • Rural Crime
  • Hate Crime
  • Road Safety
  • Cyber Crime
  • Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence
  • Drugs and Alcohol
  • Building Confidence in Policing
  • Paramilitary Activity

Grants will be considered for those groups who provide a platform for increasing relationships with police or where Police are directly involved in the project.

Mid and East Antrim PCSP also encourage applications which improve relationships between communities and police, particularly where traditionally these relationships may have been difficult.

Small Grants are a good way for PCSP to support the work carried out by community and voluntary groups at a local level and to help build relationships between community/voluntary groups and Mid and East Antrim Policing and Community Safety Partnership.

The PCSP’s work is informed by a number of regional and local strategies addressing policing and community safety.

They include:

  • NI Programme for Government
  • Community Safety Strategy for NI
  • Local Policing Plan
  • Policing with the Community Strategy
  • Strategic Framework for Reducing Offending
  • Mid and East Antrim PCSP Action Plan
  • Good Relations
  • Community Planning

The strategies highlight the importance of:

  • Partnership working to ensure effective intervention and action
  • Working closely with local communities
  • Supporting all those within our communities, especially vulnerable, isolated and older people
  • Reducing levels of anti-social behaviour and crime
  • Addressing the wider social issues that lead to crime and anti-social behaviour.

The aims of the Mid and East Antrim Policing & Community Safety Partnership small grants scheme all link to Department of Justice’s overarching objectives for the PCSP which are:

  • Objective 1: To ensure effective delivery in response to local need, and improve the visibility and recognition of the work of the PCSP through effective consultation, communication and engagement.
  • Objective 2: To improve community safety by prioritising and addressing local community safety issues, tackling crime and anti-social behaviour.
  • Objective 3: To support confidence in policing, including through collaborative problem solving with communities.

Delivery of PCSP projects must be outcomes based.

These outcomes may include some of the following:

  • Fear of Crime - Increased awareness of the fear of crime issues relevant to vulnerable groups including older people, youth, people with a disability, LGBT community, and those from a BME community or different religions perspective
  • Road Safety - Increased awareness of the road safety issues in the area and a more joined up approach linking to key target groups in the area to widen the road safety message
  • Business & retail crime - participants (retailers and those using the town centres) with an increased confidence in the police in tackling retail theft & crime in town centres
  • Rural Crime - Reduction in thefts and burglaries in rural areas machinery theft; horse box or trailer theft; livestock thefts; metal thefts; house burglaries and attacks on vulnerable people
  • Violent crime - Reduction in Violent crime
  • Burglaries and other crime - Reduction the number of Domestic Burglaries
  • Confidence in Policing - hard to reach and disadvantaged communities, (those on low incomes, young people or those in loyalist or republican areas where paramilitary influence is a challenge) who have engaged in projects or initiatives around crime, fear of crime and ASB & who have greater confidence in the police
  • Hate crime in the Mid & East Antrim Council area - Projects to help reduce incidents of hate crime

2. Who is Eligible for Grant funding?

The PCSP Small Grants Scheme is open to constituted community and voluntary organisations, Designated and Statutory bodies based/working within the Mid and East Antrim Borough such as:

Community Development Groups

Minority Ethnic Groups

Children’s / Young Adults’ Groups

Women’s Groups

Older Peoples’ Groups

Playgroups/ Parent and Toddler Groups

Parent Teachers Associations

Environmental And Housing Groups

Faith-Based Groups;

Designated Bodies of the PCSP

Statutory Bodies (any project must be over and above statutory obligations)

PCSP particularly encourage collaboration and groups working together to address community safety concerns.

3. Significant Dates for 2024/25

Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis throughout period of time the scheme remains open.

Please make timely applications in line with the dates detailed below.

2024/25 Scheme Opens

Monday 2 September 2024

2024/25 Scheme Closes

Friday 31 January 2025

Project Activity to be completed by

Friday 28 February 2025

All Claims & Progress Reports Submitted

Friday 28 March 2025

4. Activities Supported

The following list shows some examples of projects that are eligible for funding subject to the conditions highlighted in this document.

These are only ideas to help you decide on what is possible and suitable for your group.

Many of you will have your own ideas.

Our DEA Staff will be happy to help (contact details at end of guidance notes).

  • Crime diversionary programmes.
  • Behaviour modification and respect programmes such as ‘Road Safety’ programmes to include young people in developing safe road use.
  • Intergenerational projects where differences and similarities are explored and shared which are themed on community safety.
  • Projects that address issues linked to drug and alcohol misuse among young people.
  • Community safety projects involving people who have different experiences to share or learn about, this may include areas relating to anti-social behaviour, drugs & alcohol and domestic abuse.
  • Community group activities which may include environmental clean-up projects focused on the younger generation.
  • Community Safety workshops and outreach activities associated with sport, drama, music or art which may have a crime prevention or diversionary aspect to them.
  • Facilitated study tours which encourage participants to develop links and knowledge outside their own community to address issues such as the reduction of crime and fear of crime.
  • Community dialogues with speakers available to discuss Policing and Community Safety issues.
  • Cross Community activity to build relationships.

5. Exclusions

Mid & East Antrim PCSP WILL NOT fund the following under this Scheme:

  • Any project already in receipt of funding through MEA PCSP Small Grant Scheme / Programmes or other Council grants schemes / programmes
  • Parades
  • Core costs of your group
  • Ongoing revenue costs (e.g. rent, electricity costs, insurance, rates etc)
  • Any costs associated with venue booking unless hiring is available to all.
  • Costs associated to loans or debts
  • Projects that could be carried out on a commercial basis
  • Activities that generate money
  • Contributions to charity fundraising events
  • Salaries, apart from those apportioned and linked to the delivery of the project and over and above normal duties.
  • Carnivals / Fun Days (may be considered if there is a clear demonstration of cross community with PSNI involvement)
  • Competitions/ prizes
  • Religious services where only one section of the community is represented
  • Party political activities or activities which are party-political in intention, use or presentation
  • Alcohol
  • projects that have already started (‘retrospective’)
  • Repeat projects with the same participants from year to year
  • Consoles and electronic personal devices.

6. Eligible items

  • Equipment costs
    Equipment costs are eligible but must be directly linked to the delivery of the project and for use solely as part of the delivery of that project.
    Equipment will remain the property of Mid and East Antrim PCSP throughout the project and upon completion of the project.
    PCSP may request the return of the equipment at the end of the project.
    The PCSP have the right to refer the request for equipment to the Council’s Community Grants Scheme if deemed for generic use.
  • Subsistence costs
    Please note that any assistance towards relevant subsistence costs (i.e. refreshments) incurred will not exceed more than 20% of the amount awarded except under exceptional circumstances and with the prior consent of Mid and East Antrim PCSP.
  • Travel costs
    You cannot claim travel costs for projects outside the United Kingdom.
  • Capped Rates
    For events lasting less than three hours, there is a basic cost for refreshments which is capped at £2.50 for every person present.
  1. Lunch fees are available for events that continue for more than five hours at a capped rate of £6 for every person present.
  2. For a residential, which is referenced as essential to the project, fees are capped at £80 for every person for every 24 hour period. This includes dinner, bed, breakfast and refreshments. Activities must be listed and costed separately.
  3. If you are using a facilitator, mediator, consultant or project evaluator you must provide names and organisations and a detailed breakdown of the rates.

In the securing of services Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Procurement Guidelines must be followed. (These will be included within Letter of Offer).

7. Equality of Opportunity

While administering the PCSP Small Grants Scheme, Mid and East Antrim Borough Council will ensure the promotion of equality of opportunity between:

a) Persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation;
b) Men and women generally;
c) Persons with a disability and persons without; and
d) Persons with dependants and persons without;

In addition due regard will be given to the promotion of good relations between persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

8. Scoring Criteria

To qualify for a grant under this Scheme, applicants must clearly demonstrate the following in completing the relevant application form:

  • What the project is
  • The need/demand for the project
  • Partnerships and capacity to deliver the project

Each answer will require a minimum of 50% in scoring for the application to be successful.

N.B. It is crucial that the applicant provides as much relevant detail as possible within their application in order for it to be successfully scored.

All applications must demonstrate how they will meet the PCSP Outcomes Based Accountability.

9. Payment of Grant

Payment of grant will be made after the project or activity has taken place and upon completion of the Project Report and Claim Form, Project Report Card and the submission of original invoices, receipts and bank statements.

In the instance where issues with cash flow may prove detrimental to the project or activity taking place, consideration may be given to releasing 50% of the awarded funding in advance.

This will be done on a case by case scenario and the applicant will be required to demonstrate that there is a need for this advance payment.

No further payments will be made until completion of the project and satisfactory vouching has taken place.

Please consult the Grants Officers if you require any additional information.

Complete payment will not be made until all monitoring reports have been submitted.

10. General Conditions of Grant

All applicants should note the following:

  • Applications will only be approved for funding if there is evidence that the applicant demonstrates a clearly defined need for the project.
  • Any assistance offered by the PCSP must only be used for the purpose stated on the application.
    If not, Council have the right to ask you to repay the grant.
    You may be asked to repay any grant if there is a failure to deliver the activity for which funds are allocated.
  • Only activities completed by the specified deadline of Friday 28 February 2025 will be considered.
    The application for funding must be submitted before the project commences.
  • Award of grants will be strictly limited to a maximum of the sum offered by the PCSP.
    No supplementary grant will be allowed.
  • Group applicants must have a bank/building society account and must declare details of their account/s to the Council.
    Groups will be required to provide evidence of their financial position with their application.
  • It is the Group’s responsibility to ensure that any individuals or organisations it engages prior, during or post project/event activity, are adequately insured.
    The group must be completely satisfied that all insurance documents are up to date and adequate liability cover is in place for the duration of the project/event.
    Evidence of this will be required.
  • The PCSP may choose to interview a representative of the group or organisation making the funding application, and we can deal directly with the applicant’s parent organisation or governing body (as applicable).
  • Previous funding does not guarantee further funding.
  • The PCSP will only accept applications made through the Council’s Online Grant Portal.
  • Specific projects / programmes that have been awarded funding through MEA PCSP Grants / Programmes or other Council grants schemes / programmes will not be permitted to obtain additional funding under this scheme for that particular project or through another applicant.

N.B. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all statutory licences and permits are in place prior to an event taking place.

Typical licences required for a community event include Entertainments, Street Trading etc.

For information on licences and fees, please visit our Licensing section.

If you are applying for funding to work with other groups it is essential that you talk to your partner groups before you apply.

Where appropriate, we encourage groups to comply with any relevant Council health & safety, events management and licensing guidelines.

You can get more information about these from the relevant Council Department.

Please be aware that we are required by the Department for Social Development (DSD) to check the Government Funding Database (GFD) prior to making awards in order to avoid duplication of funding.

If registered on GFD we ask you to state your organisation’s Unique Reference Number (URN) on your application form to help with this process.

The fund is limited and even if your application meets all the conditions, we cannot guarantee funding and may only be able to offer a percentage of the funding you request.

Please feel free to contact the DEA Staff team if you need more information or advice when putting together your application.

All applications must be accompanied by the following documents in order to be processed:

  • A copy of the organisation’s constitution/articles of association
  • A copy of the most recent bank statement / accounts for the organisation.
  • A copy of insurance cover for the project, (minimum £5m public liability cover)

If your application is successful, a Letter of Offer (LOO) will be issued.

At this stage you will be required to provide a completed preliminary risk assessment for the proposed project. (A format for this is available upon request to the PCSP or you may wish to use your own format).

Applicants must also confirm:

  1. That the organisation operates on a not-for-profit basis unless the organisation has charitable status or all profits are reinvested in the organisation in furtherance of its objectives and are not distributed by way of profit, dividend or otherwise to the organisation’s shareholders, members, owners, stakeholders or anybody else connected with the organisation
  2. That sufficient insurance cover (minimum £5 million public liability cover) has been sought for the programme and that Mid and East Antrim PCSP is not responsible for providing insurance for, or claims which arise from, award-aided programmes.
  3. That if the project intends to work with vulnerable people, the organisation has appropriate Safeguarding Policy in place.
  4. Permission to publicise contact details if Mid and East Antrim PCSP request the option to publicise your event if applicable.

For your group to receive funding, you must:

  • enclose copies of your valid Constitution (set of rules),
  • have a bank or building Society account, in the name of the group, which needs at least two (unrelated) signatures on each cheque or withdrawal,
  • enclose copies of the most recent yearly accounts or bank statements,
  • agree to complete and return an evaluation report to Mid and East Antrim PCSP upon request – an evaluation form will be provided for this purpose; and participate in a post project evaluation meeting upon request,
  • keep all receipts relating to the project and send them to Mid and East Antrim PCSP upon request; you must ensure that you are in a position to provide all original receipts of expenditure relevant to the project; failure to provide the original receipts may result in the withdrawal of the grant; you may also be required to produce original bank statements to verify all expenditure relating to the project,
  • be prepared to share learning from the project with us and other relevant groups,
  • make sure that the project has a minimum of £5 million public liability insurance; we are not responsible for providing insurance or for any claims that arise from projects.

Your project must:

  • show that most of the people who will benefit live in the Mid and East Antrim Borough Council area,
  • keep to the principles and objectives of our Policing and Community Safety Partnership Strategy, and include as many people from different backgrounds as is appropriate and possible,
  • deal with a need or gap in existing services to support projects in the local community,
  • represent value for money,
  • show that, if funding is only needed for part of a project, the PCSP part of the project must be clearly set out,
  • acknowledge our support by using the Mid and East Antrim PCSP logo on all printed materials and refer to the support we have given in all publicity and press releases, (Logos will be provided).

NB. All projects funded may be used by Mid and East Antrim PCSP for publicity, unless otherwise agreed.

11. How to apply

Before completing an application, applicants should make sure that they are eligible to apply and have read these guidance notes in full.

Applications are made online by going to our MEA PCSP Grants page and through the MEA PCSP Facebook page.

We recommend that you discuss your application with a member of staff prior to application.

Please contact your local DEA Officer on the contact detail on the back of this document.

12. Disclaimers

It will be a condition of the application to Mid and East Antrim PCSP that the applicant has read, understood and accepted the following:

Mid and East Antrim PSCP’s policies on funding are subject to change from time to time, including variations required to comply with government directions and auditors requirements on the distribution of funds.

Mid and East Antrim PSCP reserves the right to amend, supplement and/or discontinue at its absolute discretion, for whatever reason, any or all of the policies, criteria and application procedures set out in its publications.

All applications are made entirely at the applicant’s sole risk and Mid and East Antrim PCSP shall not be liable to any applicant or any other party in respect of loss, damage or costs of any nature arising directly or indirectly from:

  • the application or the subject matter of the application or any part thereof; and/or
  • the rejection for any reason of any application or any matter arising there from; and/or
  • any delay in processing any application however arising
  • All decisions as to the acceptance or rejection of applications are at Mid and East Antrim PCSP’s sole discretion.

The Mid and East Antrim PCSP has used its best endeavours to provide clear and helpful guidance for potential applicants to the fund. Mid and East Antrim PCSP, its servants and agents shall not, however, at any time in any circumstances be held responsible or liable in relation to any matter whatsoever or howsoever arising in connection with the development, planning, construction, operation, management and/or administration of individual projects.

Any approach, be it direct or indirect by an applicant, its officers, servants, contractors, personal or professional representatives or advisors made to members of the Mid and East Antrim PCSP, its Committee or officers which, in the view of the Mid and East Antrim PCSP or their advisors, constitutes an attempt in any way to influence the outcome of an application will, at the absolute discretion of the PCSP, render the application ineligible for further consideration.