High Hedge Sample Letters

If you pursue a complaint about a neighbour’s high hedge, you will need to show evidence that you have already tried to resolve the situation amicably.
You should talk to your neighbour or write them a letter.
Keep a record of all correspondence with your neighbour.
You can use our sample letters to help explain to your neighbour how their hedge is blocking your light.
If your neighbour refuses to talk or correspond with you, you could ask a community representative or mutual friend to intervene.
Or you could contact an independent mediator.
But, there may be a cost associated with this.
If talking or writing to your neighbour does not work, you can then submit a complaint.
You must send evidence with your complaint, such as a photograph and location plan of the hedge and a copy of letter(s) sent to your neighbour.
Sample Letters
Letter one:
- your name
- your Address
- your phone number
- the date
- your neighbour’s name and address
Dear (add neighbour's name),
Regarding Your High Hedge Located At (add neighbour's address)
Following our previous discussions regarding your high hedge I would like to meet with you to discuss my concerns so that we can come to an amicable solution.
I believe the hedge is interfering with my reasonable enjoyment of my property because:
(add your reasons, including a clear statement of how the height of the hedge is causing light loss)
(clearly state the action(s) you would like your neighbour to take to resolve the problem)
I welcome any comments you may have regarding reducing the height of the hedge.
The High Hedges Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 came into force on 31 March 2012. This gives the council powers to investigate my complaint, and if it is upheld, to take legal action against you, as the hedge owner, to reduce the height of the hedge.
You can contact Mid and East Antrim Borough Council on 0300 124 5000 or go to www.midand eastantrim.gov.uk/highhedges for more information.
I hope we can resolve this issue directly and without needing to make a formal complaint to the council.
I look forward to hearing from you by (insert date - suggest two weeks) or can we meet (suggest date).
(you could offer to show your neighbour how their hedge is effecting your reasonable enjoyment of your property)
Yours sincerely,
(add your name)
Letter two:
Letter two
- your name
- your Address
- your phone number
- the date
- your neighbour’s name and address
Dear (add neighbour's name),
Regarding Your Hedge Located At (add neighbour's address)
Following my previous letter dated (include date of your last letter) regarding (add a summary of your concerns from your last letter)
I am sorry to inform you that since we have not been able to resolve this issue directly, I am now in the process of making a formal complaint to the council.
If you would like to resolve this issue please contact me and I will withdraw my complaint.
The High Hedges Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 came into force on 31 March 2012.
This gives the council powers to investigate my complaint, and if it is upheld, to take legal action against you, as the hedge owner, to reduce the height of the hedge.
You can contact Mid and East Antrim Borough Council on 0300 124 5000 or go to www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk/highhedges for more information.
Yours sincerely,
(add your name)