Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.

Dogs and Animal Welfare

Green Dog Walkers

Green Dog Walkers logo

The Green Dog Walkers scheme is a UK wide community-based campaign to change attitudes about dog fouling.

We are using the scheme as an innovative approach to dog fouling, one of the most controversial issues we deal with in our Borough. 

Take the pledge below

Responsible dog owners

Dog owners and dog walkers support the scheme by signing a pledge to clean up after their pets.

They support other owners to do the same by giving free poop bags. 

They are responsible dog owners demonstrating the importance of cleaning up dog mess. 

Dogs wearing green collars

If you see a dog wearing the Green Dog Walkers collar, this means the owner has taken the pledge:

  • to always clean up after their dog
  • to carry extra poop bags
  • to give other dog walkers free dog poop bags

Green Dog Walkers pledge

To become a Green Dog Walker, first read the pledge, then download and fill in the acceptance form below.

When we receive your acceptance form, we will send you a Green Dog Walkers collar for your pet.

For further information contact our Enforcement Officer Team by email or telephone:

E: greendogwalkers@midandeastantrim.gov.uk

T: 028 2563 3394