Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships


By law all Stillbirths occurring in Northern Ireland must be registered.

What do you need in order to register?

The person registering the Stillbirth must go to the Registration Office as soon as possible with a medical certificate of cause of Stillbirth.

This is usually issued to the relatives by a doctor or other qualified person.

Who can register a Stillbirth?

  • the mother of the baby
  • the father of the baby
  • any aunt, uncle, grandfather and grandmother of the baby who has knowledge of the Stillbirth.
  • the occupier of the premises where the Stillbirth occurred i.e.governor, matron etc. or a person present at the Stillbirth.

What details are required?

  • Full name and surname of the baby, date and place of Stillbirth, usual address, and full names and occupations of the mother and father. 
  • Please note that a registration cannot be easily changed once completed.

Where can the Stillbirth be registered?

A Stillbirth that occurs in Northern Ireland can be registered in any registration office in Northern Ireland.

What will the Registration staff give you?

  • A free copy of the Stillbirth Registration.
  • A Form 309 for burial purposes.