Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships


Photograph of a baby's face

If you or your partner have recently had a baby, you will need to register his/her birth. 

The registration process is very simple, by appointment only.

Download the GR04 Birth Registration Form

When should I register my child’s birth?

Legally, you must register your baby within 42 days of their birth. You need an appointment to register a birth.

Who can register a birth?

The following people can register a child’s birth:

  • The mother or father of the baby, if you are a married couple.
  • If your child has been born outside marriage, the name of the father and his details may only be recorded if both parents register the birth, contact any Registration office for further details.
  • If either parent is unavailable, you should speak to the Registrar.

Further information on unmarried fathers is available from the birth registration form.

  • Maternal grandfather of the baby
  • Maternal grandmother of the baby
  • Maternal uncle of the baby
  • Maternal aunt of the baby
  • Occupier of the premises where the baby was born
  • Any person present at the child’s birth
  • Any person who has charge of the child

What information will I need to bring with me?

You will need to fill in a birth registration form which can be downloaded from the documents section below.

This is usually completed by the person who is registering the birth (normally the child’s mother). 

We use this information to complete your child’s registration.

The red book, if possible.

Please note that a registration cannot easily be changed once completed.

What details are needed to register my child’s birth?

You will need the following details to register a birth:

  • Full name and surname of the baby
  • Date and place of birth
  • Usual address
  • Full names and occupations of the baby’s mother and father

Where can births be registered?

In any Registration Office in Northern Ireland.

What will the Registration staff give me in return?

Once you have registered your child’s birth, you will be given the following documents:

  • One free short birth certificate
  • A HS123 infant registration form to help you register with your family doctor and obtain your child’s medical card
  • Further certified copies (either short or full) are available at the time of registration.
    (There is a charge of £8.00 per copy for this service)

Why do I have to register my child’s birth?

The records provide positive information about individuals and are used for many legal and administrative purposes (for example: National Insurance, Education, Transfer of Property, Employment, Obtaining a Passport, etc).

They provide valuable statistics (for example: Fertility Rates, Population Estimates, etc).

The statistics are published yearly in the Registrar General Annual Report. 

Some of the information collected is for statistical purposes only. 

Because this information is strictly confidential it does not appear on the birth certificate. 

Birth Registration Form and Guidance Notes - GRO4 - NI Direct
Name Change - Under 18
Name Change - Over 18