Bin Collections: Bins not collected due to the icy conditions should be left presented for collection and our teams will try to collect them as soon as possible.
Details of missed collections are published on our Bin Collection Disruption page.


Remember - changes to bin collections in MEA are on the way!

Monday 23 October 2023

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council would like to remind residents that bin collection changes are on the way from next Monday – 30 October 2023.

Deputy Chair of the Environment and Economy Committee Cllr Bobby Hadden; Catherine Hunter, Environmental Education Officer; Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Alderman Gerardine Mulvenna; Philip Thompson, Director of Operations; Cllr William McCaughey; Gary Mu

Bin collections for approximately 75% of households across the Borough are going to change due to ‘Route Optimisation’ which will help to maximise the efficiency of collection vehicles.

New calendars and letters advising affected residents of their revised collection dates have been dropping through letterboxes over the past few weeks and it’s important these are kept safe.

Route Optimisation is the process of planning the fastest and most cost-effective way for Council’s waste & recycling collection crews to get from one address to another meaning Council’s crews spend less time driving - which boosts efficiency and supports sustainability.

It means fewer miles travelled and fewer carbon emissions - reducing the Council’s carbon footprint and impact on climate.

To ensure residents do not miss a scheduled collection, Council will operate a missed bin collection service during the first fortnightly transitional period.

The frequency of bin collections will remain fortnightly and, as is the case now, bins should always be put out ready to be emptied by 7am on the day of collection.

To have all waste and recycling information at your fingertips, please download the Bin-ovation app from the Apple store or Play store (android). You will be able to check your new bin collection day online using the online bin collection calendar on our website, from Monday 30 October.

For further information and FAQ’s relating to the changes, visit our Waste Frequently Asked Questions page.