Mid & East Antrim In Bloom Community Competitions launched
Monday 5 June 2023
After the great success of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Chelsea Flower Show and National Gardening Week, Mayor Alderman Noel Williams has officially launched the 2023 Mid and East Antrim in Bloom Community Competitions and is encouraging green-fingered citizens to help make the Borough beautiful!

Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Alderman Noel Williams, said: “Mid and East Antrim has won numerous horticultural awards thanks in part to our In Bloom campaign which encourages everyone who lives in the Borough to think about their local environment and how flowers, plants, trees and gardens can enhance life for people and wildlife.
“As well as environmental benefits, gardening has huge health and wellbeing benefits. Over the last couple of years we’ve come to enjoy our gardens and green spaces more than ever. Many of us have rediscovered the importance of connecting with nature for our mental and physical wellbeing, resulting in more people rediscovering the uplifting power of plants and gardening.”
Council supports the RHS Chelsea Flower Show and National Gardening Week annually with the launch of the local In Bloom community competitions.
The RHS said “Whether it’s sowing seeds together, taking a moment’s break to nurture your houseplants or kicking back with a cup of tea in your favourite green space, there’s so much joy to be found in gardening – and that’s exactly what we celebrated during this year’s National Gardening Week.
“You can now celebrate your own garden, porch or windowsill by simply finding your own joy in planting. Whether you’re taking a walk through your local green space, sowing seeds with the little ones in your life or getting on top of the pruning.”
Alderman Noel Williams concluded “Our Mid and East Antrim in Bloom Community Competitions are a great chance for residents to be recognised and rewarded for their gardening skills. Applications are welcome from all residents of the Borough and entry is free of charge.
“Further information on the 2023 Mid and East Antrim In Bloom campaign can be found on the Mid & East Antrim Borough Council website. We’ve made some changes to encourage more residents to take part and simplified the process. We are also encouraging entrants to take a picture of their garden or produce when it’s at its best and send this with their entry form. This should also make it easier for more people to enter.”
There are twelve community competitions in total with great prizes for winners and runners up in each. General categories include: Best Kept Front Garden, Best Kept Front Container Garden, Best Kept Allotment Garden, Best Kept Commercial Premises, Best Kept Community Planting Scheme, Gardening for Wildlife Award, Volunteer of the Year and Outstanding Contribution to In Bloom. There are also four competitions specifically for our young residents – Young Volunteer of the Year, Blooming Creative, Best School Gardening Project and the Tallest Sunflower Competition.”