Mid and East Antrim Borough Council celebrates NI Apprenticeship Week!
Monday 13 February 2023
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council has celebrated Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Week with a week-long programme of interactive and informative events.

This year’s theme for NIAW is ‘Apprenticeships – Tomorrow’s Talent Today’ which reflects how apprenticeships can help individuals develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career and fulfilling future.
Council collaborated with schools, employers and sectoral organisations to provide a dedicated week of events and promotional activities that demonstrated how apprenticeships work for individuals, businesses, communities and the wider economy.
Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Alderman Noel Williams, said: “Throughout NI Apprenticeship Week, Council has worked closely with businesses, organisations, schools and apprentices across the MEA area to shine a light on the positive impact that apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses and the wider economy.
“I hope the events have encouraged anyone in Mid and East Antrim with an interest in this career path to get involved. As a former apprentice myself in the RAF, I would encourage anyone, male or female, to consider a hands on apprenticeship and secure a skill set that will be a real asset to them in their working life.”
Events included:
Ryobi visit to Carrickfergus Grammar School:
As part of Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Week (NIAW23) Ryobi Aluminium Casting (UK) Ltd. visited pupils at Carrickfergus Grammar School to talk to them about the company and the many career opportunities available with them - including routes to Higher Level Apprenticeships.
Ryobi Aluminium Casting UK Ltd. was founded in 1990 in Carrickfergus and is a major employer in the Borough, producing aluminium components using a high pressure die casting process for the automotive industry. Current customers include Volkswagen, Stellantis, Jaguar Land Rover and Magna.
The visit allowed students to directly engage with representatives from Ryobi and learn about future career prospects on their doorstep.
Careers insight visit to Caterpillar, Larne:
Pupils from Larne High School were invited to visit Caterpillar in Larne to learn about three new and exciting apprenticeship roles commencing in September 2023.
During the visit, the students had the opportunity to learn more about the company and had time to speak to current apprentices to hear about their career journey and pathway. The students were given a behind the scenes tour of the factory floor, allowing them to see first-hand what various apprenticeship roles entail.
Career insight visit to Clarkes, Broughshane:
Pupils from Ballymena Academy and St Patrick’s College were invited to Clarke in Broughshane to learn about the company and the many career opportunities available with them – including apprenticeships.
During the visit, the students had the opportunity to learn more about the company and the work they undertake and had time to speak to current apprentices and graduates to hear about their career journey and pathway. The students were given a behind the scenes tour of the business and provided with an insight into product development, R&D, business development, quality assessment and project management.
‘Building Tomorrow’s Talent’ event:
20 young people attended information sessions in The Construction Industry Training Board’s mobile training unit at the Radius Housing development on the St Patrick’s Regeneration Site. The event promoted the wide variety of apprenticeships and career opportunities within the built environment sector – in particular, opportunities linked to the redevelopment masterplan for the St. Patrick’s site. The young people also had a practical skills lesson in brick laying courtesy of the contractor M J McBride and got the chance to ‘have a go’ themselves.
‘Cleantech Takeover Morning’ at the Braid, Ballymena:
Pupils from local secondary schools throughout the Borough were invited to attend a ‘Cleantech Takeover Morning’ to showcase apprenticeship and career pathways in the hydrogen, renewables and cleantech sector in partnership with industry and local training providers.
With guest speakers from Northern Regional College, Belfast Metropolitan College and industry providers including Firmus Energy, Phoenix Natural Gas, Energia, Wrightbus, BSH Limited and Northern Ireland Electricity Networks - students had the chance to secure an overview of each particular sector and the types of roles & apprenticeships available alongside graduate placement opportunities and qualifications required. The students also had the opportunity to get hands on experience with desktop materials in practice such as hydrogen remote control cars, fuel cell trainers, professional hydrogen kits and more.
Careers Fair:
133 people attended an evening ‘drop in’ session in The Braid organised by Northern Regional College to promote available HLA opportunities. Attendees had the opportunity to speak with a range of employers including Accounting Technicians Ireland, Ryobi, Wrightbus, Randox, Kilwaughter, Blaney Group, Translink, FP McCann and Clarke.
MTF business breakfast:
Mid and East Antrim’s Manufacturing Task Force has celebrated NI Apprenticeship Week 2023 with an event highlighting the importance of apprenticeships to the local economy.
Hosted by fit-out and bespoke joinery company McCue in Carrickfergus, the breakfast event brought together a number of key partners, including Northern Regional College and the Department for the Economy alongside over 25 representatives from the MTF companies.
Aimed at highlighting the importance of the apprenticeship career path to the local economy – it showcased the large number of apprenticeship opportunities available in the Borough with MTF companies and the benefits apprentices bring to employers.
NIAW23 events carried out by Mid and East Antrim Labour Market Partnership (LMP), funded by the Department for Communities and supported by the Department for the Economy.