
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council celebrates Lunar New Year!

Monday 6 February 2023

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council recently celebrated Lunar New Year with a fun-filled event in People’s Park, Ballymena.

Chinese dragon and drummer

Residents across the Borough descended on the park to enjoy a variety of traditional Chinese crafts - such as calligraphy and lantern making, fun interactive sensory tasks, a themed scavenger hunt and the opportunity to taste wonderful Chinese tea and sweets!

The highlight of the event was a fantastic Lion performance by Artsekta who distributed fortune cookies to visitors throughout the park to welcome the New Year and its possibilities.

As 2023 is the year of the rabbit, a few bunny ears appeared in the children’s dance repertoire - with willing participants hopping in the park - directed by Jump, Jiggle and Jive!

Organised by Council, through its Good Relations Programme ‘#EmbRACE’ it was the perfect chance to celebrate the diversity and culture of the Borough.

Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Alderman Noel Williams, said: “This event was the perfect opportunity to celebrate Lunar New Year and embrace all the wonderful traditions associated with it. Events such as this provide the opportunity for us all to get together in nature. We are very fortunate to have lots of green spaces across the Borough and I am delighted to see so many families being active and linking in with #EmbRACE cultural programme.”

For further information on embRACE events, please visit our What's On section.

This event has been supported by The Executive Office through Mid and East Antrim Borough Council’s Good Relations Programme.