Fab food for less with Council’s new air fryer cook book!
Tuesday 28 February 2023
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council’s Community Health & Wellbeing Team have produced a culinary cook book packed full of tasty recipes and delicious treats – that can all be cooked in an air fryer!

The cook book was developed as part of the energy efficiency work currently being undertaken by Council’s Community Health & Wellbeing Team to highlight the benefits of using an air fryer as a low cost energy alternative to using a conventional oven or deep fat fryer.
All the mouth-watering recipes have been reviewed by the Northern Health & Social Care Trust Health Improvement Dietitians.
Air fryers have grown in popularity over the past year and rightly so – they are simple to use, need considerably less oil than frying, require little preparation time and are great for foods that can be roasted, baked or fried.
The different sizes available mean they’re suitable for any size household, big or small. They circulate air around the food to cook it – instead of using a lot of oil to cook food, your food is ‘fried’ using hot air. They are much healthier than using deep fat fryers as they use little or no oil - the perforated basket allows excess oil to drain from the food and the finished item is still crispy.
They require less cleaning and are more versatile – a win win for everyone!
Launching the cook book, Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Alderman Noel Williams, said: “Council is delighted to launch this great resource, which provides healthy, low-cost recipes which can be cooked in an air fryer. During the current cost of living crisis, every penny counts and cooking in the air fryer can help many families save money on energy costs. We hope you enjoy the recipes listed.”
You can view the cook book on the Air Fryer Cookbook page on this website.