
Embrace the ‘Tourism Spirit’: Unlocking opportunities in Mid and East Antrim’s thriving tourism

Friday 7 June 2024

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is excited to announce an ‘Embrace the Tourism Spirit’ event - a unique, free opportunity for individuals and businesses to explore the thriving tourism sector in the region and take their business idea or organisation to the next level.

Visitor photographing The Gobbins path entrance on a mobile phone

The event, which takes place on Tuesday 18 June at Larne Town Hall from 6pm, is part of the Go Succeed enterprise support service - funded by the UK Government and powered by its Levelling Up Fund.

Organised by the Tourism and Economic Development Sections of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council, the event will offer an introduction to tourism opportunities with future support planned to develop participants tourism ideas, assess commercial viability and identify the support needed to bring ideas to market. Whether you've spotted a business opportunity you haven't yet explored or are looking to contribute to the local visitor economy, Council want to hear from you!

As Tourism NI forecasts a return to the impressive £1 billion visitor spend by 2025, the next few years will be pivotal for developing and strengthening the Borough’s visitor offerings.

Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, said: “Growing the economy and developing the Borough’s tourism potential are the top two strategic priorities for Council. As we look towards a promising future, now is the perfect time for anyone considering diving into tourism—whether as an accommodation provider or by offering unique activities and experiences—to explore their options.

“Our region is rich with potential and the 'Embrace the Tourism Spirit' event is an excellent opportunity for local businesses, skilled individuals and entrepreneurs to become part of our vibrant tourism industry. By working together we can create compelling, accessible, and bookable visitor experiences that showcase the stunning beauty and unique charm of Mid and East Antrim.

“I encourage everyone with a passion for tourism to join us and contribute to our shared vision of making our region a top destination for visitors from around the world. Whether you’re a farmer, artist, crafter, chef, instructor or more - there is a place for everyone in the thriving tourism sector of Mid and East Antrim.”

Launched last year, Go Succeed represents a multi-million-pound investment in local entrepreneurs and businesses. It provides a holistic approach to government support services with a focus on providing a tailored service to suit individual needs in a bid to foster enterprise across the region.

The service supports entrepreneurs, new starts and existing businesses with easy-to-access advice and support including mentoring, masterclasses, peer networks, access to grant funding and a business plan, at every stage of their growth journey. 

For more information about the "Embrace the Tourism Spirit" event, and how to register, visit the Go Succeed websites events listing.