‘Art & Artefacts’ exhibition opens at Carrickfergus Museum
Thursday 23 February 2023
An exhibition showcasing the contemporary artwork of renowned artist Seanna O’Boyle-Irvine and featuring real prehistoric objects is proving a big hit with visitors to Carrickfergus Museum.

The free display entitled ‘Art & Artefacts’ is an exploration of our prehistoric past which outlines the reality of life in the stone and bronze ages - combined with modern art to create a visually striking contrast.
Seanna O’Boyle-Irvine - a self-taught artist from Belfast loves working with all things earthy and the natural environment. Seanna takes inspiration from the art seen on Megalithic monuments - such as passage tombs - which are dotted across the Irish landscape as well as rock art found on rocky outcrops throughout Ireland.
It was her love of wood that started her artistic path, creating rustic seating from local and sustainably sourced hardwood timber. From there she has been inspired by her interest in archaeology - specifically prehistory to create her art.
Her sculptures are usually made from bog pine, which she takes from the bogs herself. Queens University has dated this wood to as an amazing 5,000 years old (farming had only arrived in Ireland when this wood was living timber).
Seanna will be talking about her work and her fascination with prehistoric art at a free pop up museum event on Saturday 4 March in Carrickfergus Museum. As well as the family friendly activities on offer, you can come along to learn about these markings, you may even look at our landscape in a new light!
Her work is displayed alongside prehistoric artefacts from the Carrickfergus and Larne Museum collections and items on loan from Northern Archaeological Consultancy, who will also be delivering the event on 4 March.
The exhibition will be on display until 30 March.
For further information including more free events visit our Events webpage.
T: 028 9334 8241 E: Carrickfergusmuseums@midandeastantrim.gov.uk