A fitting tribute to the Fallen of the Second World War
Monday 16 October 2023
The Deputy Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Alderman Stewart McDonald, hosted a service of rededication for Ballymena’s Second World War Memorial on Sunday 15 October.

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council partnered with the Ballymena Branch of the Royal British Legion to organise the rededication of the Ballymena and District Second World War Memorial.
The Service at Ballymena Memorial Park was in the presence of HM Vice Lord-Lieutenant for the County of Antrim, Mrs Miranda Gordon, DL. The Officiating Chaplin, Mrs Joan Parkinson spoke at the event of the need to remember the Fallen and the importance of working for peace.
Several cadets from the local Cadet Corps took part by reading out the 43 additional names of the Fallen which have been added to the memorial by Council. Families of the Fallen who have been added to the memorial also attended and poignantly laid poppy crosses in memory of their loved one.
Wreathes were laid by the HM Vice-Lord Lieutenant, Mrs Miranda Gordon, DL, the Deputy Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Alderman Stewart McDonald and Davy Davison, Chair of the Ballymena Branch of the Royal British Legion.
The Royal Irish Regiment Band provided musical accompaniment and after the rededication service the Royal British Legion paraded via Wellington Street to the Royal British Legion Services Club on Trostan Avenue.
A reception at The Braid followed at which the Deputy Mayor noted: “As Deputy Mayor of the Borough I was honoured to participate in this afternoon’s solemn unveiling and rededication.
“The Ballymena Borough and Rural District Second World War Memorial was unveiled on 4 September 1955 by Mayor-General Sir Allan Adair. The memorial is situated alongside the First World War Memorial cenotaph in the Memorial Park and creates a local focus for communal reflection and Acts of Remembrance.
“This event has been organised in in recognition of the 43 additional names of the Fallen and is a day of significance for our own and future generations. This has been a very poignant day within my term of office and I would like to thank all involved and those who attended.”