Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.

Events Policy

Approved Date

8 April 2024                     

Review Date

April 2025

Related Legislation/ Applicable Section of Legislation

Disability Discrimination Act 1995, as amended

Race relations (NI) Order 1997, as amended

Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order 1998, as amended

Data Protection Act 1998

Employment NI Order 2008

The Health and Safety at Work Order (NI) 1978

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (NI) 2000

The Workplace Health Safety and Welfare Regulations (NI) 1993

General Data Protection Regulations 2018

Employment Act 2002

Data Protection Act 1998

Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, Standards, Frameworks

MEABC Corporate Plan

Code of Conduct for Local Government Officers

Disciplinary Policy and Procedure

Dignity at Work Policy

Access to Information Policy

Data Protection Policy

Safeguarding Policy and Procedure

Information Governance Policy



Policy Lead

Assistant Director Citizen Focus

Sponsor Directorate

Corporate Services


 Version 1


1. Title and summary

1.1 This policy will be known as the Events Policy.

1.2 The Events Policy determines the council annual programme of events and outlines the approach taken if Council receives approaches from external event organisers for hosting and funding events.

2. Purpose

2.1 The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines and procedures for managing events organised by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council’s Events Team within the budget agreed for the annual programme of activity.

2.2 This policy aims to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all participants, minimise any negative impact on the community, and promote the positive image of Council.

2.3 This policy also provides options when dealing with approaches from external event organisers.

​3. Scope

3.1 The policy applies to the activity of the corporate Events Team and its annual calendar of events, and how Council should handle applications for support from external event organisers.

3.2 The Corporate Events Team delivers large-scale, outdoor, public facing events which encourage economic benefit, social inclusion, accessible leisure activities and civic pride.

3.3 An exciting and attractive programme of events supports achievement of Council objectives. The Council has a track record of delivering successful events and is committed to ensuring those with disabilities can also access provision.

3.4 Several departments within Council deliver other types of events such as civic events, town centre promotions, biodiversity events, information days, jobs fairs etc. These events are not covered by this policy.

4. Policy Detail

4.1 Agreement of Annual Events Programme and Budget

4.1.1 Prior to the commencement of each financial year, the Events Team will produce a draft programme of events and identify the costs associated with each. The budget allocated is agreed through the rate setting process. The range of events will reflect geographic spread within the Borough, significant seasonal events such as Christmas and Halloween, opportunities to grow economic spend in the Borough, creation of positive stories for the Borough, and ensure safe and appropriate use of outdoor Council venues, to appeal to all ages over the spread of the portfolio.

4.1.2 The draft programme and costs will be presented to Elected Members within discussions regarding the rate-setting process.  This will allow the budget to be set for the year and allow for appropriate lead in times for the Events Team to plan the events ensuring all governance, compliance and procurement processes are followed.

4.1.3 Upon approval of the annual programme and budget, the Events Team will deliver the programme of events as agreed within the budget.

4.1.4 Should Elected Members wish to adjust the annual programme to host alternative or additional events, such changes will need to be discussed and agreed through the Corporate Resources, Policy & Governance Committee.  If additional funds are required, Members will be asked to make decisions to identify the additional budget from other areas of work.

4.1.5 The costs associated with the set-up, clearing and resetting after the events are recharged to events for delivery of the stage and bins and for litter pickers from the Operations Directorate. These costs are ringfenced within the events budget allocated within rate setting.

4.2 Charging for events

4.2.1 Within this current policy where suitable, only a nominal entry fee will be charged to contribute to the sustainability of the events programme, to ensure all those who wish to attend an event can do so through a managed ticketing system and to control numbers at a safe level.  This will only be possible where access to the events space can be controlled.  Events at which a small charge is included will be agreed by the Corporate Resources, Policy & Governance Committee.

4.3 Event safety

4.3.1 Event Safety Plans and Risk Assessments will be created by the Events Team for each event and submitted to the Events Safety Advisory Group for consideration.

4.4 Community input and feedback

4.4.1 The Events Team will actively engage with the community to gather feedback and input on events. This may include conducting surveys or online consultation.

4.4.2 After each event, the Events Team will conduct an evaluation to assess the event's success, identify areas for improvement, and gather feedback from participants and stakeholders. This information will be used to inform future event planning and implementation.

4.5 Environmental sustainability

4.5.1 Council is committed to promoting environmental sustainability at all events. Suppliers and partners are encouraged to minimise waste, use eco-friendly materials and products, and promote public transportation and alternative modes of transportation to reduce carbon emissions.

4.6 Accessibility

4.6.1 Council will ensure that events are accessible to all members of the community, including individuals with disabilities. This includes providing accessible facilities and promoting inclusive programming.

4.7 External events on Council lands

4.7.1 External event organisers can apply to use Council lands through an online application managed by Parks and Open Spaces. These applications are considered in line with the existing policy and are approved by Council’s Senior Management Team.

4.8 Financial support for external events

4.8.1 Should an external event organiser make an approach through a Councillor, a senior officer or through a committee/partnership body, any requests for the financing of external events will be referred to the various grants programmes that the Council administers. This includes international grants for larger scale events as well as community grants. 

4.8.2 Council will review in-kind support that would incur additional costs to Council for external event organisers. An assessment will be considered by SMT to establish what help can be given.  Council staff will continue to provide advice and guidance on a case-by-case basis to external event organisers to maximise any benefits and ensure any risk is minimised. 

5. Monitoring, evaluation, and review​

5.1.1 The Events policy will be subject to annual review by the Corporate Resources, Policy & Governance Committee.

5.1.2 Interim reviews may also be prompted by feedback, challenge or changes in legislation. Any requirement for change will be reported to the Corporate Resource, Policy & Governance Committee for approval.

6. Policy Screening

6.1.1 Equality, Rural Needs, Data Protection, and Sustainability screening has been completed on this policy.

6.1.2 All screening documents will be made available on the Council's website.