Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.


Mid and East Antrim is a Fairtrade Community!

Fairtrade accreditation was granted to the Borough by both the UK Fairtrade Foundation (London) and Fairtrade Ireland (Dublin).

What is Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is about offering the choice of better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world for goods sold in our Borough.

Fairtrade is a system developed to ensure that farmers in the developing world are paid a fair price for their produce.

Many of the farmers who produce everyday items such as bananas, tea, coffee and cocoa are poor and struggle to survive within a system of trade that often does not allow for them to make any profit.

When market prices drop for their produce many are forced into debt, which can result in them losing their land and homes.

Fairtrade guarantees that the producer receives a minimum price for their goods which covers their average costs of sustainable production.

What is the Fairtrade certification mark?

This mark is an independent consumer label which can only appear on products from the developing world which meet Fairtrade standards.

Fairtrade works with farmers and workers so they can improve their living standards and invest in their communities and businesses.

Fairtrade achieves this by rallying a global community of millions – farmers and workers, supply chain partners, brands, retailers, shoppers, schools, government – to pay fair prices and uphold fair production standards and practices that are recognised around the world.

Fair prices provide an immediate lifeline for farmers and workers struggling with low incomes and disadvantaged by global trade.

For further information visit the Fairtrade website.

Why choose Fairtrade products?

By choosing Fairtrade certified products individuals and organizations can all play their part in alleviating poverty and access to world markets for the most marginalized farmers and producers in the developing world.

Fairtrade works with farming co-operatives, businesses, and governments to make trade fair.

Together with Fairtrade farmers and workers we have a vision: a world in which trade is based on fairness so that producers earn secure and sustainable livelihoods.

How you can get involved:

  • Add some products with the Fairtrade mark to your shopping
  • Buy Fairtrade crafts, flowers, wines and luxury foods as gifts
  • Ask your local shop to stock a selection of Fairtrade items 
  • Ask your favourite cafe, restaurant, pub or workplace to offer Fairtrade refreshments
  • Introduce Fairtrade coffee mornings to your friends, workplace or community group or place of worship
  • Show support for Fairtrade on your social media channels and take part in Fairtrade Fortnight – the dates for 2024 are 9 - 22 September 2024
    If you are interested in finding out more about what events you can organise to be included in this fortnight E: parks@midandeastantrim.gov.uk