Looking Forward

Looking Forward

As we look to the future, we have developed plans that reflect what you, the people of Mid and East Antrim, have told us you want, and which aim to deliver for the borough in a time of both significant opportunity and considerable challenge. 

Our plans will help us ensure that we use our resources wisely, so we can provide first-class, value for money services, at an affordable cost.

Right now, we are taking a closer look at what we do and how we do it, and are looking internally and externally to identify ways to improve our services, support economic prosperity, develop safe and inclusive communities, and to protect and enhance our environment.

Corporate Plan 2024-2028

Our vision is that Mid and East Antrim will be a strong, vibrant, safe and inclusive community, where people work together to improve the quality of life for all, the same vision as the borough’s Community Plan.

This ambition cannot be met by any singular organisation alone, and can only be achieved by working in strong partnership with other organisations across the region.

Our plan will be delivered under the four key pillars of People, Place, Planet and Performance.

To find out more, please visit: www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk/corporateplan

Performance Improvement Plan 2024/25

Our new Improvement Plan aims to improve the quality of life and environment for our ratepayers and communities through three Improvement Objectives, which were agreed by the Full Council on 13 May 2024.

A summary of the plan can be found on the following pages.

To view the full plan, and the outcomes for our citizens, businesses and communities, please visit: www.midandeastantrmi.gov.uk/performance

Improvement Objective 1

People: We will work with partners to improve the lives of citizens.

  • The actions set out to achieve this objective align with the priorities identified through public consultation. They support priority groups and provide opportunities for skills development and employment progression. They offer health and wellbeing support, and help to improve equality of opportunity, accessibility, and inclusivity.
  • Developing skills and job prospects, and support to reduce poverty, were two of citizens’ top five priorities for making the borough a better place to live in. Only 28% agreed the area is a good place for job opportunities (MEABC Citizens Survey 2022).
  • With the rising cost of living and the impact of the pandemic, the number of financially insecure households is increasing. Anecdotal evidence indicates that poverty is impacting families across the whole borough. Our Citizens Survey (2022) found on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being not at all satisfied, half of respondents rated their satisfaction with their financial health as being 5 or less.
  • This objective aligns with the Department for the Economy’s vision for Northern Ireland of creating jobs, increasing incomes, improving productivity, and providing opportunities for all.
  • In terms of wellbeing, almost 50% of residents said they want to see more support services for children and families, and/or people with disabilities (MEABC Citizens Survey 2022).
  • The issue of inclusion was highlighted during the review of the Community Plan (2022), particularly for people with disabilities and learning difficulties. People from ethnic minority backgrounds, young people, and older people were also identified as being ‘at risk’.

Improvement Objective 2

Place: We will maintain and improve our local areas.

  • The actions set out to achieve this objective align with the key priorities identified through public consultation. Improvements to playparks and provision for outdoor recreation (particularly for young people) was a high priority for citizens. Actions will also support, improve, and revitalise the borough’s town centres.
  • Supporting and developing activities for children and young people, delivering clean and attractive streets and towns, and supporting our parks, green spaces and the natural and built environment, were within citizens’ top five priorities for making the area a better place to live in (MEABC Citizens Survey 2022).
  • More than a third of citizens would like to see more access to green spaces, such as parks and forests (MEABC Citizens Survey 2022).
  • Community tourism can help boost local economies by encouraging visitor footfall, increasing jobs, and generating revenue for local businesses. This can help increase civic pride in a local area and develop more sustainable and prosperous communities.

Improvement Objective 3

Planet: We will reduce our environmental impact and improve sustainability.

  • The actions set out to achieve this objective align with the key priorities identified through public consultation. They demonstrate how the Council is leading by example, whilst also working to engage and educate on sustainability. They assist the development of the borough’s electric vehicle charging network, they focus on providing an effective and efficient waste management service, and they demonstrate support for the biodiversity within the borough.
  • Our citizens identified help to reduce consumption, waste and litter, and awareness and assistance in tackling climate change as the two most important things the Council could do to be more environmentally friendly. Adopting environmentally sustainable transport ranked third and protecting plants and animals ranked fourth (MEABC Citizens Survey 2022).
  • Measures to address climate change, environmental awareness, and the importance of respect for the local and natural environment, were points raised throughout the Community Planning Review (2022) consultation.
  • The phase out date for the sale of new petrol and diesel cars is 2035.

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