Arrangements to Secure Continuous Improvement

Arrangements to Secure Continuous Improvement

Our arrangements to secure continuous improvement are outlined within our Performance Management Framework.

This framework drives performance at all levels within the organisation, and illustrates how our corporate strategies, aims and objectives, flow through the organisation to link to each employee’s individual work plan.

We use a series of measures to monitor our performance and to identify any improvements that we make.

These arrangements are supported by a dedicated performance management system.

Our Performance Management Framework

The Community

Plan (2017-2032)

  • The Community Plan sits at the top of the framework and sets the 15-year vision for the borough. It is led by the Council and was developed in partnership with a range of stakeholders from the borough's public, private and voluntary sectors.

The Corporate

Plan (2024-2028)

  • Our 4-year strategic plan shapes our services and drives our annual business planning process, ensuring everything we do is aimed at achieving our objectives and our vision.

The Performance Improvement Plan

  • This annual improvement plan sets out our key Improvement Objectives for the year ahead, and helps to meet the aims of the Community Plan and the Corporate Plan.

Annual Business Plans

  • Each service area develops an annual business plan, with objectives and key performance indicators which link directly to the Community Plan, Corporate Plan and Performance Improvement Plan.

Employee Personal Development Plans

  • These plans are completed by employees annually, and link work, and learning and development needs, to departmental objectives, the Corporate Plan, and ultimately, to the Community Plan.

Identifying Areas for Improvement

Our Performance Management Framework ensures a clear link between the Community Plan and our arrangements to secure continuous improvement.

This helps to ensure better long-term outcomes for citizens.

Our priorities for improvement are based on a thorough, evidence-based understanding of the communities we serve, local needs, and an assessment of our capacity to meet those needs.

Our development approach includes:

  • A review of legislation and statutory guidance.
  • Self-analysis through Performance Self-Assessments and audit results.
  • Alignment with the Programme for Government, Community Plan, Corporate Plan, and other internal strategies and policies.
  • An analysis of our environment and regional statistics.
  • The results of our Citizens Survey (2022) and public consultations.
  • Staff input and direction.
  • Equality, Rural, Climate and Sustainability, and Data Protection Impact Assessment screenings.


We are committed to continuously improving our services and welcome comments or suggestions for improvement at any time throughout the year.

If you have an idea for improvement, please get in touch by emailing:

Members of the public who live, work or study in the borough can also put their questions directly to Elected Members and officers at Mid and East Antrim Borough Council by completing a short form on the Public Questions to Council section on our website.

You Told Us

Our Citizens Survey (2022) consisted of a representative sample of 810 people from across the borough.

The results provided a comprehensive understanding of the views of our communities, including, satisfaction ratings, levels of health and wellbeing, perspectives on the area as a place to live in, and priorities for the area.

Citizens’ top priorities for making the borough a better place to live in were:

  1. Supporting and developing activities for children and young people.
  2. Support to reduce poverty.
  3. Developing skills and job prospects.
  4. Delivering clean and attractive streets and towns.
  5. Supporting our parks, green spaces and the natural and built environment.

Monitoring, Reporting and Governance

Oversight of our performance improvement responsibilities sits within the remit of the Corporate Resources, Policy and Governance Committee.

Our reporting structures have been designed to ensure proper oversight and accountability across all Council activities.

They provide our Senior Management Team and Elected Members with assurances that our governance arrangements are robust.

This helps to ensure transparency, accountability and to further drive continuous improvement.

With regard to performance, the role of the Committee is to:

  • Review corporate performance, and make recommendations for course correction when performance is not meeting targets.
  • Consider opportunities for innovation and best practice to ensure continuous improvement and quality service delivery.

Our annual reporting arrangements are as follows:

  • The Community Plan is reported to:
    • The Strategic Alliance (every six months).
    • The Community Panel (every quarter).
    • The Neighbourhoods and Communities Committee (as appropriate).
  • The Corporate Plan is reported to:
  • The Senior Management Team (every six months).
  • Full Council (every six months).
  • The Performance Improvement Plan is reported to:
  • The Senior Management Team (every quarter).
  • The Corporate Resources, Policy, and Governance Committee (every quarter).
  • Annual Business Plans are reported to:
    • The assigned Director (every quarter).
  • The Performance Self-Assessment Report is reported to:
  • Senior Management Team (each year).
  • Full Council (each year).

Performance Audits and Assessments

Our arrangements to secure continuous improvement are subject to an annual audit and assessment by the Northern Ireland Audit Office, in accordance with section 93 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 and the Code of Audit Practice for local government bodies.

The results of the 2022/23 audit are summarised below.

Improvement planning and publication of improvement information

The Local Government Auditor believes the Council has discharged its duties in connection with (1) improvement planning and (2) publication of improvement information in accordance with section 92 of the Act and has acted in accordance with the Department for Communities’ guidance sufficiently.

Improvement assessment

As a result of the assessment, the Local Government Auditor believes the Council has discharged its duties under Part 12 of the Act and has acted in accordance with the Department for Communities’ guidance sufficiently.

In their opinion, the Council has demonstrated a track record of ongoing improvement, and they believe that the Council is likely to comply with Part 12 of the Act during 2023/24.

They did not conduct an assessment to determine whether the Council is likely to comply with the requirements of Part 12 of the Act in subsequent years.

The need for this will be kept under review.

Other matters

The auditor did not have any recommendations to make under section 95(2) of the Act.

They are not minded to carry out a special inspection under section 95(2) of the Act.

All prior proposals for improvement have been implemented, with the exception of two, for which an update is provided in Appendix 1.

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