Performance Improvement Plan 2024 - 2025 Quarter 2 Update Report p3
Improvement Objective 1:
People - We will work with partners to improve the lives of citizens.
- Fostering local enterprise and economic growth.
- Supporting skills development and improving employment outcomes.
- Helping citizens lead healthy and active lives.
- Supporting people who are vulnerable or marginalised, and promoting an equal, diverse, inclusive, and accessible borough.
Who is responsible:
- Director of Community
- Acting Director of Development
- Interim Director of Corporate and Support Services
Why are we doing this?
- The actions set out to achieve this objective align with the key priorities identified through public consultation. They support priority groupings and provide opportunities for skills development and employment progression. They offer both health and wellbeing support and help to improve equality of opportunity, accessibility, and inclusivity.
- Developing skills and job prospects, and support to reduce poverty, were two of citizens’ top five priorities for making the borough a better place to live in. Only 28% agreed the area is a good place for job opportunities (MEABC Citizens Survey 2022).
- With the rising cost of living and the impact of the pandemic, the number of financially insecure households is increasing. Anecdotal evidence indicates that poverty is impacting families across the whole borough. Our Citizens Survey (2022) found on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being not at all satisfied, half of respondents rated their satisfaction with their financial health as being 5 or less.
- This objective aligns with the Department for the Economy’s vision for Northern Ireland of creating jobs, increasing incomes, improving productivity, and providing opportunities for all.
- In terms of wellbeing, almost 50% of citizens said they want to see more support services for children and families, and/or people with disabilities (MEABC Citizens Survey 2022).
- The issue of inclusion was highlighted during the review of the Community Plan (2022), particularly for people with disabilities and learning difficulties. People from ethnic minority backgrounds, young people, and older people were also identified as being ‘at risk’.
The pages that follow outline our progress towards achieving our outcomes for citizens.
Outcome 1 - Opportunities to start your own business. |
Measure 1 |
240 participants supported through start-up assistance via Go Succeed by 31 March 2025. |
Status: On track |
Go Succeed supported 196 participants from April to September 2024. |
Measure 2 |
107 jobs promoted through business start interventions by 31 March 2025. |
Status: On track |
From April to September 2024, 65 jobs were promoted through business start interventions. |
Outcome 2 - An active Mid and East Antrim Manufacturing Task Force. |
Measure 1 |
At least 3 new Manufacturing Task Force members by 31 March 2025. |
Status: Achieved |
There have been 4 new additions to the Manufacturing Task Force so far this year (Advanced Sensors, Hampton Conservatories, Stemfab and De Manu). |
Measure 2 |
£40,000 of Task Force members’ in-kind time contributions by 31 March 2025. |
Status: On track |
There were approximately £20,000 of in-kind time contributions from members from April to September 2024. |
Outcome 3 - Opportunities to take part in skills and employability programmes. |
Measure 1 |
200 people participating in employment and skills programmes by 31 March 2025. |
Status: On track |
A Letter of Offer for delivery of the Labour Market Action Plan for 2024/25 was received in July 2024. The programme will now run to 30 June 2025, extending the delivery timescale by 3 months. Recruitment is now underway for 4 programmes (Classroom Assistant, Classroom Upskilling, Transport, and Enterprise Pathways), with 69 participants enrolled to date. |
Measure 2 |
100 participants gaining employment via employment academies by 31 March 2025. |
Status: On track |
The academies have resulted in 35 people gaining employment this year. This figure will increase as the 2024/25 programmes progress. |
Measure 3 |
150 participants securing qualifications by 31 March 2025. |
Status: On track |
Participants have achieved 102 qualifications to date. |
Outcome 4 - Support to lead a healthy and active life. |
Measure 1 |
MEAqua Strategy and Year 1 Action Plan (including the expansion of toddler and disability sessions) delivered by 31 March 2025. |
Status: On track |
We have made several improvements to our MEAqua programme, with the introduction of swimming classes for mothers and small children, and for people who have a disability, as well as water polo for schools. We have seen a substantial increase in programme participation, from 650 MEAqua swimmers post-pandemic, to reach over 2,000 this year. We hope to establish levels of satisfaction with our facilities and swimming programmes over the coming months, and will be developing a delivery plan for implementation over the next 3 years. |
Measure 2 |
12 outdoor events to involve a wide range of abilities by 31 March 2025. |
Status: Achieved |
We have delivered approximately 100 events so far this year, with almost 5,000 participants. The events have ranged from Art in the Park, Biodiversity University, Bat Nights, Geology Tours, to Seabirds and Sealife Watch, Orienteering, Beach Babbies, Nature Walks and Talks, Bird Box Building, Wild Women’s Circle, Sand Art, Curious Kids Experiments, and more. |
Outcome 5 - A borough that values, engages, and supports everyone. |
Measure 1 |
MEA Age-Friendly Strategy and Year 1 Action Plan launched by 30 June 2024. |
Status: Achieved |
We co-launched our Age-Friendly Strategy and Action Plan 2024-27 and Positive Ageing Month (October) on 27 September 2024. The event, which took place in The Braid Museum and Arts Centre, was attended by the Deputy Mayor, Age-Friendly Alliance partners, and guests. |
Measure 2 |
An Older Person’s Forum established by 31 December 2024. |
Status: On track |
We hope to formalise arrangements with the Mid and East Antrim Agewell Partnership which will enable the forum to meet by the end of the year. |
Measure 3 |
MEA Age-Friendly Year 2 Action Plan confirmed by 28 February 2025. |
Status: On track |
The Age-Friendly Alliance aim to meet in February 2025 to review this year’s actions and agree actions for delivery next year. |
Measure 4 |
Autism-Friendly Action Plans implemented in 4 Council venues by 30 September 2024. |
Status: Delayed but progressing |
Implementation of the action plans are progressing, with signage and pre-visit guides in development for The Braid Museum and Arts Centre, Larne Arts Centre, Carrickfergus Museum, and Andrew Jackson Cottage. It is hoped these will be in place by 31 December 2024. |
Measure 5 |
4 additional Autism Champions developed within Council by 30 September 2024. |
Status: Achieved |
Autism NI have now accredited 4 additional Autism Champions within Council. All of our Champions received refresher training in September 2024. |
Measure 6 |
An Autism-Awareness initiative Communications Plan developed by 30 September 2024. |
Status: Achieved |
Our Communications Plan is now in place. |
Measure 7 |
4 arts and culture events delivered to address loneliness and improve accessibility by 31 March 2025. |
Status: On track |
Through funding from the Arts Council NI and in partnership with the Mid and East Antrim Agewell Partnership, we have delivered 2 initiatives so far this year. These included a Rural Engagement Arts Programme and an Arts and Older People Programme. |
Measure 8 |
8 Council-managed community centres connected to full-fibre broadband by 31 March 2025. |
Status: On track |
Internet and public wi-fi access have been installed in Eden and Oakfield community centres. It is hoped Ahoghill, Ballykeel, Dunclug, Harryville and Greenisland community centres will be operational before Christmas. Gracehill, Kells and Sunnylands are ongoing. |
Outcome 6 - Collaboration with the Mid and East Antrim Poverty Action Group. |
Measure 1 |
Attendance at Poverty Action Group meetings and support of initiatives. |
Status: On track |
The Poverty Action Group plans to reconvene meetings by the end of the calendar year. |