Performance Improvement Plan 2024 - 2025 Quarter 1 Update Report

Performance Improvement Plan 2024 - 2025 Quarter 1 Update Report p4

Improvement Objective 2:

Place - We will maintain and improve our local areas.


  • Enhancing our amenities, parks, and open spaces.
  • Bolstering our town centres.
  • Nurturing community-led tourism.
  • Delivering an effective and efficient Planning Service.

Who is responsible:

  • Director of Community
  • Acting Director of Development
  • Interim Director of Operations

Why are we doing this?

  • The actions set out to achieve this objective align with the key priorities identified through public consultation. Improvements to playparks and provision for outdoor recreation (particularly for young people) was a high priority for citizens. Actions will also support, improve, and revitalise the borough’s town centres.
  • Supporting and developing activities for children and young people, delivering clean and attractive streets and towns, and supporting our parks, green spaces and the natural and built environment, were within citizens’ top five priorities for making the area a better place to live in (MEABC Citizens Survey 2022).
  • More than a third of citizens would like to see more access to green spaces, such as parks and forests (MEABC Citizens Survey 2022).
  • Community tourism can help boost local economies by encouraging visitor footfall, increasing jobs, and generating revenue for local businesses. This can help increase civic pride in a local area and develop more sustainable and prosperous communities.

The pages that follow outline our progress towards achieving our outcomes for citizens.

Outcome 1 - New or improved playparks.

Measure 1 Marine Gardens playpark completed by 31 August 2024.
Status: Achieved

The newly refurbished playpark officially reopened on 28 June 2024. The park has transformed into a vibrant and exciting playground for children of all ages and abilities.

Following extensive consultation, the playpark was designed to encourage inclusive, accessible play, alongside adventure, challenge, and imagination. With swings and climbing opportunities, it also has a zipline, and the main feature, an impressive ship, allows all children to experience an adventure on the high seas.

Measure 2 Larne Skate Park completed by 31 October 2024.
Status: On track Works are continuing, with an anticipated completion in September 2024.
Measure 3 2 additional new or refurbished playparks completed by 31 March 2025.
Status: On track Designs are underway for 2 playparks, Bardic Drive in Larne, and Oakfield in Carrickfergus.

Outcome 2 - Greater provision for outdoor recreation

Measure 1 Carnlough, Glynn and Portglenone MUGAs or kickabouts completed by 30 June 2024.
Status: Achieved Both Carnlough and Portglenone sites completed and reopened to the public in June 2024, Glynn completed and reopened in July 2024.
Measure 2 Carrickfergus Amphitheatre 2G pitch upgraded to 3G by 31 July 2024.
Status: Achieved The pitch upgrade is complete.
Measure 3 Phase 1 of the Cullybackey to Galgorm Greenway completed by 30 September 2025.
Status: On track The Economic Appraisal was submitted to the Department for Communities and the Department for Infrastructure in May 2024, with an anticipated outcome expected by autumn. Detailed designs are underway. The next step will be the submission of the Planning application.
Measure 4 Development of Carnfunnock Country Park completed by 31 March 2026.
Status: On track The consultation is complete, and the Planning application has been submitted, with an outcome expected by autumn. The next step will be to commence the tender process.

Outcome 3 - Delivery of the Town Centre Revitalisation Scheme

Measure 1 Sound systems installed in Ballymena and Carrickfergus town centres by 30 June 2024.
Status: Delayed but progressing The sound systems have been procured and are due for installation in September 2024. The wayleaves are being agreed during the summer.
Measure 2 2 street art schemes in Ballymena and Larne town centres by 31 July 2024.
Status: Delayed but progressing The Larne installation was completed in July 2024. Ballymena was delayed due to the July holiday period and the artist’s availability, and is due to be completed by autumn.
Measure 3 Feature lighting installed in Ballymena and Larne town centres by 30 September 2024.
Status: On track This project remains on track for installation by 30 September 2024, pending the completion of electrical works.
Measure 4 Additional funding application submitted to the Department for Communities by 30 September 2024.
Status: Achieved A third application was submitted, and a Letter of Offer was received for £105,000 to provide 30-foot-high artificial Christmas trees within our three main towns. A further 2 funding applications are due to be submitted by autumn.
Measure 5 25 businesses or groups utilising Pop-Up Shop opportunities by 31 March 2025.
Status: On track

So far, 14 groups have availed of the opportunity, with all shops booked across the summer. Amongst these groups was the Mid and East Antrim Community Advice Services (MEACAS), which operated for 5 weeks to deliver the School Uniform Scheme. 

More groups are scheduled from September, with a range of retailers commencing from October.

Measure 6 15 events or activities held within Ballymena, Carrickfergus, and Larne town centres by 31 March 2025.
Status: On track A range of events have taken place within our three main town centres, from our Easter events in April, to our Summer Splash Party in Larne in July, Summer Carnival in Ballymena, live music sessions, and markets in Carrickfergus.

Outcome 4 - Delivery of the Carrickfergus Townscape Heritage Initiative Scheme

Measure 1 10 buildings of historical and architectural interest restored in Carrickfergus by 31 July 2024.
Status: Delayed but progressing The tenth, and final property has experienced considerable delays in the drying of the internal plaster due to damp weather conditions, which has affected moisture levels within the stone walls. Dehumidifiers are in place to remove any remaining moisture. The project has received an extension until 31 October 2024.
Measure 2 Increased floor space for retail, commercial or residential use in Carrickfergus by 31 July 2024.
Status: Delayed but progressing This will be determined upon project completion.
Measure 3 Closing event and publication issued on the Carrickfergus Townscape Heritage Initiative by 31 July 2024.
Status: Delayed but progressing A closing event will take place and publication will be issued on the completion of the final property.

Outcome 5 - Locally led tourism

Measure 1 Neighbourhood Tourism Scheme launched by 31 October 2024.
Status: Delayed but progressing The rollout of the scheme is now scheduled to take place between December 2024 and February 2025, in time for next year’s tourism season. There are 6 Neighbourhood Tourism points agreed to date (Gracehill, Cullybackey, Broughshane, Portglenone, Carnlough and Whitehead).
Measure 2 3 local Neighbourhood Tourism participants by 31 March 2025.
Status: On track We are working with community organisations to identify local champions and secure buy-in.

Outcome 6 - Achievement of our statutory Planning Service targets

Measure 1 A processing time for major planning applications within an average of 30 weeks by 31 March 2025.
Status: Not achieved

From April 2023 to March 2024, the average time for the processing of major planning applications was 67.4 weeks, up from 47.6 weeks in 2022/23.  This recent increase is primarily due to the prolonged review of an unusually complex application that, although now decided, has adversely impacted the average processing time for major applications.

The average processing time across all Northern Ireland councils was 46.5 weeks. Only 3 councils met the 30-week target, with Mid and East Antrim Borough Council ranking ninth position.

Verified data for April to June 2024 is not yet available and will be provided in the six-month update report.

Measure 2 A processing time for local planning applications within an average of 15 weeks by 31 March 2025.
Status: Achieved

From April 2023 to March 2024, the average time for the processing of local planning applications was 9.4 weeks, up from 8.6 weeks in 2022/23.

The average processing time across all Northern Ireland councils was 20.8 weeks. Only 3 councils met the 15-week target, with Mid and East Antrim Borough Council achieving the shortest average processing time in 2023/24.

Verified data for April to June 2024 is not yet available and will be provided in the six-month update report.

Measure 3 At least 70% of enforcement cases concluded within 39 weeks by 31 March 2025.
Status: Achieved

From April 2023 to March 2024, 87.3% of enforcement cases were concluded within 39 weeks, down from 89.5% in 2022/23.

The average across all Northern Ireland councils was 76.4% in 2023/24, up from 74.2% in 2022/23, with 7 councils meeting the target last year. Mid and East Antrim Borough Council ranked third position.

Verified data for April to June 2024 is not yet available and will be provided in the six-month update report.

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