Performance Improvement Plan 2024 - 2025 Quarter 1 Update Report

Performance Improvement Plan 2024 - 2025 Quarter 1 Update Report p2

Duty to Improve

Under the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014, councils have a general duty to make arrangements to secure continuous improvement in the exercise of their functions.

Improvement in the context of the Act means more than gains in service outputs or efficiencies. Improvement means an activity that enhances the sustainable quality of life and environment for ratepayers and communities.

For each financial year, councils must set Improvement Objectives, and have appropriate arrangements in place to achieve them. These objectives must be framed to bring about improvement in at least one of the following aspects:

  • Strategic effectiveness
  • Service quality
  • Service availability
  • Fairness
  • Sustainability
  • Efficiency
  • Innovation

A Performance Improvement Plan, setting out these objectives, must be published by 30 June each year. To view our plan in full, please visit:

Arrangements to Secure Continuous Improvement

Our arrangements to secure continuous improvement are outlined within our Performance Management Framework.

This framework drives performance at all levels within the organisation, and illustrates how our corporate strategies, aims and objectives, flow through the organisation to link to each employee’s individual work plan.

We use a series of measures to monitor our performance and to identify any improvements that we make.

Our arrangements are supported by a dedicated performance management system and are subject to an annual audit and assessment by the Northern Ireland Audit Office.

Our Improvement Objectives

Our Improvement Objectives for 2024/25 are as follows:

Objective 1: People

We will work with partners to improve the lives of citizens.

Objective 2: Place

We will maintain and improve our local areas.

Objective 3: Planet

We will reduce our environmental impact and improve sustainability.

Quarter One Performance Summary

The following pages outline in detail what our citizens will see from the delivery of our Improvement Objectives. We refer to these as outcomes.

We use a series of key performance indicators to track the delivery of our outcomes. We refer to these as measures.

Our performance against our 56 measures during April to June 2024 is summarised below:

  • 77% were achieved or on track
  • 12% were delayed but progressing
  • 2% were not achieved, and
  • 9% of which data was not due or not yet available for

Greater detail on each of the objectives is provided throughout the remainder of this report.

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