Performance Improvement Plan 2024-2025 document

Performance Improvement Plan 2024-2025 document p3

You Told Us

We ran a public consultation on the three draft Improvement Objectives over a period of 12 weeks.

A series of indicative actions were provided against each of the objectives.

The consultation ran from 9 January to 2 April 2024, and involved:

  • A consultation document, which we published on our website and displayed at our main reception areas.
  • An online survey.
  • Face-to-face surveys within our three leisure centres.

Respondents were asked to review the objectives and indicate if they supported the Council in pursuing them.

They had the opportunity to comment on each objective, and to submit their own ideas for improvement.

Promotional activities:

To maximise the response rate, we promoted the survey through:

  • Emails to local community groups.
  • Emails to local businesses.
  • Emails to Council’s Section 75 consultee list.
  • Emails to staff and Elected Members from the Council’s Interim Chief Executive.
  • Regular social media posts.
  • Local press and radio coverage.
  • Council’s intranet.
  • Council’s Connections magazine.

Survey Results

216 people responded to our survey, and a high level of support was indicated for all three objectives, as follows:

Objective 1: People - We will work with partners to improve the lives of citizens - 86% said Yes, 6% said No, and 8% were Unsure.

Objective 2: Place - We will maintain and improve our local areas - 88% said Yes, 7% said No, and 5% were Unsure.

Objective 3: Planet - We will reduce our environmental impact and contribute to the sustainability of the borough - 86% said Yes, 6% said No, and 8% were Unsure.


People: We will work with partners to improve the lives of citizens.

At 86%, there was a high level of support for this objective.

The key priority groups identified were young people, people with disabilities, and the economically inactive.

Respondents’ main areas of concern were the provision of opportunities for skills development, employment, and career progression, actions that address poverty and the cost-of-living, and health and wellbeing support.

The Council must work with the right partners to meet citizens’ needs, and service provision must be equal, accessible, and inclusive.

Place: We will maintain and improve our local areas.

At 88%, there was a high level of support for this objective.

The key priority groups identified were young people and town centre businesses.

Respondents’ main concerns were for investment in playparks and outdoor recreation, support and investment in the borough’s town centres, fair regional balance, and the provision of quality, inclusive, and accessible Council services.

Value for money must be ensured.

Planet: We will reduce our environmental impact and improve sustainability.

At 86%, there was a high level of support for this objective.

The main priorities focused on the Council leading by example, developing the electric vehicle charging network, the provision of an effective and efficient waste management service, support for biodiversity, and engagement and education on sustainability.

Suggestions for improvements.

Half of respondents made a recommendation for improvement.

They would like more communication and interaction with the Council, improvements to our Leisure Services, investment in provision for young people and town centres, and more open spaces.

There were ideas to improve recycling and biodiversity.

Concerns were raised about the Council rate, and our internal management and operations.

More detail was sought on the actions to achieve the objectives, including partner details.

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