Bin Collections: Bins not collected due to the icy conditions should be left presented for collection and our teams will try to collect them as soon as possible.
Details of missed collections are published on our Bin Collection Disruption page.

Performance Improvement Plan

Performance Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018

We have identified the following performance improvement objectives as the focus of the Performance Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018:

Strategic Effectiveness;
Service Quality;
Sustainability; and

The specific actions and measures required to demonstrate performance improvement are based on the strategic priorities agreed by Council in the Corporate Plan 2015-2019 and are outlined in our Performance Improvement Plan 2017-2018 which is available for download below.

If you would like a copy of any of our documents in an alternative format, we are happy to provide this service on request. Contact

We welcome ongoing feedback on our Performance Improvement Plan.  If you would like to make any comments on the plan, email us at the address above or write to us at:

Corporate Planning and Performance
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council
1-29 Bridge Street
BT43 5EJ​