Corporate Plan Update - April to September 2024 - 2025 p6
Our ambition:
By 2028, we will operate as a single entity, fully embracing the vision of the Reorganisation of Public Administration (RPA 2015). We will be a sustainable, customer focused organisation and employer of choice, attracting and retaining the right people, with the right skills, to deliver our vision for the borough. We will provide value for money services by building solid foundations, learning from our mistakes, and instilling sound governance arrangements.
To achieve this, we will:
- Redesign the organisation to work more effectively and efficiently, ensuring financial competence and resilience, delivering social value, and offering good value for money services in a sustainable manner.
- Develop our key support services to help us achieve our goals, underpinning and enabling us to operate effectively and meet our core, statutory and regulatory obligations.
- Continue to work alongside our partners to progress the delivery of the Community Plan and other Council strategies, sharing knowledge, skills, and best practice, to create synergy and influence decision-making to achieve the best outcomes for the borough at an affordable cost.
- Empower and equip our staff, through comprehensive skill development initiatives, fostering a culture of continuous learning, innovation, and growth, ultimately enhancing individual and organisational capabilities.
- Prioritise employee health and wellbeing, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional health, creating an environment where everyone feels valued, motivated and confident, enabling them to thrive personally and professionally.
- Invest in our Elected Members, providing them with the required skills and knowledge to effectively govern.
- Include stakeholders in our decision-making processes through consultation, communication, and engagement, in order to increase satisfaction levels.
Under this theme:
- 72% have been achieved or are on track.
- 22% are delayed but progressing.
- 6% were not achieved.
What you’ll see
Measure |
Utilisation of technologies to improve service delivery. |
Status: On track |
We are continually reviewing our internal systems to ensure they remain efficient and cost-effective. One of the most utilised systems in the organisation is our financial operating system and over the last number of months, we have made significant strides in leveraging it to enhance service delivery. These have included automated prepayments and journal approvals, recurring journal automation, report building training and enhanced management reporting. These improvements have helped streamline processes and ensure compliance. Additionally, within the planned restructure of our Corporate and Support Services Directorate, there will be officers responsible for driving transformation to improve processes and service delivery, including our use of technologies. |
Measure |
Implementation of the Good Governance Review. |
Status: On track |
The Good Governance review was agreed by Elected Members in May. The review provided a comprehensive set of actions and recommendations designed to enhance governance practices and improve decision-making, accountability, and transparency across the organisation. This reaffirmed our commitment to high standards of political decision-making and conduct. Work to deliver the agreed actions is ongoing. |
Measure |
Robust budget arrangements and sound financial management. |
Status: On track |
We continue to maintain reserves within the target range of net operating expenditure, ensuring financial resilience. Since March, we have seen a 5% reduction in the amount of debt older than 90 days, thanks to the implementation of a revised debt management policy, including more proactive collection measures. The production of monthly management accounts is progressing effectively, with monthly reports successfully completed and presented to the Senior Management Team. Earlier challenges with delays are being addressed, and the implementation of a streamlined month-end close process is enhancing overall efficiency. These improvements provide a strong foundation for timely and accurate financial reporting, supporting better decision-making across the organisation. We continue to actively manage our cashflow to take advantage of the best available investment opportunities. A review of our Treasury Management Policy is underway to ensure it supports this approach in the upcoming financial year. Overall, we are making strong progress in managing debt, investments, and financial reporting. Ongoing process improvements and policy adjustments are ensuring that we remain on track to meet our financial objectives for the year. |
Measure |
Review and update our Asset Management Strategy by 31 March 2025. |
Status: Delayed but progressing |
The review and update of our Asset Management Strategy is ongoing, but progress has been slower than anticipated due to requirements for the team to redirect their attention to emerging priorities. Meetings with key stakeholders are being scheduled to ensure alignment and gather necessary input. Work is progressing but may extend beyond the original target completion date. |
Measure |
Ensure all information requests under Freedom of Information (FOI) and/or Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) are processed within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days. |
Status: Not Achieved |
Between April and September, 94% of requests for information under FOI and/or EIR were processed within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days. |
Measure |
Ensure all subject access requests are processed within the statutory timeframe of one calendar month. |
Status: On track |
Between April and September, all subject access requests were processed within the statutory timeframe of one calendar month. |
Measure |
Ensure the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) does not issue any decision notices overturning our FOI/EIR decisions. |
Status: On track |
Between April and September, the ICO did not overturn any of our decisions. |
Measure |
Implement changes to ensure effective utilisation of resources within the Corporate and Support Services Directorate. |
Status: On track |
Our Senior Management Team, in consultation with staff and Trade Unions, are undertaking a restructure of the Corporate and Support Services Directorate. The primary objective of the restructure is to ensure that the Corporate and Support Services Directorate is appropriately resourced to deliver high quality services in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. By realigning functions and roles, the restructure will enhance the capacity of the directorate to support other service areas, drive greater value for money, and deliver improved outcomes for our citizens. |
Measure |
Deliver 10 programmes against the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) by 31 March 2025. |
Status: On track |
We continue to deliver actions aligned with the 17 UNSDGs. These actions are integrated into our ongoing work, ensuring that we make a meaningful contribution to sustainable development across the borough. In January 2025, a student from Queen’s University Belfast will be engaged to report on our progress in delivering against the goals in 2024/25. |
Measure |
Continue to work in partnership with various community, business and tourism stakeholders to progress various initiatives and support programmes. |
Status: On track |
Between April and September, we have worked closely with a wide range of community, business, and tourism stakeholders to deliver key initiatives and support programmes. Our partners have included Government departments such as the Department for Communities and the Department for Infrastructure, as well as the Public Health Agency, PSNI, the Northern Health & Social Care Trust, and various community cluster groups and local business owners. While it is impossible to list all partners, these collaborations have been essential in progressing initiatives that support public health, community cohesion, and local business development. |
Measure |
Ensure at least 1.5 days are spent, per full time equivalent (FTE), on employee learning and development by 31 March 2025. |
Status: On track |
Between April and September, 0.68 days were spent, per FTE, on employee learning and development. This included training courses such as, Manual Handling, Recruitment & Selection, First Aid at Work Refresher, Interview Upskilling, and Level 3 Fire Safety. |
Measure |
Deliver a minimum of 100 training courses to staff by 31 March 2025. |
Status: Achieved |
Between April and September, over 200 individual courses were completed and recorded, surpassing our target for the year. |
Measure |
Develop action plans based on the results of the ‘Listening to Staff’ survey by 31 March 2025. |
Status: Delayed but progressing |
A comprehensive strategy will be developed following the completion of the Corporate and Support Services Directorate restructure. This strategy will outline the necessary actions to effectively respond to the survey results. |
Measure |
Develop a Learning & Development Strategy for staff by 31 March 2025. |
Status: Delayed but progressing |
The development of a Learning & Development Strategy for staff will progress following the completion of the Corporate and Support Services Directorate restructure. A key component of this new structure includes the creation of an Organisational Development and Talent Manager role. This post will lead on the development and implementation of the strategy. |
Measure |
Deliver a minimum of 2 health and wellbeing initiatives for staff by 31 March 2025. |
Status: Achieved |
Between April and September, we launched several initiatives to support staff health and wellbeing. These included menopause awareness sessions, Self-Care Month and an outdoor education event to promote mental wellbeing through connection with nature. The restructure of the Corporate and Support Services Directorate includes the creation of an Employee Inclusion and Wellbeing Officer role. This officer will be responsible for delivering actions to advance our health and wellbeing initiatives for staff. |
Measure |
Ensure annual staff absence levels do not exceed 15 days per FTE by 31 March 2025. |
Status: On track |
Between April and September, a staff absence level of 8.62 days per FTE was recorded. |
Measure |
Develop and implement a learning and development programme for Elected Members by 31 March 2025. |
Status: On track |
We are progressing well with the development and implementation of a learning and development programme for Elected Members. A Councillor Development Charter Sub-Committee has been established, with its first meeting held in September. Training opportunities continue to be offered, with further sessions planned, to support the development of Elected Members in their roles. |
Measure |
Develop a Consultation & Engagement Strategy to ensure stakeholder involvement in decision-making processes by 31 March 2025. |
Status: Delayed but progressing |
The restructure of the Corporate and Support Services Directorate includes the creation of a Consultation and Engagement Officer role. This officer will be responsible for development of a Consultation & Engagement Strategy. The strategy will be designed to ensure that our approach to consultation and engagement is robust, inclusive, and effective, enabling us to better engage with our communities and stakeholders. |