Corporate Plan Update - April to September 2024
The information published on this page is also available as an online/downloadable document (PDF 11MB)
- Welcome
- Key Achievements
- In the Spotlight: EDI Network
- Our Plan
- Performance Summary
- People
- Place
- Planet
- Performance
- Get Involved
- Closing Remarks
As the Interim Chief Executive, I am pleased to share with you the first six-month update on the delivery of our Corporate Plan 2024 to 2028.
Over the past few months, we’ve made significant progress, and I’m proud of the strides we’ve taken together as a council and as a community.
While there is still plenty of work ahead, it’s clear that our citizens are already starting to see the benefits of our efforts.
This update highlights the positive changes we’ve made so far and demonstrates our ongoing commitment to improving the quality of life for all across the borough.
I hope you find this update both informative and encouraging as we continue to work towards our shared goals.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support, and I look forward to seeing what we can achieve together in the future.
Valerie Watts
Interim Chief Executive
Our Vision is:
“Mid and East Antrim will be a strong, vibrant, safe and inclusive community, where people work together to improve the quality of life for all.”