Corporate Plan

2024-2028 Corporate Plan



Welcome from Valerie Watts, Interim Chief Executive

As the Interim Chief Executive of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council, I am pleased to welcome you to our fourth Corporate Plan.

Following the local government elections in May 2023, we welcomed a new mandate of 40 Elected Members and began finalising our Plan, which will shape our strategic direction up to 2028.

This Plan is a direct reflection of what you, the people of Mid and East Antrim, have told us you want and aims to deliver for the borough in a time of both significant opportunity and considerable challenge.

As a council, and as a community, we have all been affected by recent global events - from the pandemic to record levels of inflation, and now the cost-of-living crisis.

This Plan aims to ensure that we as an organisation, use our resources wisely to make sure we provide first class, value for money services and facilities at an affordable cost.

To do this, we are taking a closer look at what we do and how we do it. We are looking both internally and externally, to identify ways to improve our services, support economic prosperity and develop safe and inclusive communities, all whilst protecting and enhancing our environment.

A key focus over the next four years will be the delivery of the Belfast Region City Deal.

The highly ambitious deal will help drive inclusive growth and promote our borough as a prime place to invest and do business, focusing on long-term growth, driving productivity, and creating and sustaining jobs.

Providing leadership and direction on our journey to achieve our vision is Council’s Senior Management Team and your elected representatives from across the 7 districts of the borough. 

Collectively, your Elected Members have over 265 years experience advocating for, and promoting the needs of citizens at both local and central government levels.

We cannot achieve our vision for the borough overnight, nor can we do it alone.

The involvement of our citizens, communities and businesses, is essential.

By working together, we can turn this vision into a reality and make Mid and East Antrim an ideal place to live, visit, work and invest.

Valerie Watts
Interim Chief Executive

Welcome from Mid and East Antrim Elected Members

As your elected representatives for the borough of Mid and East Antrim, we ae proud to support this Corporate Plan. 

We have a shared vision to improve the quality of life for the local communities we represent.

We are committed to addressing the problems facing our communities, including financial pressures, continued recovery from the global pandemic, and tackling climate change.

Addressing the severe funding pressures that we currently find ourselves under is at the forefront of our agenda.

Through the implementation of innovative and creative solutions, we have already made some substantial savings and efficiencies, and we will continue to do everything we can to deliver a balanced budget, and to ensure continued delivery of vital services across the borough.

We pledge ourselves to continue to represent you, to advocate for you, and to be your voice, helping to steer the direction of the Council to deliver on our vision.

Cooperation and collaboration will be at the center of this, and together, we will work for local people, in local places, for the fulfilment of local needs.

Your Elected Members