Bin Collections: Bins not collected due to the icy conditions should be left presented for collection and our teams will try to collect them as soon as possible.
Details of missed collections are published on our Bin Collection Disruption page.

Corporate Plan 2023 to 2024 - Six-month update report April to September 2023

Corporate Plan 2023 to 2024 - Six-month update report 2023

Indicator Four: The number of jobs promoted through business start interventions.


A minimum of 85 jobs. 

This target may increase to 111, pending changes to legislation.


66 jobs.


On track.

Indicator Five: The percentage of household waste collected by district Councils that is sent for recycling.


A minimum of 50%.




On track.

Indicator Six: The amount of biodegradable Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste that is landfilled.


A maximum of 16,387 tonnes.


3,137 tonnes.


On track.

Indicator Seven: The amount (tonnage) of Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste arisings.


The Department for Communities requires that each council sets and monitors its own individual target for this indicator annually.


20,623 tonnes.


On track.


This report has provided just a snapshot of some of our achievements over the last six months. I am extremely proud of our officers and would like to take this opportunity to thank them for the innovative and creative solutions they have come up with to ensure that we continue to provide our citizens with the highest quality services while tackling the financial pressures we all find ourselves in.

As a local government body, Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is not unique in navigating the financial pressures. Internally, we are conducting several reviews into the way in which we work, to ensure that our services are delivered in a financially responsible and sustainable way.

I have no doubt that there may be further challenges ahead, but I can assure you that the needs of our citizens, communities and businesses, are of the utmost importance to both Council officers and Elected Members.

I would encourage anyone who is keen to hear more about the good work being carried out to follow us on our various social media channels. You can also find out more through our corporate documents, such as our Performance Improvement Plan, Climate and Sustainability Action Plan and Community Plan. These, and many others, can be found on our website.

Thank you,

Valerie Watts

Interim Chief Executive

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council


We are committed to continuously improving our services and as such we welcome your comments or suggestions for improvement areas at any time throughout the year.

Please get in touch via:

If you would like any further information or to request a copy of this plan in an alternative format, please contact:

Corporate Performance and Improvement Team
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council
1-29 Bridge Street
BT43 5EJ
