Performance Improvement Plan 2025-2026 Consultation
Three Improvement Objectives are being considered for the 2025-2026 financial year.
Research undertaken to date suggests that the 2024-2025 Improvement Objectives remain relevant, and so, we are considering a continued focus on them.
This public consultation will provide some insights into the needs and lives of citizens and will help to establish if the three objectives are appropriate and supported.
You can read the full Performance Improvement Plan 2025-2026 Consultation document online.
An Easy Read version of the PIP 2025-2026 Consultation document is also available to read online or download.
We have outlined a range of potential actions which will support the delivery of our objectives in the table below.
All actions are provisional, they are subject to available finance or funding, and will be published in greater detail within our final plan.
Objective 1: We will work with partners to improve the lives of citizens. |
Potential actions:
Objective 2: We will maintain and improve our local areas. |
Potential actions:
Objective 3: We will reduce our environmental impact and improve sustainability. |
Potential action:
Your views
It is very important that our citizens have an opportunity to directly participate in the development of our Improvement Objectives for 2025-2026.
Please do so by completing our survey online through our Survey Monkey platform.
The survey will close on 4 April 2025.
Performance Improvement Plan Consultation
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council
1-29 Bridge Street
BT43 5EJ
Key Dates
open for consultation
From Friday 17 January 2025
Friday 4 April 2025