Climate and Sustainability Action Plan 2023 - 2027 p4

5. Resource Management

Using resources efficiently and sustainably, to reduce consumption and support a low carbon circular economy across the council and borough.


  • Improve resource efficiency and material re-use as part of a low carbon circular economy.
  • Support the waste hierarchy of reduce, reuse and recycle to help meet our waste, recycling and climate targets.
  • Upskill our workforce on climate change and encourage a culture of resource efficiency in the workplace.
  • Engage communities in climate education and environmental initiatives to create a resilient and sustainable borough.
  • Reduce water consumption and encourage sustainable surface water management.



Responsible Team

Engage with schools and community groups to increase knowledge and support the waste hierarchy and circular economy to meet our waste and climate targets.

No. of events run by council to promote reduce, re-use, recycling and circular economy.

No. of communications campaigns to increase re-use.

Waste education/ Communications/ Events

Ensure the sustainable management of waste including the promotion of the waste hierarchy and the circular economy (Policies WMT1, WMT2, WMT3).

% increase of recycling rate of municipal waste.

No. of communications campaigns to increase re-use.

Waste/ Planning

Reduce consumption of single-use plastic (SUP) within Council and events.

% reduction in single-use plastic.

Waste education/ Events

Encourage the hospitality industry by encouraging compostable packaging, reducing single-use plastic.

No. of initiatives to promote awareness and provide information on alternatives to single-use plastics.

Waste education/ Tourism

Standardise household waste and recycling collection models and commit to making recycling easier for our community.

% increase of recycling rate of municipal waste


Meet the 55% increase recycling rate target of municipal waste within the Waste (Circular Economy) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2020 – by 2020-2035.

% increase in the recycling rate of municipal waste.




Meet 60-65% recycling targets of municipal waste within the Waste (Circular Economy) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2020 – by 2030-2035.

% increase in the recycling rate of municipal waste.


Improve promotion, marketing and communication of sustainability-themed events.

No. of sustainability and climate themed events.

Evidence of sustainability criteria used in events.

Climate & Sustainability (Education / Communications (Events)

Encourage communities to engage in climate education and participate in sustainable initiatives.

No. of climate education programmes promoted.

No. of sustainable initiatives delivered.

Community Planning/ Climate & Sustainability

Support communities to access funding for climate action projects to sustainably manage their environment e.g. environment grant.

No. of funded climate action projects delivered.

Community Planning/ Climate & Sustainability

Cleanliness - continue to deliver and shape effective enforcement and education on Clean Neighbourhood matters though collaborative practices.

No. of fines issued each year.

100% of service requests for abandoned vehicles and fly tipping responded to within 3 working days each year.

No. of litter talks given in schools and community groups each year.

Environment Health/ Waste

Upskill our workforce on climate change and encourage an agile corporate culture of resource efficiency in the workplace.

No. of employees who have received Carbon Literacy Training.

Human Resources/ Climate & Sustainability/All Service

6: Buildings and Energy

Improving energy efficiency and use of renewable energy across the council estate and promote low carbon solutions in the wider borough.

Our Objectives

  • Improve the energy efficiency of Council buildings and maximise the use of renewable energy sources to help deliver carbonreduction targets.
  • Continue to work with multi sectoral and government partners to promote low carbon solutions across the borough.
  • Embed good practice energy management approaches into facility and building management decisions, targeting a reduction in carbon emissions.
  • Embed sustainable criteria into the design and delivery of all new Council buildings and refurbishments.
  • Implement adaptation measures in Council buildings at risk from extreme weather.
  • Deliver the Local Development Plan in line with Council’s climate and sustainability commitments.
Actions Indicators Responsible Team
Improve the energy efficiency of Council buildings to help deliver carbon reduction Reduction in Carbon Emissions.

Energy & Facilities

Maximise the use of renewable energy sources to help deliver carbon reduction targets and reduce costs. Reduction in Carbon Emissions.

Energy & Facilities

Embed good practice energy management approaches into facility and building management decisions. Reduction in Carbon Emissions.

Energy & Facilities

Ringfence an ‘invest to save’ budget to ensure sufficient investment in energy efficiency / renewable technologies which in turn reduces financial and carbon costs. No. of projects within the ‘invest to
save’ portfolio.

Energy & Facilities

Reduce water consumption.

Water usage per square metre of council estate.

No. of measures to reduce water consumption.

Desktop review of water consumption across the estate.

Energy & Facilities
Deliver an energy efficiency education programme to Council staff. No. of staff attending online energy efficiency module.

Energy & Facilities

Asset efficiency – identify Council buildings with poor thermal performance and/or occupancy and propose recommendations for efficiency.

No. of buildings identified having poor thermal performance.

Reduction in Carbon Emissions.

Energy & Facilities
Ensure sustainable principles are integrated into all major construction and refurbishment projects (over £3m) at the design phase, incorporating it into both the business case and project specification.

Evidence of sustainable principles included in design phase.

Evidence of whole life carbon assessments to costing and evaluating build and retrofit options

Capital Works

New build, extensions or refurbishment projects in excess of £1,000,000 and 1,000m2 will be subject to a formal assessment and will be expected to achieve Passive House Plus certification, where appropriate.

All other new build, extensions or refurbishment projects will adopt key sustainable practices and wider sustainability requirements.

No. of projects achieving Passive House Plus certification.

No. of projects adopting sustainable practices.

Capital Works
Construction Stage: Manage construction waste in line with the waste hierarchy of reduce, re-use and recycle through sustainable design.

% Reused and recycled construction waste.

Use of locally sourced and recovered materials.

Capital Works
Require the design of buildings to incorporate climate resilience and flood proofing measures in at risk locations.

Reduction in development within flood risk locations.

Increase in use of sustainable drainage.

Capital Works
Design Stage: incorporation of increased greening e.g. through installation of green walls/roofs etc, use of SuDS, where possible. No. of designs incorporating green walls/ roofs, use of SuDS.

Capital Works

Deliver a flagship project which maximises sustainable design principles and use of sustainable construction materials. Delivery of Carnfunnock Country Park refurbishment.

Capital Works

Administer and enforce relevant building regulations as they relate to fitness of materials and conservation of fuel and power.

No. of inspections of commencement of works in relation to new/replacement boilers/heating systems to all building types.

No. of inspections of commencement of works in relation to upgraded loft insulation/cavity wall insulation to all building types.

Building Control
Actively participate within Northern Ireland Building Control, Building Standards and the Building and the Regulations Advisory Committee to lobby for proportionate minimum acceptable standards in respect of energy efficiency, sustainability of building materials and implementation of energy from renewable sources in new, altered or extended building projects.

Attendance record for Council Building Control Staff.

Log improvements to Building Regulations implemented over time as they relate to energy efficiency, sustainability of building materials and implementation of energy from renewable sources where building work is carried out under Building Regulations.

Building Control

Utilise the knowledge and experience of Building Control staff as a consultee in capital projects and facilities maintenance proposals as they relate to Councils building portfolio to reduce energy use.

Numbers of consultation requests made by Council stakeholders e.g. Assets, Capital works, Facilities Maintenance. Building Control

Ensure development proposals have taken account of the efficient use of energy, water and other resources, and where feasible and practicable integrate micro-generation and passive solar design. (Policy GP1e v.)

Include in draft plan strategy and upon adoption in late 2023 will become establish practice Planning
Reduce dependence on fossil fuels and encourage a renewable energy mix (Policy RE1)

Include in draft plan strategy and upon adoption in late 2023 monitor the megawatts of renewable energy development approved by Planning Department in reporting year (by renewable energy type).

Encourage sustainable drainage systems to be included in all development proposals, where feasible and practicable. (Policy GP1e v.).

Include in draft plan strategy and upon adoption in late 2023 will become established practice.

Ensure development proposals within areas of surface water flood risk include sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) as the preferred means of drainage (Policy FRD4).

% Planning permissions granted within areas of surface water flood risk which include SuDS measures.

Ensure proposals for surface level car parks include sustainable drainage (SuDS) (Policy TR7).

% Planning permissions granted for surface level car parks which include SuDS measures.

Identify opportunities for ‘soft SuDS’ solutions to be included as Key Site Requirements in housing and economic zonings in the LPP.

On adoption of the Local Policies Plan monitor % planning permissions granted on zonings in line with the Key Site Requirement to include soft SuDS measures.

Ensure no development on a site at risk from flooding or where it would cause or exacerbate flooding elsewhere (Policy GP1d v.).

Include in draft plan strategy and upon adoption in late 2023 will become established practice.

Consider development proposals on floodplains only by exception (Policy FRD1).

No. of Planning permissions granted on floodplains against policy (target 0).

Require development proposals >1ha or >25 units to provide public open space as an integral part of the development (at least 10% of site area) (Policy OSL4).

The number of planning permissions granted that meet the public open space requirements of Policy OSL4.

Raise awareness of energy efficiency measures and other support to tackle fuel poverty in the borough.

No. of initiatives to promote energy efficiency and address fuel poverty.

Environmental Health

Monitoring & Reporting

Step 1: Initiative

Identify climate change impacts and risks. Develop Climate and Sustainability Strategy,

Step 2: Research

Establish baseline data.
Complete workshop.
Engage with heads of service and key officers.

Step 3: Plan

Agree a vision, key themes, objectives and indicators.
Develop a Climate Action Plan.

Step 4: Implement

Develop a monitoring and reporting system.
Integrate the plan into council operations.

Step 5: Monitor and Review

Report on performance anually.
Review the plan every two years.

Source: International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) Five Milestone Approach for Climate Action Planning


BEIS: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

Blue carbon: Carbon captured by the world’s ocean and coastal ecosystems.

BREEAM: Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method. This is an internationally recognised, science-based suite of validation and certification systems for a sustainable built environment.

BRCD: Belfast Region City Deal Carbon 

Sequestration: The process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the earth’s atmosphere

Circular economy: keeping resources in use for as long as possible, extracting the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recovering and regenerating products and materials at the end of life.

CO2e - CO2 equivalent: This is a metric measuring all greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, allowing them to be expressed as a single number for simplicity.

IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. An intergovernmental body of the United Nations established in 1988 to advance scientific knowledge about climate change caused by human activities.

Greenhouse gases: Gases including carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases which contribute to the greenhouse effect and enhanced global warming.

ktCO2: Kilotonnes of Carbon Dioxide Nature Based Solutions – Methods of mitigating climate change using natural ecosystems e.g. carbon sequestration via restoration of peatlands or degraded habitats.

Net Zero: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any residual emissions being offset by sequestration methods such as via forests and oceans.

Scope 1 Emissions: Direct emissions resulting from onsite burning of oil, gas and fuel within your fleet.

Scope 2 Emissions: Direct emissions resulting from purchase of electricity.

Scope 3 Emissions: Indirect emissions associated with all other activities up and down stream including water use, waste, business and commuter miles, investments, transportation and distribution and leased assets.

SuDS: Sustainable Drainage Systems. Drainage solutions that provide an alternative to the direct channelling of surface water through pipes and sewers to watercourses. SuDS mimic natural drainage regimes, aiming to reduce surface water flooding, improving water quality and enhancing biodiversity in the environment (BGS, 2023).

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