Climate and Sustainability Action Plan 2023 - 2027 p3

Appendix 1: Objectives and Actions

1. Good Governance and Community Leadership

Leading by example to develop a Council which includes sustainability and climate change in all decision making and empowers citizens to create a just transition to net zero.


  • Climate and sustainability is embedded in Council policies, plans and decision-making processes.
  • Lead by example to reduce emissions from Council operations to net zero by 2040.
  • Empower, educate and support citizens to create a just transition to net zero for the borough by 2050.
  • Climate adaptation is at the centre of Council’s service delivery, supporting local communities and creating a sustainable and resilient borough.
  • Continue to work collaboratively with multi sectoral and government partners to engender community leadership on climate action.
  • Continue to develop stakeholder partnerships to assist with funding and resources for climate action.



Responsible Team

Ensure that sustainable development and climate change are used as a guiding principle in Council plans, policies and strategies.

100% of new or reviewed policies and plans have identified Sustainable Development and Climate Change implications.

No. new projects screened for sustainability.

Corporate Services Policy Team/All Services

Ensure that climate change risks are appropriately addressed within our risk management and business continuity process.

Climate change risks are included in the corporate risk register.

Every services area’s Business Continuity Plan includes climate change threats.

Climate & Sustainability/ Corporate Services


Engage and influence the pension scheme provider on fossil fuel divestment.

Report from pension scheme on % fossil fuel divestment

Climate & Sustainability/Finance

Include environmental and social value weightings in procurement policy.

Employ a social value officer.

Evidence of environmental and social value weightings in awards.

Digital Innovation & Procurement

Investigate best practice to collate emissions from Council’s supply chain.

Evidence of engagement with supply chain.

Procurement/ Climate & Sustainability

Resilience – implement actions within Council’s Adaptation Plan to reduce the impacts of extreme weather and improve health and wellbeing.

No. of initiatives to enhance and promote the benefits of green open spaces and the landscape quality.


Climate & Sustainability/ Emergency Planning

Resilience – work with multi-agency partners to increase capacity to respond to severe weather events and to increase community resilience.

No. of multi-agency response interventions delivered as a result of severe weather.


Emergency Planning/Civil Contingencies/RCRG Community Planning

Resilience - Support communities to build local resilience through the creation of community lead resilience hubs including the ability to respond to climate change risks.

Complete the RCRG Resilience Pilot with selected communities.

Contribute learning to Regional Resilience Toolkit.

Implementation of the RCRG Regional Resilience Toolkit across the Borough and linking with multi-agency partners.

Emergency Planning Civil Contingencies RCRG/Community Planning

Implement a collaborative approach to delivering the climate change agenda to local communities.

No. of communications and PR to raise awareness of climate and sustainability agenda.

Monitor the effectiveness of climate change engagement through digital platforms.


Improve promotion, marketing, and communication of sustainability-themed procurement activities, policies and processes as appropriate.

No. of sustainability and climate themed events.

Climate & Sustainability/  Communications/ Events

Develop cross departmental collaborations and partnerships to assist with sources of funding for climate action.

No. of cross-departmental collaborations and partnerships.

Communication/ Climate & Sustainability

2. Protecting the Environment

Protecting the natural environment within our borough to enhance biodiversity, increase carbon capture and improve the health and wellbeing of our citizens.


  • Reduce GHG emissions and improve carbon capture across the Council estate, services and wider borough.
  • Reduce GHG emissions from land use through planning (or delivery of the Local Development Plan).
  • Utilise nature based solutions to aid in Climate Change adaptation and improve health and wellbeing.
  • Protect and enhance biodiversity in our parks and open spaces.
  • Optimise environmental management practices to reduce the impact of Council services on air, land and water.



Responsible Team

Update the Cycle Routes Masterplan and include walking routes to promote walking and cycling.

No. of education promotion for shared use on walking/cycle paths.

No. of walking events in urban areas.

Parks Development


Ensure the planning system protects the natural environment, biodiversity and ecosystems (Policies NAT1-NAT5).

Evidence of established practice.




Preserve carbon storage in peatland by applying a presumption against commercial peat extraction (Policy MIN7).

% applications approved for commercial peat extraction (target 0).




Invest in nature-based solutions that work for towns making the council estate and public realm more climate change ready through enhancing green spaces, urban greening, and adaptable planting regimes.

No. of  removal of use of peat compost from parks and open spaces

% reduction use in pesticides

Increased hectares of publicly accessible land managed sustainably

No. of community projects supported.

Parks and Open Spaces / Regeneration / Parks Development


Protect and restore, where possible, peatlands and degraded soils on the Council estate or in partnership across the borough.


No. of hectares of peatland restored.

Carbon emissions reduction.


Parks Development


Develop a Tree and Woodland Management Strategy to include tree planting, tree health maintenance and woodland management to increase tree cover across the borough to enhance biodiversity, increase carbon store and support ecosystem services.

No. of trees planted on Council land.

No. of trees planted on public land through MEABC support.

Parks development


Work in partnership with Ulster Wildlife to re-introduce native oyster beds to Glenarm and Carrickfergus marinas.


No. of oyster beds introduced.

No. of educational programmes.

Harbour and Marinas


Become a Sustainable Food Place.

No. of achieving bronze level Sustainable food place.

Achieve gold in medium term.

No. of community fridges across the borough

No. of support opportunities for community growing.

Parks Development

In house growing of plants (nursery) to allow sustainable planting.

All plants grown in house.

Parks and Open Spaces

Develop opportunities for promoting and encouraging sustainable water management.





No. of water diversion/holding proposals (green roofs, permeable paving, soakaways, tree planting, ponds and wetlands) considered at design stage of new projects.

No. of reduction of water schedules and water intensives planting schemes across parks and green spaces.

Investigate alternative sustainable water supply opportunities.

Parks & Open Spaces /Regeneration/ Parks Development




Introduce natural solutions for oil spills in Harbours and Marinas .

No. of oil spills cleared with polysorb (target 0).

Harbour and Marinas


3. Economy

Driving sustainable economic growth, supporting local communities, businesses and agriculture in transitioning to a circular economy and providing opportunities for the development of clean, green technologies in the local area.


  • Drive inclusive and sustainable economic growth through investing in our people, our places and its business.
  • Promote the low carbon circular economy through good environmental, social and economic governance.
  • Support communities, farmers and local businesses to live more sustainably, reduce carbon emissions and adapt to a changing climate.
  • Drive innovation in clean green technology in the borough through partnerships.
  • Develop the skills needed to embrace opportunities for a prosperous and more sustainable future.



Responsible Team

Support the business community to adopt energy efficiency practices and progress towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

No. of business mentoring sessions delivered.

No. of support mechanism deployed

No. of information/education sessions delivered.

Economic Development




Work in partnership with academia, employability providers and employers to shape appropriate Cleantech Academy modules to enable upskilling and new employment opportunities.

No. of programmes delivered.

No. of participants upskills.

Economic Development

Support the development of new start-ups in the cleantech/ environment and sustainable sectors via the Entrepreneurship Support Service.


No. of programmes delivered to encourage entrepreneurship and employability.

No. of business starts (in relevant sectors).

Economic Development

BRCD – To establish an i4C physical hub, supporting future innovation activity in the borough and clean technology needs across NI. Targeting BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating which will embed sustainability at all stages of the proposal.

Establishment of the i4C Innovation and CleanTech Centre

Achieving BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating

Belfast Region City Deal

Using the Belfast Regional City Deal to drive low carbon growth and transformational change.

No. of business support hubs

% increase in energy resilience and initial feasibility studies

No. of support mechanisms deployed

No. of information/education sessions delivered

No. of hydrogen trial test-bed projects established.

Economic Development/ Climate & Sustainability

Develop a localised Sustainable Tourism Strategy based on Tourism NI’s new strategy.

Delivery of new strategy.


Complete an audit of local businesses to assess sustainability credentials and share best practice.

No. of businesses engaged.


Develop a new outreach and support programme to engage with local businesses to promote sustainability.

No. of businesses engaged in the programme.


Increase awareness of free to use sustainability tool kits.

No. of communications about the sustainable toolkit.

Tourism/Climate & Sustainability

BRCD – Expansion at The Gobbins proposal targeting BREEAM Infrastructure ‘Excellent’ rating on the building development. Measures to improve sustainability will be included in design and delivery.

Achieving BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating on the building development.

Belfast Region City Deal

BRCD – Carrickfergus Regeneration Project to regenerate, reposition and rebrand the town of Carrickfergus. Measures to improve sustainability will be included in design and delivery.

No. of increased GVA and jobs for Northern Ireland.

No. of regeneration of Carrickfergus town centre.

No. of wellbeing benefits for residents.

Belfast Region City Deal

Examine lighting approaches in design of public & civic space which contributes to a low carbon environment.


Lighting strategy complete across Town Centres.

Text Box: 28/29

Economic Development/ Climate & Sustainability

Examine town centre incentives for business/property owners to introduce low carbon practices.


No. of successful introductions of low carbon incentives and uptake.


Economic Development/  Climate & Sustainability

Ensure town centres regeneration contributes to climate action by reducing emissions, investing in low carbon transport and creating more greenspaces.

No. of  public realm improvements / regeneration projects delivered in partnership with Council, DFC and DFI

Economic Development/ Regeneration


Provide businesses with opportunities to learn new skills and develop a knowledge and education of opportunities within the Cleantech sector.

No. of training courses/ practical training delivered.

No. of businesses participating in clean-tech initiatives.

Economic Development


Work in partnership with academia and employers to promote career opportunities in the Cleantech sector through a series of schools engagement activities.

No. of programmes delivered.

No. of events to encourage entrepreneurship and employability.

% attendees found event helpful in accessing careers support.

Economic Development

4. Transport

Reducing emissions across our fleet and supporting the development of sustainable and active travel within the organisation and throughout Mid and East Antrim.


  • Reduce carbon emissions across Council fleet.
  • Increase sustainable and active travel and reduce trips by vehicle to improve air quality.
  • Encourage agile working and digital innovation to reduce business and commuting miles.
  • Promote sustainable practices in servicing and maintenance of infrastructure.



Responsible Team

Decarbonise small fleet (<7.5 T) by 2030.

Completion of pilot scheme, trialling leasing options.

% reduction in carbon emissions from Council fleet annually.


Trailing new technology to decarbonise the fleet.

No. of completed trails.

No. of new technology rolled out.

% reduction in carbon emissions from Council fleet annually.


Implement route optimisation software across waste collection services.

% reduction in carbon emissions from Council fleet annually.

No. of drivers trained in Eco Driving.


Implement circular economy principles in tyre management.

% reduction in carbon emissions from responsible tyre management.

% reduction in new tyre purchase.


Further realise the efficiencies and sustainable benefits of agile working, encouraging virtual meetings and effective journey management.

% reduction in business miles annually.

% reduction in commuting miles annually.

Corporate Services / Human Resources/ All services

Work in partnership with DfI to encourage walking and cycling through investment in additional infrastructure and creation of linkage opportunities.

No. of km of new greenway.

Parks & Open Spaces/ Planning

Update the Cycle Routes Masterplan and include walking routes to promote walking and cycling and promoting this across the borough.

No. of education promotion for shared use on walking/ cycle paths.

No. of km of new greenway.

No. of walking events in urban areas.

Parks & Open Spaces

Identify funding opportunities and grants available for outdoor activities and active travel to improve health and wellbeing of residents within the borough.

No. of active travel initiatives.

Improved quality in children’s play areas.

Lengthening of greenways and towpaths.

Parks & Open Spaces/ Health & Wellbeing/ Grants

Work with Translink, Sustrans and other key stakeholders to provide education and participation initiatives to encourage active, public and shared modes of transport.

No. of educational initiatives to encourage cycling.

Parks & Open Spaces/ Leisure

Support the roll out of the EV infrastructure in the Council estate and across the borough.

No. of new EV charge points.

Energy/Climate & Sustainability

Air quality – monitor and review air quality in accordance with the NI Air Quality Strategy.

Compliance through an updated Air Quality Action Plan.

Enviro Health/ External Stakeholders

Use the planning system to prevent new developments locking residents into car dependency.

Evidence of established practice.


Ensure the needs of pedestrians and cyclists are taken into account in development.

Evidence of established practice.


Ensure proposals for car parks provide secure, direct and safe access and movement for pedestrians and cyclists (Policy TR7).

Evidence of established practice.

Parks & Open Spaces/ Planning

5. Resource Management

Using resources efficiently and sustainably, to reduce consumption and support a low carbon circular economy across the council and borough.


  • Improve resource efficiency and material re-use as part of a low carbon circular economy.
  • Support the waste hierarchy of reduce, reuse and recycle to help meet our waste, recycling and climate targets.
  • Upskill our workforce on climate change and encourage a culture of resource efficiency in the workplace.
  • Engage communities in climate education and environmental initiatives to create a resilient and sustainable borough.
  • Reduce water consumption and encourage sustainable surface water management.



Responsible Team

Engage with schools and community groups to increase knowledge and support the waste hierarchy and circular economy to meet our waste and climate targets.

No. of events run by council to promote reduce, re-use, recycling and circular economy.

No. of communications campaigns to increase re-use.

Waste education/ Communications/ Events

Ensure the sustainable management of waste including the promotion of the waste hierarchy and the circular economy (Policies WMT1, WMT2, WMT3).

% increase of recycling rate of municipal waste.

No. of communications campaigns to increase re-use.

Waste/ Planning

Reduce consumption of single-use plastic (SUP) within Council and events.

% reduction in single-use plastic.

Waste education/ Events

Encourage the hospitality industry by encouraging compostable packaging, reducing single-use plastic.

No. of initiatives to promote awareness and provide information on alternatives to single-use plastics.

Waste education/ Tourism

Standardise household waste and recycling collection models and commit to making recycling easier for our community.

% increase of recycling rate of municipal waste


Meet the 55% increase recycling rate target of municipal waste within the Waste (Circular Economy) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2020 – by 2020-2035.

% increase in the recycling rate of municipal waste.




Meet 60-65% recycling targets of municipal waste within the Waste (Circular Economy) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2020 – by 2030-2035.

% increase in the recycling rate of municipal waste.


Improve promotion, marketing and communication of sustainability-themed events.

No. of sustainability and climate themed events.

Evidence of sustainability criteria used in events.

Climate & Sustainability (Education / Communications (Events)

Encourage communities to engage in climate education and participate in sustainable initiatives.

No. of climate education programmes promoted.

No. of sustainable initiatives delivered.

Community Planning/ Climate & Sustainability

Support communities to access funding for climate action projects to sustainably manage their environment e.g. environment grant.

No. of funded climate action projects delivered.

Community Planning/ Climate & Sustainability

Cleanliness - continue to deliver and shape effective enforcement and education on Clean Neighbourhood matters though collaborative practices.

No. of fines issued each year.

100% of service requests for abandoned vehicles and fly tipping responded to within 3 working days each year.

No. of litter talks given in schools and community groups each year.

Environment Health/ Waste

Upskill our workforce on climate change and encourage an agile corporate culture of resource efficiency in the workplace.

No. of employees who have received Carbon Literacy Training.

Human Resources/ Climate & Sustainability/All Service

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