Please note: A number of our Parks will be CLOSED this weekend, Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 December 2024 due to the forecast high winds.

Other facilities may close at short notice for public and/or staff safety if required.

Equality Screening - Performance Improvement Plan 2024-25

Equality Screening Performance Improvement Plan 2024-25 p3


Sexual orientation

  • Figures refer to borough residents aged 16 and over (of which there are 113,075).

NI Census 2021

Straight or heterosexual

Northern Ireland 90.04%

Mid and East Antrim Borough


Gay or Lesbian

Northern Ireland 1.17%

Mid and East Antrim Borough



Northern Ireland 0.75%

Mid and East Antrim Borough


Other Sexual orientation

Northern Ireland 0.17%

Mid and East Antrim Borough


Prefer not to say

Northern Ireland 4.58%

Mid and East Antrim Borough


Not stated

Northern Ireland 3.30%

Mid and East Antrim Borough


  • The sexual orientation statistical breakdown for the Mid and East Antrim 2011 census was not available, therefore it is not possible to determine if there has been any change in the sexual orientation of residents.

Men and women generally

2021 Census

  • The population of the Borough is 49% male and 51% female, with no change since the 2011 census.

Gender quotas, in line with the 2021 Census outputs, were achieved within the Citizen Survey 2022 results (as below).

A representative sample of gender helped to determine the top five priorities to make the borough a better place to live in, which were considered in the development of Improvement Objectives. 









2021 Census

  • Of the 138,994 residents in Mid and East Antrim, 25% live with a limiting long-term health problem or disability.
  • Of the 58,283 households in Mid and East Antrim, 45% are affected by a resident or residents with a limiting long-term health problem or disability.
  • Nearly half the number of households in Mid and East Antrim are affected by one of the 50,121 limiting long-term health problems or disability recorded for the area.

Specific detail from the Performance Improvement Plan 2024/25 consultation:

  • There was a high level of support for actions to develop skills and improve employment outcomes (particularly for young people, people with disabilities and the economically inactive), through apprenticeships, work experience, volunteering, and the acquisition of trades.
  • There was a call for more organisations to offer apprenticeships. This route provides an income for people while they learn and is an option for those who do not want to undertake A-Levels or attend university. It was felt that the Council should lead by example by offering opportunities for work experience, work placement, volunteering, mentoring, and apprenticeships.
  • The actions outlined in the consultation document to develop skills and employability align with the Northern Ireland Further Education mandate of generating a vibrant and strong economy through the development of professional and technical skills and strengthening social inclusion by supporting those with no or low qualifications, or who have other barriers to learning, with the skills and qualifications to find employment and become economically active.
  • Good health can remove barriers to learning, work, income, and socialising.
  • Good access to parks and green spaces was deemed a key priority for local people.
  • For people with disabilities, there was a call for adequate service provision, more activities, and social opportunities.
  • Inclusivity should be a given, not an afterthought.
  • Recognising the value of the Council’s work on raising autism-awareness, a request was made for the continuation of sessions, preferably for pre-school age.
  • Continued investment in playparks and areas for outdoor recreation were key priorities for respondents.
  • There was a high level of concern in relation to the closure or planned closure of playparks and the impact this could have on local communities, young people, and families.
  • There must be adequate provision for people with disabilities, teens (MUGA’s, kickabouts, or skateparks), and for the very young (playpark provision for toddlers).
  • Facilities must be safe, secure, and well maintained. (Some felt vandalism was an issue within playparks).
  • Parks, open spaces, and amenities should provide for people with disabilities i.e. accessible toilets and Changing Places facilities. One person called for more town centre provision for people who don’t have a car, giving the example of Carnfunnock.


2021 Census

  • 27.07% of MEABC households have one or more dependent children. This has fallen from 32.14% recorded in the 2011 census.
  • The age breakdown of the dependent children is:

Age group in Mid and East Antrim Borough by (%) is as follows:

Age 0 - 4


Age 5 - 11


Age 12 - 18


  • Hours of unpaid care provided by residents of Mid and East Antrim Borough according to the 2021 census are:

Hours of Unpaid Care in Mid and East Antrim Borough by percentage:

1 – 19 hours


20 – 34 hours


35 – 49 hours


50+ hours




If you do not have enough data to tell you about potential or actual impacts you may need to conduct a pre-consultation to generate more data and to distinguish what groups are potentially affected by your policy.

Needs, experiences and priorities

Taking into account the information referred to above, what are the different needs, experiences and priorities of each of the following categories, in relation to the particular policy or decision? 

Specify details of the needs, experiences and priorities for each of the Section 75 categories below:

Section 75 category

Details needs, experiences and priorities

Religious belief

The evidence summary details provided at the beginning of ‘Available Evidence’ provides background information to this section.

In Northern Ireland, religious belief can be a divisive aspect within communities which can result in people from this category experiencing a feeling of being overlooked if Council’s improvement plans are perceived to focus on areas and/or individuals from religious backgrounds other than their own.

As such, it is a priority for people within this category to have equal consideration and a feeling of safety within measures that are implemented from this Plan.

The Performance Improvement Plan is envisaged to have a positive impact through the provision of shared, inclusive spaces and activities e.g. playparks, MUGA’s, parks and open spaces.

Political opinion

The evidence summary details provided at the beginning of ‘Available Evidence’ provides background information to this section. Additional information below.

The Performance Improvement Plan is an a-political document despite being produced by a political organisation.

In Northern Ireland, political opinion can be a divisive aspect within communities which can result in people from this category experiencing a feeling of being overlooked if Council’s improvement plans are perceived to focus on areas and/or individuals with political opinions other than their own.

As such, it is priority for people within this category to have equal consideration and a feeling of safety within measures that are implemented from this Plan.

Racial group

The evidence summary details provided at the beginning of ‘Available Evidence’ provides background information to this section. Additional information below.

In Northern Ireland, race can be a divisive aspect within communities which can result in people from this category experiencing a feeling of being overlooked if Council’s improvement plans are perceived to focus on areas and/or individuals from racial groups other than their own.

As such, it is a priority for people within this category to have equal consideration and a feeling of safety within measures that are implemented from this Plan.

People from various racial groups may not have English as their first language and/or may struggle with the fluency in English required to fully understand and engage with this Plan.

It is a priority for these individuals to have the Plan be made available in alternative languages, upon request. 


Details on the specific benefits of the Performance Improvement Plan for this Section 75 group are included in Part 1 of this document. Additional information below.

Older people may experience the need for additional support when accessing and reading the Performance Improvement Plan.

An accessible version will be available on our website, and alternative formats can be provided on request e.g. larger print.

Marital status

People should not have varying experiences, needs and priorities in respect of the Plan based on their marital status.

The Performance Improvement Plan will not impact this demographic based solely on their marital status.

Sexual orientation

People should not have varying experiences, needs and priorities in respect of the Plan based on their sexual orientation.

The Performance Improvement Plan will not impact this demographic based solely on their sexual orientation.

Men and women generally

People should not have varying experiences, needs and priorities in respect of the Plan based on their sex.

The evidence summary details provided at the beginning of ‘Available Evidence’ provides background information to this section.


The evidence summary details provided at the beginning of ‘Available Evidence’ provides background information to this section. Additional information below.

Disabled people may experience the need for additional support when accessing and reading the Performance Improvement Plan. It is a priority for these individuals to have the Plan be made available in alternative formats, upon request. 

An accessible version will be available on our website, and alternative formats can be provided on request e.g. larger print. Support can be provided to facilitate understanding of the plan where required.


The amount of people within the Borough with caring responsibilities (whether parental or otherwise) is at an all time high.

Unpaid carers can often experience an inability to avail of services due to their responsibilities, often being disadvantaged through time or financial resources.

It is a priority for people within this category to have equal consideration as to how they can benefit and feel included within measures that are implemented from this Plan.

Part 2. Screening questions

Taking into account the evidence presented above, consider and comment on the likely impact on equality of opportunity and good relations for those affected by this policy, in any way, for each of the equality and good relations categories, and indicate the level of impact on the group i.e. minor, major or none.

1    What is the likely impact on equality of opportunity for those affected by this policy, for each of the Section 75 equality categories? Minor, major or none

Section 75 category

Details of policy impact

Indicate Level of impact for each category? 

Positive major

Positive minor


Negative major

Negative minor

Category: Religious belief

Policy Impact:

The Performance Improvement Plan is envisaged to have a positive impact through the provision of shared, inclusive spaces and activities e.g. playparks, MUGA’s, parks and open spaces.

For all Section 75 categories, it is not yet possible to determine the extent of the positive impact i.e. positive major or positive minor, unless otherwise indicated.

Level of Impact: Positive

Category: Political opinion

Policy Impact:

The Performance Improvement Plan is envisaged to have a positive impact through the provision of shared, inclusive spaces and activities e.g. playparks, MUGA’s, parks and open spaces.

Level of Impact: Positive


Racial group

Policy Impact:

The Performance Improvement Plan is envisaged to have a positive impact through the provision of shared, inclusive spaces and activities e.g. playparks, MUGA’s, parks and open spaces.

Level of Impact: Positive

Racial group continued

Policy Impact:

Where English is not the first language of the individual, additional support may be required to access the plan. Council will mitigate by offering to supply alternative languages and formats on request. To do so proactively would not be feasible due to costs.

Level of Impact: Minor Negative



Policy Impact:

The Performance Improvement Plan is envisaged to have a positive impact on people of all ages.

Actions under the People objective will support children and young people through:

  • Opportunities for skills development and employment progression.
  • Delivery of the MEAqua Strategy and Action Plan (including the expansion of toddler sessions).
  • Outdoor events for a range of abilities.

Actions under the Place objective will support young people through:

  • Provision for outdoor recreation (playparks, MUGA’s, Skateparks, Greenway, and development of Carnfunnock Country Park).
  • Support for the Eco-Schools programme.

Actions under the People objective will support older people through:

  • The launch of an MEA Age-Friendly Strategy and Year 1 Action Plan.
  • Establishment of an Older Person’s Forum.
  • Arts and culture events to address loneliness and improve accessibility.
  • Outdoor events to involve a wide range of abilities.
  • The MEA Aqua Strategy and Year 1 Action Plan (including the expansion of disability sessions).

Level of Impact: Positive

Age continued

Policy Impact:

As age increases, the likelihood of having a disability may increase. This can include visual impairment. Where this is the case, support may be required to access the Performance Improvement Plan. Where someone requires additional support to access the plan, alternative formats will be available upon request. To do so proactively would not be feasible due to costs.

Level of Impact: Minor Negative


Marital status

Policy Impact:

No specific impact has been identified at this level; however, the Plan is expected to have a positive impact on all members of the community.

Level of Impact: Positive


Sexual orientation

Policy Impact:

No specific impact has been identified at this level; however, the Plan is expected to have a positive impact on all members of the community.

Level of Impact: Positive


Men and women generally

Policy Impact:

No specific impact has been identified at this level; however, the Plan is expected to have a positive impact on all members of the community.

Level of Impact: Positive



Policy Impact:

The Plan is expected to have a positive impact on people of all abilities.

Actions under the People objective will support people with disabilities through:

  • Opportunities for skills development and employment progression.
  • Delivery of the MEA Aqua Strategy and Year 1 Action Plan (including the expansion of disability sessions).
  • Autism-Friendly Action Plans implemented in 4 Council venues by 30 September 2024.
  • 4 additional Autism Champions developed within Council by 30 September 2024.
  • An Autism-Awareness initiative Communications Plan developed by 30 September 2024.
  • Arts and culture events to address loneliness and improve accessibility.
  • Outdoor events to involve a wide range of abilities.

Level of Impact: Positive

Disability continued

Policy Impact:

The Council will provide additional support accessing, reading, or understanding the Plan, where required. Alternative formats and assistance will be available upon request. An accessible Word version of the Plan will also be available on the Council’s website.

Level of Impact: Minor Negative



Policy Impact:

The Plan is expected to have a positive impact on all members of the community.

This group may particularly benefit from new and improved play parks, the provision of outdoor events for a range of abilities (e.g. Dementia-Friendly and Autism-Friendly walks), and the development of the MEA Age Friendly Action Plan.

Level of Impact: Positive

2 Are there opportunities to better promote equality of opportunity for people within the Section 75 equalities categories?

Section 75 category

If Yes, provide details for each category

If No, provide reasons


Religious Belief


No - Given the strategic nature of the Performance Improvement Plan, opportunities to better promote equality of opportunity will come to fruition at an operational level and will be the responsibility of project SROs (Senior Responsible Officers) to ensure this is considered.


Political opinion


No - As noted above under ‘Religious Belief’.


Racial group

Yes: The Council will provide translation services if required.

No - As noted above under ‘Religious Belief’.



Yes: The Council can provide additional support and reasonable adjustments, as required. The Council will also publish an accessible Word version of the plan on its website.

No - As noted above under ‘Religious Belief’.


Marital Status


No - As noted above under ‘Religious Belief’.


Sexual Orientation


No - As noted above under ‘Religious Belief’.


Men and women generally


No - As noted above under ‘Religious Belief’.



Yes: The Council can provide additional support and reasonable adjustments, as required. The Council will also publish an accessible Word version of the plan on its website.





No - As noted above under ‘Religious Belief’.

3    To what extent is the policy likely to impact on good relations between people of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group? Minor, major or none

Good relations category

Detail the policy impact for each category

Advise Level of impact for each category? 

Positive major

Positive minor


Negative major

Negative minor


Religious belief

Policy Impact:

The Performance Improvement Plan is envisaged to have a positive impact through the provision of shared, inclusive spaces and activities e.g. playparks, MUGA’s, parks and open spaces.

For all Section 75 categories, it is not yet possible to determine the extent of the positive impact i.e. positive major or positive minor, unless otherwise indicated.

Level of Impact:



Political opinion

Policy Impact:

As noted above under ‘Religious Belief’.

Level of Impact Positive


Racial group

Policy Impact:

As noted above under ‘Religious Belief’.

Level of Impact Positive

4    Are there opportunities to better promote good relations between people of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group?

Good relations category

If Yes, provide details 

If No, provide reasons


Religious belief


No. Given the strategic nature of the Performance Improvement Plan, opportunities to better promote better good relations will come to fruition at an operational level and will be the responsibility of project SROs (Senior Responsible Officers) to ensure this is considered.


Political Opinion


No - As noted above under ‘Religious Belief’.


Racial Group


No - As noted above under ‘Religious Belief’.

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