Climate & Sustainability Screening - Corporate Plan 2024-2028

Climate & Sustainability Screening - Corporate Plan 2024-2028 p3

2.10 What impact will the proposals have on ensuring:



We believe the Corporate Plan will have a positive impact on the peace of our local communities.

Under the People pillar, we have set an ambition that by 2028, Mid and East Antrim will be a safe, inclusive, and welcoming borough, where diversity and cultural differences are celebrated, and communities live in peace. Our people will have equity of opportunity and support to achieve their full potential, in both a professional and personal capacity. Individuals and communities will be empowered to be independent and self-sustaining, enabling us to concentrate our efforts on those who need it most.

Under this pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Support and deliver opportunities for our citizens to improve their physical, mental, and emotional health.
  • Explore ways to help vulnerable and marginalised individuals feel welcome and supported in their local communities, removing feelings of isolation or exclusion.
  • Lead by example to improve equality, accessibility, and inclusion across the borough by embedding it into everything we do.
  • Work alongside partners to encourage good relations, enhance community pride, and reinforce a strong sense of belonging in our communities.
  • Strengthen community safety, and boost public confidence, by forging collaborative partnerships that focus on proactive and comprehensive crime prevention.


No Impact


Political voice


We believe the Corporate Plan will have a positive impact on our local communities.

Under the People pillar, we have set an ambition that by 2028, Mid and East Antrim will be a safe, inclusive, and welcoming borough, where diversity and cultural differences are celebrated, and communities live in peace.

Our people will have equity of opportunity and support to achieve their full potential, in both a professional and personal capacity.

Individuals and communities will be empowered to be independent and self-sustaining, enabling us to concentrate our efforts on those who need it most. Additionally, under the Performance pillar, we have set an ambition that by 2028, we will operate as a single entity, fully embracing the vision of the Reorganisation of Public Administration (RPA 2015).

We will be a sustainable, customer focused organisation and employer of choice, attracting and retaining the right people, with the right skills, to deliver our vision for the borough. We will provide value for money services by building solid foundations, learning from our mistakes, and instilling sound governance arrangements.

Also, the Corporate Plan was shaped based on feedback from the Council’s 40 Elected Members.

Below indicates our Members in Mid and East Antrim by percentage:

Democratic Unionist Party


Ulster Unionist Party




Traditional Unionist Voice




Sinn Fein



They have been able to provide viewpoints from multiple political groups.



Within the Corporate Plan, we have included an overview of Council’s partnership working practices and partnership working will be an intrinsic part in the successful delivery of the Plan. Partnership working is incorporated into all four pillars outlined within the Corporate Plan: People, Place, Planet and Performance.

Section 3 – Determination of screening outcome

Use the information from Section 2 to complete the table below. Tally up the number of instances each impact category is recorded to provide an assessment of overall sustainability impact.

Positive impact


If the majority of the impacts are positive, it indicates the project is being appropriately managed and that opportunities to enhance sustainability are being taken. It is recommended that (subject to implementation of mitigation measures for any negative impacts) the proposal should be considered favourably.

Negative impact


More than 5 of these answers indicates that the project could unintendedly cause wide-ranging damage to society and / or the environment if negative impacts are not appropriately mitigated. It is recommended that the proposals are revised with guidance from the appropriate departmental experts so that liabilities and risks can be minimised. It is recommended that the proposals are not approved until these liabilities are minimised as far as reasonably practicable. Where a policy affects an area with heritage value or at risk of flooding, some red flags are inevitable but providing that these are explained satisfactorily in the comments section of the assessment this is acceptable.

Mixed Impact


More than 5 ‘Mixed Impact’ responses indicates that the proposal must be reviewed to include a better management of potential negative effects. It is recommended that the proposals are not approved until the potential negative impacts have been identified and a solution has been suggested.

No impact


More than 5 of these answers indicates that the decision has very few environmental / social impacts or that the assessment has not been completed properly. It is recommended that if there is a risk that social / environmental impacts have been overlooked, the assessment is repeated with support from relevant lead departments so that a more comprehensive understanding of impacts can be provided for decision making.

Don’t know


If there are more than 5 'don't know' responses, it is recommended that the assessment is repeated with support from relevant service areas, so that data gaps can filled. It is recommended that the proposals are not approved until social / environmental impacts are better understood.

Section 4 – Formal record of the screening decisions

Title of proposal being screened:

Corporate Plan 2024 to 2028

I can confirm that the proposal has been screened for: (place an X below)



On the basis of the answers to the screening questions, I recommend this proposal is (choose from the following):

Deferred - we are deferring the final decision in relation to the outcome of this screening to allow for consultation feedback. Once this consultation is complete, the feedback will be used, if applicable, to update the screening and a view taken as to the best screening outcome decision.



Screened In – Necessary to carry out mitigation measures and screen again



Screened Out – No impacts or very few negative impacts.



Screening assessment completed by (Officer level) -

Name: Corporate Performance Project Officer                 

Date: 28 February 2024

Department: Corporate Performance & Improvement


Screening assessment approved by -

Name: Environmental Education Officer

             Date: 9 April 2024

Department: Neighbourhood Services