Climate & Sustainability Screening - Corporate Plan 2024-2028

Climate & Sustainability Screening - Corporate Plan 2024-2028 p2

Section 2 – Understanding the impact of the proposal on our commitment to sustainable development

Section 2 should be completed to the best of your knowledge at this time. It should be revisited as circumstances change or affect the outcomes.

Please use the prompts in the related guidance (see section 2.3.2) to explore what each heading means.



Please choose an option that describes the nature of the impact


Please clarify any impacts and specify measures to mitigate negative impacts. Reference any evidence that supports the impact

2.1 What impact will the proposal have on the local community including:



The Corporate Plan is envisioned to have a positive impact in relation to education of our local communities.

Under the People pillar, we have set objectives to:

  1. Work in partnership with employers and stakeholders to support those seeking employment, provide upskilling support, improve access to the labour market for those with disabilities, and promote skills pathways.
  2. Promote the benefits of offering apprenticeships and work experience opportunities to enhance skill development and bridge the gap between education and employment.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set an objective to:

  1. Empower, educate, and work in partnership with our citizens, communities, and businesses, to progress the borough towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Under the Performance pillar, we have also set objectives to:

  1. Empower and equip our staff, through comprehensive skill development initiatives, fostering a culture of continuous learning, innovation, and growth, ultimately enhancing individual and organisational capabilities.
  2. Prioritise employee health and wellbeing, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional health, creating an environment where everyone feels valued, motivated and confident, enabling them to thrive personally and professionally.
  3. Invest in our Elected Members, providing them with the required skills and knowledge to effectively govern.



We believe the Corporate Plan will have a positive impact on the health of our local communities.

Under the People pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Support and deliver opportunities for our citizens to improve their physical, mental, and emotional health.
  • Explore ways to help vulnerable and marginalised individuals feel welcome and supported in their local communities, removing feelings of isolation or exclusion.

Under the Place pillar, we have set an objective to:

  • Enhance and expand our amenities, parks, open spaces, and built heritage, making sure they meet the needs of all, while encouraging their respectful and mindful use.

Under the Performance pillar, we have set an objective to:

  • Prioritise employee health and wellbeing, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional health, creating an environment where everyone feels valued, motivated and confident, enabling them to thrive personally and professionally.


Positive Whilst this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.


Positive While transport may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that it will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Place Making, Community & Culture


We believe the Corporate Plan will have a positive impact on this area.

Under the People pillar, we have set an objective to:

  • Lead by example to improve equality, accessibility, and inclusion across the borough by embedding it into everything we do.
  • Work alongside partners to encourage good relations, enhance community pride, and reinforce a strong sense of belonging in our communities.
  • Strengthen community safety, and boost public confidence, by forging collaborative partnerships that focus on proactive and comprehensive crime prevention.

Under the Place pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Support the development of a sustainable, dynamic, and prosperous local economy that helps businesses to grow, and promote the borough as an ideal place to do business for both new and existing companies.
  • Help drive sustainable economic growth by promoting the borough as a leading visitor and cultural destination, utilising our natural, and built, heritage and assets.
  • Support our towns and villages to help regenerate and stimulate economic activity, while protecting and conserving our natural and historic landscape.
  • Enhance and expand our amenities, parks, open spaces, and built heritage, making sure they meet the needs of all, while encouraging their respectful and mindful use.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Empower, educate, and work in partnership with our citizens, communities, and businesses, to progress the borough towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Support local communities to create an environmentally resilient and sustainable borough that is equipped to deal with emergency situations, including climate adaptation.
  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain or increase Council’s current levels of carbon capture.

2.2 What impact will the proposals have on sustainable food systems including:

Seasonal and local produce


Whilst this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Nutritional value


While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Animal welfare


While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Environmental impact


While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

2.3 What impact will the proposals have on diversity and equality?

Equal opportunity


In accordance with the Section 75 requirements of the Northern Ireland Act (1998), whereby Council must carry out its functions having due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity and regard for the desirability to promote good relations, this Plan has been subject to an equality screening.

The screening did not identify any major adverse effects on any Section 75 category or requirements for mitigation and therefore determined that there was no necessity to conduct a full equality impact assessment.

In accordance with the Rural Needs Act Northern Ireland (2016), Council has given due regard to rural needs by carrying out a rural needs impact assessment of this plan.

The ambition which has been set against the People pillar states that by 2028, Mid and East Antrim will be a safe, inclusive, and welcoming borough, where diversity and cultural differences are celebrated, and communities live in peace.

Our people will have equity of opportunity and support to achieve their full potential, in both a professional and personal capacity. Individuals and communities will be empowered to be independent and self-sustaining, enabling us to concentrate our efforts on those who need it most.

2.4 What impact will the proposals have on economic wellbeing including:

Decent jobs & Income


We believe the Corporate Plan will have a positive impact on job and income generation.

Under the People pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Work in partnership with employers and stakeholders to support those seeking employment, provide upskilling support, improve access to the labour market for those with disabilities, and promote skills pathways.
  • Promote the benefits of offering apprenticeships and work experience opportunities to enhance skill development and bridge the gap between education and employment.

Under the Place pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Support the development of a sustainable, dynamic, and prosperous local economy that helps businesses to grow, and promote the borough as an ideal place to do business for both new and existing companies.
  • Help drive sustainable economic growth by promoting the borough as a leading visitor and cultural destination, utilising our natural, and built, heritage and assets.
  • Conduct Council business in a way that encourages economic prosperity within the borough.

Under the Performance pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Empower and equip our staff, through comprehensive skill development initiatives, fostering a culture of continuous learning, innovation, and growth, ultimately enhancing individual and organisational capabilities.

Social Value


We believe the Corporate Plan will have a positive impact on social value.

Under the Performance pillar, we have set an objective to:

  • Redesign the organisation to work more effectively and efficiently, ensuring financial competence and resilience, delivering social value, and offering good value for money services in a sustainable manner.

Human and Labour Rights


While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

2.5 What impact will the proposals have on ‘greenhouse gas emissions’ including from:

Removal of natural carbon sinks


While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set the ambition:

By 2028, Mid and East Antrim will be at the forefront of balancing progression with sustainability. We will be an emerging NI hub for innovation, environmental and cleantech skills training, and green economic growth. Our commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 will have set a standard for excellence across the region. Our dedication to safeguarding our natural and built heritage and preserving the environment through climate change mitigation and adaptation, will ensure a thriving and resilient future for generations to come.

We have set an objective to:

  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain or increase Council’s current levels of carbon capture



While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set the ambition:

By 2028, Mid and East Antrim will be at the forefront of balancing progression with sustainability. We will be an emerging NI hub for innovation, environmental and cleantech skills training, and green economic growth. Our commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 will have set a standard for excellence across the region. Our dedication to safeguarding our natural and built heritage and preserving the environment through climate change mitigation and adaptation, will ensure a thriving and resilient future for generations to come.

We have set the objectives to:

  • Empower, educate, and work in partnership with our citizens, communities, and businesses, to progress the borough towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Support local communities to create an environmentally resilient and sustainable borough that is equipped to deal with emergency situations, including climate adaptation.
  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain or increase Council’s current levels of carbon capture.
  • Lead by example and reduce the impact of our own operations to progress our organisation towards netzero emissions by 2040, by embedding sustainability and climate adaptation into all decision making.


Positive While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Embodied carbon


While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set the ambition:

By 2028, Mid and East Antrim will be at the forefront of balancing progression with sustainability. We will be an emerging NI hub for innovation, environmental and cleantech skills training, and green economic growth.

Our commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 will have set a standard for excellence across the region. Our dedication to safeguarding our natural and built heritage and preserving the environment through climate change mitigation and adaptation, will ensure a thriving and resilient future for generations to come.

We have set the objectives to:

 • Empower, educate, and work in partnership with our citizens, communities, and businesses, to progress the borough towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

• Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain or increase Council’s current levels of carbon capture.

• Lead by example and reduce the impact of our own operations to progress our organisation towards netzero emissions by 2040, by embedding sustainability and climate adaptation into all decision making.

2.6 What impact will the proposals have on waste in terms of:

Waste generation


Under the Place pillar we have set an objective to:

  • Enhance and expand our amenities, parks, open spaces, and built heritage, making sure they meet the needs of all, while encouraging their respectful and mindful use.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Lead by example and reduce the impact of our own operations to progress our organisation towards netzero emissions by 2040, by embedding sustainability and climate adaptation into all decision making.
  • Deliver an effective and efficient waste service that supports citizens, communities, and businesses to reduce waste and promote a more circular economy.
The amount (tonnage) of Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste arisings. (There is a requirement by the Department for Communities that each Council sets and monitors its own individual target for this indicator each year).

Waste management


As above under for Waste generation.

2.7 What impact will the proposals have on the direct consumption of natural resources including:



While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Lead by example and reduce the impact of our own operations to progress our organisation towards netzero emissions by 2040, by embedding sustainability and climate adaptation into all decision making.
  • Empower, educate, and work in partnership with our citizens, communities, and businesses, to progress the borough towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Support local communities to create an environmentally resilient and sustainable borough that is equipped to deal with emergency situations, including climate adaptation.
  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain or increase Council’s current levels of carbon capture.



While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Lead by example and reduce the impact of our organisational operations to progress towards Council net-zero emissions by 2040 by embedding sustainability and climate change in all decision making.
  • Empower, educate and work in partnership with our citizens, communities and businesses to progress towards net-zero carbon emissions for the borough by 2050.
  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain and increase carbon capture.
  • Deliver an effective and efficient waste service that supports citizens, communities and businesses to reduce waste.

Fresh water


While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Lead by example and reduce the impact of our organisational operations to progress towards Council net-zero emissions by 2040 by embedding sustainability and climate change in all decision making.
  • Empower, educate and work in partnership with our citizens, communities and businesses to progress towards net-zero carbon emissions for the borough by 2050.
  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain and increase carbon capture.
  • Deliver an effective and efficient waste service that supports citizens, communities and businesses to reduce waste.

2.8 What impact will the proposals have on resilience to the adverse effects of:

Climate change and severe weather


We believe the Corporate Plan will have a positive impact on supporting our communities to build resilience.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Lead by example and reduce the impact of our organisational operations to progress towards Council net-zero emissions by 2040 by embedding sustainability and climate change in all decision making.
  • Empower, educate and work in partnership with our citizens, communities and businesses to progress towards net-zero carbon emissions for the borough by 2050.
  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain and increase carbon capture.
  • Deliver an effective and efficient waste service that supports citizens, communities and businesses to reduce waste.

2.9 What impact will the proposals have on the environment including:

Environmental management


We believe that the Corporate Plan will have a positive effect on environmental management.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Empower, educate, and work in partnership with our citizens, communities, and businesses, to progress the borough towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Support local communities to create an environmentally resilient and sustainable borough that is equipped to deal with emergency situations, including climate adaptation.
  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain or increase Council’s current levels of carbon capture.
  • Lead by example and reduce the impact of our own operations to progress our organisation towards netzero emissions by 2040, by embedding sustainability and climate adaptation into all decision making.
  • Deliver an effective and efficient waste service that supports citizens, communities, and businesses to reduce waste and promote a more circular economy.

Air pollution


We believe that the Corporate Plan will have a positive effect on air pollution.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Empower, educate, and work in partnership with our citizens, communities, and businesses, to progress the borough towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Support local communities to create an environmentally resilient and sustainable borough that is equipped to deal with emergency situations, including climate adaptation.
  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain or increase Council’s current levels of carbon capture.
  • Lead by example and reduce the impact of our own operations to progress our organisation towards netzero emissions by 2040, by embedding sustainability and climate adaptation into all decision making.

Ozone layer depletion


We believe that the Corporate Plan will have a positive effect on air pollution.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Empower, educate, and work in partnership with our citizens, communities, and businesses, to progress the borough towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Support local communities to create an environmentally resilient and sustainable borough that is equipped to deal with emergency situations, including climate adaptation.
  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain or increase Council’s current levels of carbon capture.
  • Lead by example and reduce the impact of our own operations to progress our organisation towards netzero emissions by 2040, by embedding sustainability and climate adaptation into all decision making.
  • Deliver an effective and efficient waste service that supports citizens, communities, and businesses to reduce waste and promote a more circular economy.

Water / soil pollution


While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set the ambition:

By 2028, Mid and East Antrim will be at the forefront of balancing progression with sustainability. We will be an emerging NI hub for innovation, environmental and cleantech skills training, and green economic growth. Our commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 will have set a standard for excellence across the region. Our dedication to safeguarding our natural and built heritage and preserving the environment through climate change mitigation and adaptation, will ensure a thriving and resilient future for generations to come. Under the Planet pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Empower, educate, and work in partnership with our citizens, communities, and businesses, to progress the borough towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Support local communities to create an environmentally resilient and sustainable borough that is equipped to deal with emergency situations, including climate adaptation.
  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain or increase Council’s current levels of carbon capture.
  • Lead by example and reduce the impact of our own operations to progress our organisation towards netzero emissions by 2040, by embedding sustainability and climate adaptation into all decision making.

Chemical pollution


While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set the ambition:

By 2028, Mid and East Antrim will be at the forefront of balancing progression with sustainability. We will be an emerging NI hub for innovation, environmental and cleantech skills training, and green economic growth. Our commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 will have set a standard for excellence across the region. Our dedication to safeguarding our natural and built heritage and preserving the environment through climate change mitigation and adaptation, will ensure a thriving and resilient future for generations to come.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Empower, educate, and work in partnership with our citizens, communities, and businesses, to progress the borough towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Support local communities to create an environmentally resilient and sustainable borough that is equipped to deal with emergency situations, including climate adaptation.
  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain or increase Council’s current levels of carbon capture.
  • Lead by example and reduce the impact of our own operations to progress our organisation towards netzero emissions by 2040, by embedding sustainability and climate adaptation into all decision making.

Noise pollution


While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Under the Planet pillar, we have set the ambition:

By 2028, Mid and East Antrim will be at the forefront of balancing progression with sustainability. We will be an emerging NI hub for innovation, environmental and cleantech skills training, and green economic growth. Our commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 will have set a standard for excellence across the region. Our dedication to safeguarding our natural and built heritage and preserving the environment through climate change mitigation and adaptation, will ensure a thriving and resilient future for generations to come.

Land conversion


While this area may not be specifically highlighted within the Corporate Plan, as the document works at a strategically high level, it is anticipated that areas such as this will be positively impacted as individual projects are delivered over the course of the next four years.

Under the Place pillar we have set an ambition to:

  • Support our towns and villages to help regenerate and stimulate economic activity, while protecting and conserving our natural and historic landscape.

Under the Planet pillar we have set ambitions to:

  • Empower, educate, and work in partnership with our citizens, communities, and businesses, to progress the borough towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Support local communities to create an environmentally resilient and sustainable borough that is equipped to deal with emergency situations, including climate adaptation.
  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain or increase Council’s current levels of carbon capture.
  • Lead by example and reduce the impact of our own operations to progress our organisation towards netzero emissions by 2040, by embedding sustainability and climate adaptation into all decision making.
  • Deliver an effective and efficient waste service that supports citizens, communities, and businesses to reduce waste and promote a more circular economy.
Built Heritage Positive

We believe the Corporate Plan will have a positive impact on the borough’s built heritage.

Under the Place pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Support the development of a sustainable, dynamic, and prosperous local economy that helps businesses to grow, and promote the borough as an ideal place to do business for both new and existing companies.
  • Help drive sustainable economic growth by promoting the borough as a leading visitor and cultural destination, utilising our natural, and built, heritage and assets.
  • Support our towns and villages to help regenerate and stimulate economic activity, while protecting and conserving our natural and historic landscape.
  • Enhance and expand our amenities, parks, open spaces, and built heritage, making sure they meet the needs of all, while encouraging their respectful and mindful use
Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Positive

We believe the Corporate Plan will have a positive impact on the boroughs natural heritage and biodiversity.

Under the Place pillar, we have set objectives to:

  • Support the development of a sustainable, dynamic, and prosperous local economy that helps businesses to grow, and promote the borough as an ideal place to do business for both new and existing companies.
  • Help drive sustainable economic growth by promoting the borough as a leading visitor and cultural destination, utilising our natural, and built, heritage and assets.
  • Support our towns and villages to help regenerate and stimulate economic activity, while protecting and conserving our natural and historic landscape.
  • Enhance and expand our amenities, parks, open spaces, and built heritage, making sure they meet the needs of all, while encouraging their respectful and mindful use. Under the Planet pillar, we have set objectives to:
  • Protect our natural environment, enhance biodiversity, and retain or increase Council’s current levels of carbon capture.
  • Lead by example and reduce the impact of our own operations to progress our organisation towards netzero emissions by 2040, by embedding sustainability and climate adaptation into all decision making.

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