Please note: A number of our Parks will be CLOSED this weekend, Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 December 2024 due to the forecast high winds.

Other facilities may close at short notice for public and/or staff safety if required.

Equality Scheme with Equality Action Plan 2023-2027

Equality Scheme with Equality Action Plan 2023-2027 - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Our arrangements for ensuring and assessing public access to information and services we provide
(Schedule 9 4. (2) (f))

6.1 Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is committed to ensuring that the information we disseminate and the services we provide are fully accessible to all parts of the community in Northern Ireland. We keep our arrangements under review to ensure that this remains the case.

6.2 We are aware that some groups will not have the same access to information as others.

In particular:

  • People with sensory, learning, communication and mobility disabilities may require printed information in other formats.
  • Members of ethnic minority groups, whose first language is not English, may have difficulties with information provided only in English.
  • Children and young people may not be able to fully access or understand information.

Access to information

6.3 To ensure equality of opportunity in accessing information, we provide information in alternative formats on request, where reasonably practicable. Where the exact request cannot be met we will ensure a reasonable alternative is provided.

Alternative formats may include Easy Read, Braille, audio formats (CD, mp3 or DAISY), large print or minority languages to meet the needs of those for whom English is not their first language.

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council liaises with representatives of young people and disability and minority ethnic organisations and takes account of existing and developing good practice.

We will respond to requests for information in alternative formats in a timely manner, usually within 15 working days.

6.4 In disseminating information through the media we will seek to advertise in the press where appropriate.

Access to services

6.5 Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is committed to ensuring that all of our services are fully accessible to everyone in the community across the Section 75 categories.

6.6 The Council also adheres to the relevant provisions of current anti-discrimination legislation.

Assessing public access to information and services

6.7 We monitor annually across all our functions, in relation to access to information and services, to ensure equality of opportunity and good relations are promoted.

Continue to Chapter 7 - Timetable for measures we propose in this Equality Scheme, and Chapter 8 - Our complaints procedure