Please note: A number of our Parks will be CLOSED this weekend, Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 December 2024 due to the forecast high winds.

Other facilities may close at short notice for public and/or staff safety if required.

Equality Scheme with Equality Action Plan 2023-2027

Equality Scheme with Equality Action Plan 2023-2027 - Appendix 6

Appendix 6

Action plan/action measures

Equality Action Plan 2023-2027

Actions and Measures




Performance Indicator

Expected Outcome



Maintain a centralised Section 75 Consultee List


Year 1-4

An up to date Section 75 Consultee List

Engagement with Section 75 groups will ensure Council are meeting the diverse needs of people living in, and visiting our Borough.

Policy Team


Distribute Council newsletters, E-zines schedules, notices, events and case studies to Council’s S75 consultee list.


Ongoing as required.


Circulation to Section 75 consultee list

Engagement with Section 75 groups will ensure Council are meeting the diverse needs of people living in, and visiting our Borough.

Policy Team


Promote the assisted lift service and additional capacity residual collections for residents with conditions that generate medical waste.



Year 1-4

No. of assisted lifts

No of additional capacity residual collections.

Appropriate waste collection services for those living with a limiting long term illness or disability, larger families, and those with medical waste.

Facilities Management & Waste


Promote availability of information leaflets at Waste facilities detailing amenities on offer such as assistance services, braille bin collection calendars and print in various languages.



Provision of new leaflet.


Delivery of bin collection calendars to all 58,000 households.

Ensures Council waste services are inclusive and accessible to all.

Facilities Management & Waste


Council to consult with the Department for Communities about including questions to gather data on which of the Section 75 categories participants identify with.


Year 1

Addition of Section 75 questions on surveys used by the Town Centre Development Team.

Will enhance Section 75 data gathering within the Borough creating

Town Centre Development team.


Raise awareness of initiatives, projects and training programmes offered by Council in partnership with others to help people gain new skills and access employment opportunities.



Year 1-4

Circulation to Section 75 consultee list.

Increased awareness will invite a more diverse demographic to Councils training and employment opportunities.

Skills and Entrepreneurship Manager


Continue to engage with special needs schools and employers to promote career opportunities, skills and activities associated with the Science Summer School.



Year 1-4

Continued engagement

Attendance at the Science Summer School NI.

Link employees with special needs schools in the Borough to encourage engagement and provide students the experience of the Science Summer School.

Skills and Entrepreneurship manager


Circulation of upcoming town centre development disturbances to Section 75 consultee list.



Year 1-4

Circulation to Section 75 consultee list.

Proper information provision will provide suitable notice for identified categories to organize access to the town centre.

Town Centre Development


Develop MEAqua Little Stars Pan Disability swim lessons to include a second class for an older age group (10-13 years).


Year 3:

2 x classes in each pool

Year 4

4 x classes in each pool

More children living with a disability learning to swim within the Borough.

Aquatic Lead


Achieve the Diversity Mark accreditation from Diversity Mark.


Year 1-2

Achievement of the Diversity Mark accreditation

Council will build a more diverse and inclusive workplace.

Policy Team



Provide equality and disability training for elected members and all Council staff. 2023-2027

Year 1-4

Number of elected members and employees trained –

Increased awareness of disability legislation and understanding of issues relating service users.

Learning Development Manager


Council will deliver the commitments of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland Mental Health Charter. 2023-2024

Year 1

Implementation of the Charter

By delivering the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland’s Charter, Council is committed to employee mental health and wellbeing.

Learning and Development Manager


Hold internal Equality Diversity & Inclusion Network meetings. 2023-2027

Year 1-4

12 meetings per year

Ensures a collective approach and best practice to services provided to people living with disabilities.

Policy Team


Work with the Local Government Equality and Diversity Group to establish a baseline on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Northern Ireland local government.



Year 1-4

Fulfil the Equality, Inclusion and Diversity Baseline And Impact Study Action Plans.

Participation by Council will help prioritise and influence equality, good relations and diversity initiatives across local government in Northern Ireland.

Policy Team


Facilitate a skills development program for tourism businesses, including one business which facilitates tours for disabled people 2023-2024

Year 1

Biannual review

Offer tailored equality and diversity awareness information to key delivery partners, contractors and interested groups within the Borough.

Tourism Development Team


Work with the Local Government Staff Commission for Northern Ireland and 11 other Councils to complete actions set out by the Equality, Inclusion & Diversity Baseline & Impact Study. 2023-2024

Year 1

Completion of Actions assigned to Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.

This Action Plan takes into account the statutory obligations to ensure local communities and stakeholders identify Councils as being equality focussed, diversity driven, and inclusion minded.

Policy Team


Screen annual events programme and recommend accessibility improvements for Section 75 groups if appropriate. 2023-2027

Year 1-4

100% Section 75 screening of annual events programme.

Strive to achieve equality of opportunity to Council services and facilities for those from a minority group through enhanced accessibility and encouraged participation.

All departments


Increase visibility of people with from Section 75 groups in Council promotional and brand material and social media. 2023-2027

Year 1-4

Biannual Review

Will promote positive attitudes towards people from a minority amongst employees, Elected Members and the public.



Increase awareness of the Equality Action Plan amongst local Section 75 groups and representatives. 2023-2024

Year 1

Circulation with Section 75 Consultee List

Ensures Mid and East Antrim Borough is an inclusive and welcoming destination for all.

Policy Team


Update the Audit of Inequalities for use in equality screenings, to better inform policy development processes and to better understand the profile of the Borough. 2023-2027

Year 1-4


Conduct ongoing research to identify ways to meet the increasing and diverse needs of people with a disability living in our Council area and take action towards securing funding and implementing the identified requirements.

All departments