Equality Scheme with Equality Action Plan 2023-2027 - Appendix 6
Appendix 6
Action plan/action measures
Equality Action Plan 2023-2027
Actions and Measures
Action |
Timeframe |
Performance Indicator |
Expected Outcome |
Responsibility |
1.0 |
Maintain a centralised Section 75 Consultee List |
2023-2027 |
Year 1-4 An up to date Section 75 Consultee List |
Engagement with Section 75 groups will ensure Council are meeting the diverse needs of people living in, and visiting our Borough. |
Policy Team |
2.0 |
Distribute Council newsletters, E-zines schedules, notices, events and case studies to Council’s S75 consultee list. |
2023-2027 Ongoing as required. |
Year1-4 Circulation to Section 75 consultee list |
Engagement with Section 75 groups will ensure Council are meeting the diverse needs of people living in, and visiting our Borough. |
Policy Team |
3.0 |
Promote the assisted lift service and additional capacity residual collections for residents with conditions that generate medical waste. |
2023-2027 Quarterly |
Year 1-4 No. of assisted lifts No of additional capacity residual collections. |
Appropriate waste collection services for those living with a limiting long term illness or disability, larger families, and those with medical waste. |
Facilities Management & Waste |
4.0 |
Promote availability of information leaflets at Waste facilities detailing amenities on offer such as assistance services, braille bin collection calendars and print in various languages. |
2023-2027 Biannually |
Provision of new leaflet.
Delivery of bin collection calendars to all 58,000 households. |
Ensures Council waste services are inclusive and accessible to all. |
Facilities Management & Waste |
5.0 |
Council to consult with the Department for Communities about including questions to gather data on which of the Section 75 categories participants identify with. |
2023-2024 |
Year 1 Addition of Section 75 questions on surveys used by the Town Centre Development Team. |
Will enhance Section 75 data gathering within the Borough creating |
Town Centre Development team. |
6.0 |
Raise awareness of initiatives, projects and training programmes offered by Council in partnership with others to help people gain new skills and access employment opportunities. |
Year 1-4 Circulation to Section 75 consultee list. |
Increased awareness will invite a more diverse demographic to Councils training and employment opportunities. |
Skills and Entrepreneurship Manager |
7.0 |
Continue to engage with special needs schools and employers to promote career opportunities, skills and activities associated with the Science Summer School. |
Year 1-4 Continued engagement Attendance at the Science Summer School NI. |
Link employees with special needs schools in the Borough to encourage engagement and provide students the experience of the Science Summer School. |
Skills and Entrepreneurship manager |
8.0 |
Circulation of upcoming town centre development disturbances to Section 75 consultee list. |
Year 1-4 Circulation to Section 75 consultee list. |
Proper information provision will provide suitable notice for identified categories to organize access to the town centre. |
Town Centre Development |
9.0 |
Develop MEAqua Little Stars Pan Disability swim lessons to include a second class for an older age group (10-13 years). |
2025-2027 |
Year 3: 2 x classes in each pool Year 4 4 x classes in each pool |
More children living with a disability learning to swim within the Borough. |
Aquatic Lead |
10.0 |
Achieve the Diversity Mark accreditation from Diversity Mark. |
2023-2025 |
Year 1-2 Achievement of the Diversity Mark accreditation |
Council will build a more diverse and inclusive workplace. |
Policy Team
11.0 |
Provide equality and disability training for elected members and all Council staff. | 2023-2027 |
Year 1-4 Number of elected members and employees trained – |
Increased awareness of disability legislation and understanding of issues relating service users. |
Learning Development Manager |
12.0 |
Council will deliver the commitments of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland Mental Health Charter. | 2023-2024 |
Year 1 Implementation of the Charter |
By delivering the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland’s Charter, Council is committed to employee mental health and wellbeing. |
Learning and Development Manager |
13.0 |
Hold internal Equality Diversity & Inclusion Network meetings. | 2023-2027 |
Year 1-4 12 meetings per year |
Ensures a collective approach and best practice to services provided to people living with disabilities. |
Policy Team |
14.0 |
Work with the Local Government Equality and Diversity Group to establish a baseline on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Northern Ireland local government. |
Year 1-4 Fulfil the Equality, Inclusion and Diversity Baseline And Impact Study Action Plans. |
Participation by Council will help prioritise and influence equality, good relations and diversity initiatives across local government in Northern Ireland. |
Policy Team |
15.0 |
Facilitate a skills development program for tourism businesses, including one business which facilitates tours for disabled people | 2023-2024 |
Year 1 Biannual review |
Offer tailored equality and diversity awareness information to key delivery partners, contractors and interested groups within the Borough. |
Tourism Development Team |
16.0 |
Work with the Local Government Staff Commission for Northern Ireland and 11 other Councils to complete actions set out by the Equality, Inclusion & Diversity Baseline & Impact Study. | 2023-2024 |
Year 1 Completion of Actions assigned to Mid and East Antrim Borough Council. |
This Action Plan takes into account the statutory obligations to ensure local communities and stakeholders identify Councils as being equality focussed, diversity driven, and inclusion minded. |
Policy Team |
17.0 |
Screen annual events programme and recommend accessibility improvements for Section 75 groups if appropriate. | 2023-2027 |
Year 1-4 100% Section 75 screening of annual events programme. |
Strive to achieve equality of opportunity to Council services and facilities for those from a minority group through enhanced accessibility and encouraged participation. |
All departments |
18.0 |
Increase visibility of people with from Section 75 groups in Council promotional and brand material and social media. | 2023-2027 |
Year 1-4 Biannual Review |
Will promote positive attitudes towards people from a minority amongst employees, Elected Members and the public. |
Communications |
19.0 |
Increase awareness of the Equality Action Plan amongst local Section 75 groups and representatives. | 2023-2024 |
Year 1 Circulation with Section 75 Consultee List |
Ensures Mid and East Antrim Borough is an inclusive and welcoming destination for all. |
Policy Team |
20.0 |
Update the Audit of Inequalities for use in equality screenings, to better inform policy development processes and to better understand the profile of the Borough. | 2023-2027 |
Year 1-4 Annually |
Conduct ongoing research to identify ways to meet the increasing and diverse needs of people with a disability living in our Council area and take action towards securing funding and implementing the identified requirements. |
All departments |