Please note: A number of our Parks will be CLOSED this weekend, Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 December 2024 due to the forecast high winds.

Other facilities may close at short notice for public and/or staff safety if required.

Disability Action Plan 2023-2027

Disability Action Plan 2023-2027 - Functions - Internal Arrangements

8.0 Functions

8.1 The roles and responsibilities of councils, established in the Local Government Act 2014 and in other legislation, fall into four types:

  • Direct – Councils are responsible for the provision and management of services
  • Development – Councils have a role in facilitating economic and community development initiatives
  • Representative – Council nominees sit on statutory bodies
  • Consultative – Councils reflect community views and concerns, and provide a challenge function, in a range of issues including education, health and housing.

8.2 Mid and East Antrim Borough Council’s responsibilities from April 2015 are outlined at Appendix A.

8.3 To support and implement the above statutory functions and provision of services, the Council has adopted, and will continually develop, a number of policies.

9.0 Internal arrangements

9.1 The Council consists of 40 elected representatives, each elected for a four year period.

9.2 The Chief Executive oversees the work of the departments through the Senior Management Team which, together with the Elected Members, create the corporate body of the Council.

9.3 The Chief Executive is the principal advisor to the Council and responsible for the strategic management of the organisation, for the day to day management of services and the longer term planning and allocation of resources.

9.4 The organisational structure of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is available as part of the Council’s Constitution.

9.5 The Disability Duties are the responsibility of every employee of the Council, Councillor and any member of a Council Body or Panel.