Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.

Standards Committee


Cllr J McKeown


Cllr J Gibson


Ald B Ashe, MBE

Ald W McCaughey

Cllr R Glover

Cllr B Hadden

Cllr B Thompson

Cllr M Warwick

Terms of Reference

1. Purpose

1.1 The purpose of this report is to outline the areas of business that fall within the remit of this Committee.

It is important to highlight that Members have a clear responsibility to integrate strategy and service delivery within this committee’s remit.

Additionally, members contribute to achieving the priority outcomes set forth in the Corporate Plan.

It is therefore proposed that the service planning, allocation of resources, performance, and service opportunities will be all reported to the Corporate Resources, Policy and Governance Committee.

1.2 This is in line with the decisions taken at Council on 13 May 2024 with regards to good governance changes and the Scheme of Delegation. 

The focus of this is to ensure that Council and Committees, through all Members, can drive the strategic direction and resource allocation against priorities but enabling officers to deliver services on a day-to-day basis in a streamlined and seamless way.

2. Background

2.1 Key Functions

  • Issues of code of conduct, member /officer protocol
  • The Members training plan

2.2 Key Service Areas


2.3 Current Delegated Powers

  • Manage the implementation of the Local Government Employee and Councillor Working Relationship Protocol
  • Promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct by elected Members and in their working relationship with officers.
  • A commitment to encourage positive joint working across political groups and between officers and Members and to uphold the high standards of values and behaviours in a relationship of mutual trust.
  • Oversight of the Members’ Register and Declaration of Interests
  • To develop, monitor and review any local protocols required to support the standards regime within the Council.
  • Oversight of the implementation of recommendations made by the Public Services Ombudsman / Commissioner for Standards
  • Supporting and facilitating collaborative working between Members and senior officers, particularly to support the consideration of strategic priorities by relevant committees.
  • Oversight of the annual training plan for Members including mandatory training requirements.
  • Consideration of any recommendation by the senior legal officer / Monitoring Officer to refer any Councillor to the Local Government Commissioner for Standards in respect of any potential breach of the Code of Conduct for Councillors, particularly where the alleged breach relates to a matter which would potentially have a reputational consequence for the Council.
  • The senior legal officer/ Monitoring Officer will retain a residual right to refer any matter to the Chief Executive for consideration regarding referral to the Commissioner for Standards regardless of whether the Standards Committee has endorsed a recommendation from the Monitoring Officer to do so

3. Key Issues for Consideration

3.1 The role of the Standards Committee is as set out above. As agreed during the Good Governance Review 13 May 2024, the Standards Committee will meet as needed and will be reviewed annually.

4. General Considerations / Implications

4.1 Committees of Council can carry out decision making on behalf of Council to ensure the business of Council is transacted in a timely and efficient manner.

4.2 At present the powers of the Standards Committee are fully delegated.