Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.


T685/AD Cranny Falls – Stabilisation Works

e-Sourcing Details

Project No: 28624
ITT No: PQQ_4646
Closing date: Wednesday 19 March 2025


The Contract is for the provision of a Principal Contractor to carry out slope stabilisation, remediation works to handrails, existing bridge structures and kingpost retention structure. All details of the proposals are shown on the design intent drawings.

Slope stabilisation works are to include removal of loose debris on the slope surface, installation of rock anchors, installation rockfall mesh and removal of tree and vegetation on the slope, to include tree felling.

All handrails along the route are to be removed and replaced as per design intent drawings. The existing balustrade and decking on both bridges are to be removed and replaced. The kingpost retention structure is to be removed and replaced, this will require temporary retention of the slope.

The works are proposed to be undertaken between 1st September 2025 and 28th February 2026 so as to not impact breeding season.

This contract aims to appoint a Principal Contractor to manage specialist contractors to carry out rock stabilisation and geotechnical aspects of the project.

Contract period – 20 weeks