Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is saddened to announce that the Mayor, Alderman Beth Adger MBE, has passed away.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at The Braid, Ballymena and online.


T681/AD Larne Cemetery – Phase 1

e-Sourcing Details

Project No: 28610
ITT No: PQQ_4645
Closing date: Wednesday 12 March 2025


The Contract is for the provision of a municipal cemetery to include new burial plots, infrastructure and foundations to support the development of future staff facilities including public toilets, maintenance/operations/storage buildings. Site infrastructure including service yard and operational facilities, associated M&E installation, new right-hand turning lane access from Old Glenarm Road, parking provision and associated landscaping. Scheme proposals involve the development of the cemetery with associated drainage culminating in attenuation within the north-west portion of the site and discharge to the adjacent watercourse.

Proposed Works include but are not limited to site clearance, reduced excavation, ground improvement, infrastructure including realignment of roads, junction, car park, access roads, hard standings, kerbings, footpaths, hard and soft landscaping. Boundary treatment works including fencing, gates, miscellaneous concrete foundations, directional signage and road marking.