
Planning Policy Statements

Planning Policy Statements (PPS) contain policies on land-use and other planning matters, for example telecommunications or the built heritage, and apply to the whole of Northern Ireland.

Planning Policy Statements

They set out the main planning considerations that the Department takes into account in assessing proposals for the various forms of development and are relevant to the preparation of development plans.

They are also material to decisions on individual planning appeals.

The guiding principle that the Department observes in making decisions on planning applications is set out in PPS 1: General Principles.

This states that development should be permitted, having regard to the development plan and all other material considerations, unless it would cause demonstrable harm to interests of acknowledged importance.


PPS 2: Natural Heritage
PPS 3: Access, Movement and Parking
PPS 3 (Clarification): Access, Movement and Parking
PPS 4: Planning and Economic Development
PPS 4: Clarification of Policy PED 7
PPS 6: Planning, Archaeology and The Built Heritage
PPS 6 (Addendum): Areas of Townscape Character
PPS 7: Quality Residential Environments
PPS 7 (Addendum): Residential Extensions and Alterations
PPS 7 (Addendum): Safeguarding the Character of Established Residential Areas
PPS 8: Open Space, Sport and Outdoor Recreation
PPS 9: The Enforcement of Planning Control
PPS 10: Telecommunications
PPS 11: Planning and Waste Management
PPS 12: Housing in Settlements
PPS 12: Policy HS 3 (Amended) 'Travellers Accommodation'
PPS 13: Transportation and Land Use
PPS 15 (Revised) Planning and Flood Risk
PPS 16: Tourism
PPS 17: Control of Outdoor Advertisements
PPS 18: Renewable Energy
PPS 21: Sustainable Development in the Countryside
PPS 23: Enabling Development for the Conservation of Significant Places 
Relevant Provisions of 'A Planning Strategy for Rural Northern Ireland'
Current Status Of A Planning Strategy for Rural Northern Ireland