Your Home and Planning Permission p4
Planning permission is not required for a detached garage, car port, shed, greenhouse or other building provided that:
1. It is used for domestic purposes only.
2. It does not involve development for use as a dwelling.
3. The total ground area covered by the building/structure and any other buildings within the boundary of the curtilage of the house, excluding the original house, would not exceed 50% of the total area of the curtilage.
4. No part of the building/structure is in front of the principal or side elevation of the original house that faces on to a road.
5. The maximum height of the building/structure is 4 metres.
6. The maximum eaves height of the building/structure is 2.5 metres if it is within 2 metres of the boundary of the curtilage of the house.
7. No part of the building/structure is within 3.5 metres of the rear boundary of the curtilage of the house where it adjoins a road.
8. If your house is within Gracehill World Heritage Site, or the Antrim Coast and Glens Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the maximum total area of ground covered by buildings/structures situated more than 20 metres from any wall of the house does not exceed 10 square metres.
9. If you live in a house within a Conservation Area, Gracehill World Heritage Site, or the Antrim Coast and Glens Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the building/structure is not situated between the principal or side elevation of the house and the boundary of the curtilage of the house.
10. The building is not used for the keeping of pigeons.
Any building or structure which is attached to the house will be treated as an extension for which the rules in Section 1 will apply.
Planning permission is not required providing you comply with the rules for building an extension.
Note: Measurements should always be calculated using external measurements.
The creation or replacement of a hard surface for a vehicle
Planning permission is not normally required for the creation of a hard surface within the curtilage of your property if this is for purpose of parking a private vehicle and the hardstanding does not involve the construction or alteration of an access to a trunk or classified road or might cause an obstruction to other road users near a junction, bend or crest.
If the hard surface is to the front of your house and the surface area is greater than 5 square metres, it must be of porous or permeable materials or provision must be made to direct run-off water to a porous or permeable area within the curtilage of the house.
Porous surfaces such as pebbles or gravel allow water to drain through it while permeable surfaces may have materials such as paving slabs and tiles but provide gaps which help reduce the risks associated with inadequate rainwater drainage.
Access to a road
Planning permission is required unless the new access is to an unclassified road and is to serve permitted development which does not need planning permission.
Even where planning permission is not required, an application for consent to make or alter an access to a road must still be submitted to DfI Roads for approval.
If the work involves making a new access or altering an existing access to a trunk or classified road, planning permission will be needed for the access and the development.
If the development is within a site of archaeological interest or an area of special scientific interest planning permission is always required.
If in any doubt, check with the DfI Roads Northern Division office via telephone on 0300 200 7899 or via email at
If you live in a house which is a listed building, it is likely that you will need Listed Building Consent for any building operations.
If the development is within the curtilage of a listed building, you will need to submit a planning application for the work unless listed building consent has already been granted.
The Council’s Planning Department will be able to advise you.
Walls and Fences
Planning permission is not required provided that:
1. The wall or fence is not more than 2 metres in height anywhere on your property except where it lies adjacent to a road or footpath. In this case the height may not exceed 1 metre.
2. You do not live in an open plan or shared surface type of development. In such cases, always consult the Council’s Planning Department as there may be a condition attached to the planning permission for the development in which you live which affects your permitted development rights and may override this guidance.
Decking and Raised Platforms
Planning permission is not required provided that:
1. No part of the deck or raised platform is more than 0.3 metres above ground level.
2. The deck or raised platform is not in front of the principal or side elevation of the house that faces onto a road.
3. If you live in a house within a Conservation Area, no part of the deck or raised platform is situated between a wall forming the principal or side elevation and the property boundary.
Note: Any railing, balustrade etc. around a deck or raised platform may not be more than 2 metres from ground level.
If you live in a house which is a listed building, it is likely that you will need Listed Building Consent for any building operations.
If the development is within the curtilage of a listed building, you will need to submit a planning application for the work unless listed building consent has already been granted.
The Council’s Planning Department will be able to advise you.
General improvements and repairs to a house
Planning permission is generally not required for improvements and repairs unless the work involves a considerable change to the outside appearance of the house.
Internal alterations to a house
Planning permission is not required provided that the use as a house is not changed or subdivided into additional units.
Changing external windows or doors
Planning permission is not required provided you are using existing window and door openings.
This includes replacing a garage door with a window. You may, however, need permission to replace a flat window with a bay or bow window.
You should check with the Council’s Planning Department before starting work, especially if you live within a Conservation Area or in a Listed Building.
Painting the exterior of a house
Planning permission is not required provided that the painting is not for the purpose of advertisement, announcement or direction.
However, in the case of a Listed Building, Listed Building Consent will be required.
Cladding the outside of a house
Planning permission is required in a Conservation Area, Gracehill World Heritage Site, or the Antrim Coast and Glens Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
In other areas, planning permission is not required although the materials used should be of similar appearance to those used on the exterior of the existing house.
If you live in a house which is a listed building, it is likely that you will need Listed Building Consent for any building operations.
If the development is within the curtilage of a listed building, you will need to submit a planning application for the work unless listed building consent has already been granted.
The Council’s Planning Department will be able to advise you.
If you live in a Conservation Area, permission may be required. Special guidance is available from the Council’s Planning Department on the use of materials and other detailed design issues.
If you are planning repairs and maintenance to your home, you are encouraged to consult such guidance.