Local Development Plan 2030

Preferred Options Paper

POP image from the paper

What is the Preferred Options Paper and how does it fit into the Local Development Plan process?

The purpose of the Preferred Options Paper (POP) is to raise public awareness and promote engagement on some of the key strategic issues for development in our Borough.

In so doing, it will help to inform the first stage of the Local Development Plan (LDP) - the Plan Strategy.

Public consultation on the POP and supporting documents ran from 14 June 2017 to 6 September 2017, and these supporting documents were subject to the same consultation period.


Preferred Options Paper (POP) Public Consultation Report

Thank you to everyone who responded to our POP public consultation.  

A POP Public Consultation Report has now been prepared which provides an overview of the main findings of the public consultation exercise on the Council’s LDP Preferred Options Paper. 

It is not intended to be a comprehensive report on every comment received, but rather a summary of the key issues raised in the responses and the Council’s initial consideration of these.

The Council would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who contributed to the consultation exercise.

This Report will add to the emerging evidence base for the LDP and ensure the Council is in compliance with the LDP Regulations in taking account of any representations made in preparing the draft Plan Strategy. 

Preparation of this Report is also in line with a commitment made in our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).

Sustainability Appraisal

A Sustainability Appraisal (SA) is the approach used to promote sustainable development within the Local Development Plan by evaluating the social, environmental and economic effects of all aspects of the Plan throughout its preparation. 

The SA will incorporate a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to ensure high level protection of the environment and to integrate environmental considerations into the preparation of the LDP. 

Together, these processes will ensure that the preferred options outlined in the POP are the most appropriate and sustainable, having regard to the reasonable alternatives. 

The Sustainability Assessment Interim Report and Scoping Report are published in tandem with the POP.

A baseline Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) has also been prepared to accompany the SA Scoping Report.

 A HRA evaluates the impact of the LDP on Natura 2000 sites and Ramsar sites (these are areas designated and protected for their importance to nature conservation in a European context).

Rural proofing is the process by which all major policies and strategies are assessed to determine whether they have a differential impact on rural areas and, where appropriate, adjustments are made to take account of particular rural circumstances.

The SA Scoping Report considers the evidence base for the LDP from the rural perspective and the Interim Report considers how the assessment of various relevant issues in the POP has taken account of the rural dimension.


If you require a hard copy, please contact the Local Development Plan Team on T: 0300 200 7830 or E: planning@midandeastantrim.gov.uk.

Equality Impact Assessment

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) is the approach used in public policy to promote equality of opportunity and good relations between people in different groups as set out in Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.
